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Chapter 109

"Haha, Lao Huang, congratulations, Shao Hui doesn't have to retreat now." Lao Lin laughed.

"Yes, my Huang family has been in the army for generations, and has been loyal and loyal for generations, and no one has ever retreated from the battlefield, haha..."

"Brother, thank you very much. I, Huang Shaohui, will always remember your life-saving grace. From now on, you are my brother." Huang Shaohui laughed.

"Brother, you don't have to be so polite..."

After Huang Shaohui woke up and his legs could move freely, Nie Zhiping's face turned pale, and for a while he couldn't hear any sounds around him.

"This is impossible, this is impossible, this kind of paralysis requires high amputation, it is impossible..." he murmured.

The examination results clearly showed that due to complications, Huang Shaohui's legs had necrosis of the tibial nerves on both sides of his legs. There was no possibility of recovery. Even without amputation, he would probably have to lie in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

In just half a day, he actually had some feeling in his legs and could move slowly. This was far beyond his understanding.

He didn't believe that what was happening before him was a fact. He didn't believe that Chinese medicine, which he had always regarded as witchcraft and superstition, could actually cure diseases that could not be cured in the whole world. But the fact was the fact and there was no room for doubt in his mind.

"Xiaoye, how many more days of treatment will it take?" Huang Lao asked in ecstasy.

"If nothing unexpected happens, starting from tomorrow, my eldest brother can get out of bed with the help of crutches. The day after tomorrow, he can stand up completely. Of course, he will need some recuperation in the later period. It will take about half a year for him to fully recover." Ye Haoxuan said.


"Three days, this is impossible?" Nie Zhiping yelled crazily: "Even if you are a god, it is absolutely impossible for him to stand up on his own within three days..."

"Professor Nie, I will convince you with facts." Ye Haoxuan said coldly: "Don't forget our agreement..."

"If you can really cure him, I will apply internationally for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for you, and I will allow you to join the International Medical Association. You can become a member of the International Medical Association," Nie Zhiping said.

"I want to know what the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the International Medical Association are for." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Those are the things that every medical student dreams of. With them, your medical skills will be recognized internationally, and you will enjoy the highest honor." Nie Zhiping said with excitement, his face flushed.

"I'm sorry, I'm a doctor and a Chinese medicine practitioner. My duty is to treat illnesses and save people, not just for the Nobel Prize or the false reputation of a medical association. Besides, they don't need to affirm my medical skills because they don't

Understand Chinese medicine." Ye Haoxuan said.

It has to be said that Ye Haoxuan's words were so contagious that some aspiring doctors in the surrounding area couldn't help but write them down. Little did they know that in the near future, these words would become the basis for the entire Chinese medicine community and even the entire medical community.

A widely circulated motto.

My duty is to treat illnesses and save people, not just for some false reputation. They don’t need to affirm my medical skills. In the whole world, I am afraid that only Ye Haoxuan is the only one who can say such bold words about the Nobel Prize.

Most of the surrounding doctors were infected by his words and applauded in unison.

"If you can really get him to stand up within three days, I will agree to your request, and from now on, I will never practice medicine again for the rest of my life." Nie Zhiping shouted.

"Then you pack up now and prepare to leave the nursing home." Lin Yutong said disdainfully.

"Some people still can't see the facts clearly..."

"Yes, this young man is really a miracle doctor. I believe he will be able to cure Colonel Huang in three days."

"Some people are quite famous internationally, but I think they are just people seeking fame..."

The people who were standing behind Nie Guoping just now all rushed to Ye Haoxuan's side. It has to be said that sometimes people are so realistic.

Nie Guoping's mind went blank. Those who were making cold and sarcastic remarks about him were all scornful just now. Among them were his assistants and even students. He was famous in the world before and enjoyed honors that ordinary people could not enjoy.

However, at this time, the halo around him was slowly fading away, and all this was because of the Chinese medicine doctors he had always looked down on.

For a moment, he became disheartened, turned around and left slowly.

But at this time, all the doctors looked at Ye Haoxuan with fanatical eyes, and no one paid attention to his departure.

And Ye Haoxuan shouted: "Expert Nie? Don't forget our bet."

Nie Zhiping felt that the word "expert" sounded particularly harsh. He said nothing and quickly left the scene.

The next thing was much simpler. Ye Haoxuan prescribed two prescriptions for Huang Shaohui, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Then he was observing Huang Shaohui's condition. He did not go back that night, but called his mother to explain.

After a moment, he told her not to worry.

Fortunately, Huang Shaohui's physical condition was relatively good. Although he had just recovered from his serious illness, there were no abnormalities, so he waited until the next day.

The next morning, Ye Haoxuan changed the treatment plan. He first moxibustioned Huang Shao Huizhou up and down his body with thunder-fire moxibustion, and then used the Taiyi Divine Needle to clear his meridians and activate his qi and blood.

Unknowingly, the second day of treatment was over. In the afternoon, he gave Huang Shaohui another injection. When he pulled out the last needle, he smiled and said: "Brother, you might as well try to stand up."


"Really? Can I stand up now?" Huang Shaohui said excitedly.

"Okay, you can try it." Ye Haoxuan smiled.

At this time, Jiang Bing had already prepared a pair of crutches. Huang Shaohui held on to the crutches with some excitement, then used both crutches to support the ground. With Jiang Bing's help, he slowly stood up.

At first, Huang Shaohui's expression contained surprise, worry, and fear. Although he trusted Ye Haoxuan's medical skills, he was still afraid that all this was too unrealistic. In the end, he was in tears. This iron-blooded man finally stood up for the second time.

Woke up.

As Ye Haoxuan said before, Huang Shaohui could stand up the next day. The Huang family was extremely grateful to Ye Haoxuan.

"If nothing happens, tomorrow I can walk slowly without crutches." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Brother, whatever you say is what it is, haha, I have never convinced anyone in my life, but I am convinced today." Huang Shaohui laughed.

Ye Haoxuan pondered for a moment, although Huang Shaohui could be able to walk tomorrow, after all, he was too sick before and was weak, so his recovery was slow. He had to find a way to recover his body functions quickly.

An idea flashed in his mind, and he remembered that he had accidentally obtained the century-old ginseng before. He almost forgot about it after returning to Qingyuan, and it was probably still thrown in the trunk of the car.

This chapter has been completed!
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