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Chapter 55 Another miracle

 After walking into his room, Snorri finally had time to review the benefits he had gained from manifesting miracles.

Seeing that it had exceeded three digits and had more than a thousand points of revival, Snorri lay on the bed and smiled from ear to ear.

Witnessing the miracles made almost all the dwarves present regain their faith in the ancestral gods, greatly improving public order and the satisfaction of the tribesmen.

Snorri believes that his revival will continue to grow as spectators return to their own settlements and spread what they see and hear at drinking tables and parties!

Torrent Pass is a large dwarf city with an extremely developed economy. It has a large population and due to its advanced technology, the residents here generally lack respect for the ancestors and gods.

If they can regain their faith, they will definitely gain a lot. Thinking of this, Snorri suddenly had the idea of ​​showing another miracle through the system, but he knew that he needed a suitable opportunity.

After closing his eyes and sleeping for a while, Snorri was awakened by a knock on the door. He quickly packed up and walked out of the room.

Under the leadership of two hammer guards, he went all the way down to the hall of Riptide Pass.

As Snorri entered the hall, the dwarves let out cheers one after another. With a simple glance, Snorri recognized that a large proportion of them were high-level officials who had witnessed the miracle in Mountain Lake Castle.

Carrying the aftertaste of the goddess's miracle and being the first rune master to visit Torrent Pass in the past thousand years, Snorri received a very high-level welcome.

Basically, all the prominent dwarves in Zhufuba are here, which is in sharp contrast to the banquet held in the Hongda Throne Room when he became the Rune Master, where about one-fifth of the seats were empty.

Snorri was arranged to sit on the left hand side of King Serendin. Next to him was Master Alberic Silverfinger. The two dwarves sitting opposite them wore complex monocles on their heads and bodies.

You can tell they are local engineering masters by the smell of engine oil.

Snorri briefly searched his memory, and it seemed that neither of the two dwarves accompanied the team to Mountain Lake Castle.

As the self-ringing bell struck seven times, King Serendin stood up. He first expressed his welcome to Snorri's visit, and then praised the mother goddess's grace.

Suddenly, Snorri noticed that the middle-aged engineering master sitting opposite him curled his lips, seeming to be a little disdainful.

"This is Brock Daminson, the president of the Engineers Guild. He..." Master Silverfinger also noticed this, and he quietly reminded Snorri, and it was obvious that his face did not look good.

"Your Majesty! If you summoned us here just to announce these things, then I'll excuse you!" Before Master Silverfinger could finish speaking, Bullock stood up and interrupted King Serendine's long speech.<


"My research on rockets is at a critical moment! There is no extra time to waste here." As he stood up, Snorri noticed that the engineering master had lost his left arm, and now his left hand was

A prosthetic limb with the luster of meteorite.

King Serendine's face became ugly, and the dwarf king's cheeks, which were already a bit out of temper, trembled.

On the one hand, this is because his speech was interrupted, and on the other hand, it is because he lost face in front of the respected choice of the goddess, the prince of the Eternal Peak.

"It seems that the conflicting relationship between clans and guilds is not unique to Eternal Peak!" Snorri thought to himself, and he felt that his opportunity was coming.

"Science is the only truth! If the ancestors and gods are really useful, why do we need flame cannons?" Bullock was still not finished, and continued to speak wildly.

At this time, the other dwarves in the hall refused to agree, especially the tribesmen who went to Shanhu Castle to witness the divine grace. They shouted loudly.

"Brock, you will be punished by the gods for disrespecting the ancestors and gods!"

"Mogrim is here! I lost a hand in the last accident, and I'm afraid it will be my head next time!"

"Having lost the protection of the Mother Goddess, he will wait for his soul to fall into the hands of Slaanesh!"

Listening to the accusations and even curses from his compatriots in the hall, Bullock's expression did not change at all. In his career, he faced such scenes not once or twice, but it was precisely by insisting on his own path every time that he became

Today’s Engineers Guild President.

The engineers in the hall also began to speak out. Not to be outdone, they shouted to support their president.

Seeing that the dispute in the hall was getting more and more intense, Snorri slowly stood up.

The dwarves who were not in the Engineers Guild became quiet when they saw this. They all wanted to see how Snorri, the goddess's choice, would scold the arrogant Brock Daminson.

Snorri adjusted his state and entered the expressionless magic stick mode. "Although not everyone knows how to be grateful, the merciful Mother Goddess loves every one of His children!"

Snorri spoke calmly while adjusting the system in his mind. He knew that one of the contents of Valaya's ritual was to make friendly units energetic.

Snorrilli was torn between spending 500 revival points to grant a permanent effect and consuming 100 revival points to grant a temporary effect.

I can’t bear to let my children trap the wolf. It would not be good if the effect disappears after a while and the faith that was finally established collapses!

After thinking about it, Snorri chose to permanently apply the energetic effect, and the target was Bullock who was talking nonsense.

Suddenly, the dwarves present noticed that Bullock's mouth was closed, and his body suddenly started to tremble.

Before the tribesmen could react, a green light bloomed from his body!

The hall instantly fell into unprecedented silence, and everyone was guessing what happened to Bullock.

After a while, Brock Daminson spoke tremblingly: "Ancestral goddess!" He shook his head and moved his hands and feet as he spoke.

"I feel like my whole body is full of power! It's like I'm back when I was just an adult!"

Bullock's eyes went straight and he fell down on his chair. His lips wriggled for a long time, but he still couldn't form fluent words and could only mutter randomly.

His unwavering faith in his life of more than two hundred years was destroyed by a miracle that directly affected him!

Seeing this scene, the dwarves in the hall cheered wildly, almost shaking the entire hall. The last time I was in Shanhu Castle, I only watched from a distance at the foot of the mountain, so I couldn't see clearly. This time, the impact of divine grace came directly to me.

Undoubtedly stronger.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the tribesmen, Snorri suddenly became aware of the high cost of this ceremony.

The core of the power of the gods is "impossible by humans". Any dwarf who has mastered the power of runes can clear the erosion of chaos. Miracles only speed up the process, so although the scope is large, the consumption is small.

Thanks to Yihu for rewarding monthly passes, Melbourne Knights, and monthly passes for three children and two children.

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