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Chapter 81 Rune Telegram

 "My friend, can the time they light up each time be controlled?" Snorri asked a key question.

"Yes, as long as the energy is sufficient, this rune, like other runes, can take effect until the object carrying it rusts." Kalad said firmly.

"If you're interested, I can give you a live demonstration." Callard said, watching the stew in the pot bubbling and seeing that it would be a while before it could be eaten.

As he spoke, he took out two square utensils with the luster of runes on them.

"This is some of my engineering achievements over the years. They can speed up charging and reduce energy loss, but they only have obvious effects on this rune."

Seeing that Snorri was very interested in the two bases, Kalad explained further. He handed one of them into Snorri's hands.

As Kalad injected energy, the runes in both men's hands lit up while Snorri did not move at all.

"Let me try too!" Snorri was very excited. He also injected energy into the base in his hand and watched the block in Kalad's hand glow. Snorri's excitement was palpable.

Then he tried to increase and decrease the energy injection time. The two squares shone at the same time, and the light shone on Snorri's face.

The surrounding tribesmen were surprised when they saw this scene and Snorri's wanton smile. In their opinion, this goddess's choice either received the oracle from the mother goddess, or accidentally ate something that made people sick.


"My friend, you are simply a genius!" Snorri tried to control it, but his voice was still trembling.

"I want the technology of this rune, please give me a price!" He said decisively.

The surrounding tribesmen frowned when they heard the sound, and the two cousins, Balin and Tommy, were even ready to give words of advice.

In their opinion, this wanderer of unknown origin might have deceived Snorri on his first trip in some way.

Seeing this, Snorri stretched out his hand to stop his henchman's movements. He stared at Kalad in front of him with bright eyes.

"Five, five thousand gold coins?" Kalad was a little embarrassed by what he saw. He was used to being cold-eyed by his tribe, and it was hard for him to accept Snorri's enthusiasm.

"Too little, too little!" Snorri shouted, slapping his hands on the floor.

Hearing this, the surrounding dwarves could no longer remain calm. Who would think it was cheap when buying something? This must be a reaction to the Crazy Mushroom.

"I'll pay you, one hundred oath gold!" Snorri's voice was quite loud, calming the clan members around him who were about to make a move.

"Granny on top!"

"Why did the ancestor goddess fall in love with such a prodigal?"

"There's definitely something wrong with this homeless man!"

The tribesmen shouted one after another. Those who sat close could hear the cause and effect clearly, while those who sat further away only heard Snorri's grand offer.

Seeing Snorri stand up and run towards the safe on the carriage, Captain Glenson and Balin couldn't sit still.

"Please think twice! The choice of your respected goddess!"

"Cousin, these pledge money are of great use!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Snorri said while tapping the pledge money.

"You don't know the function of this rune. In my opinion, it is much more important than the anvil of doomsday!" There were many people here, and Snorri didn't want to explain more. He used his prestige to suppress the objections.


Locking the remaining pledge money back into the safe, Snorri returned to Kalad with the pocket in his hand.

"Bring me two contract papers!" Snorri ordered to Cousin Tommy.

Soon, two sheepskins and a matching dip pen were placed between Snorri and Kalad. They were items used to write formal contracts in Dwarf language.

Contracts written by these things contain the wind of magic in every word, they cannot be changed, and they are almost immortal as long as they are properly preserved.

"Let's finalize the details!" Snorri said, looking at Kalad with the pledge money.

Kalad, who was born in the dwarf settlement of the Human Empire, had never seen such a large amount of treasures, and his eyes were straightened.

"I hope to buy out the seal carving method of this rune, as well as all possible profit channels based on it in the future. Do you accept a hundred oaths?" Snorri asked word by word.

Kalad nodded hurriedly. This rune, which had been ridiculed by many of his colleagues before, was not only recognized on this night in the wilderness, but was also purchased for a large sum of money. He was afraid that Snorri would calm down and regret it.


Tommy quickly drafted the terms of the contract. After a brief review, Snorri and Callard signed their full names on both contracts.

As the contract was concluded, both dwarves breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's your next plan?" Snorri made a bowl of hot soup, put the stone bread in, dipped it and nibbled it.

"Me? I plan to visit Jufuba to further improve my engineering skills. Since the Rune Road cannot continue, I have other ways to contribute to the mountains!" Kalad looked forward to the future with a bright face.

"Zhufuba? Then I can really help. I will write a letter of recommendation to President Bullock of the Engineers Guild later. He will like a creative tribesman like you." Snorri said.

"Valaya! This couldn't be more perfect!" Kalad, who was blessed with double happiness, called out.

The two of them discussed and decided that Kalad would first follow the convoy to the Horn Keep and teach Snorri how to carve the rune along the way. It would not be too late to go to Jufuba after he learned it.

The convoy next passed by two small dwarf settlements, both of which were established by separate clans. They maintained their daily lives by trading with the surrounding humans, mining underground mineral deposits, and farming themselves.

Some members of the clan joined the convoy, and they wanted to take this opportunity to go to the city to sell some products and buy supplies that the clan could not produce.

With only one day left to go from the Horn Keep, Snorri successfully mastered this rune with a simple structure but a very clever idea.

Kalad hired a carriage and two escorts from the fleet to go to Jufba. He was rich and needed a little extra protection.

Watching Kalad Stormwalker's back go away, Snorri murmured to himself: "Riptide Pass, it's really not that far. I hope you can bring me new surprises next time we meet!"

For the next day, Snorri sat on the saddle and kept writing and drawing in a small notebook. He was recalling a piece of technology in his previous life - the telegraph.

This was originally a tool that used the "on, off" and "long, short" of the current to represent text for information transmission. With Callard's technology, Snorri can now use the length of the glowing time instead.<


Thanks to 1997 Book Friends, He Renmo Xiangyuan, Yihu Monthly Ticket.

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