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Chapter 110 Centennial Ginseng

Immediately he said: "Mr. Huang, sister-in-law, I suddenly remembered that there is a medicine at home that can help people recover their body functions quickly. I will go back and get it right now."

"What is it? I'll send someone to your house to get it..." Mr. Huang said.

"No need, this thing has spirituality and most people can't get close to it." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

Ye Hao

The effect will be greatly reduced.

"Then I'll send someone to take you back." Huang Lao said.

When I came here, I took a ride from Miss Lin. Ye Haoxuan didn't drive, so he agreed to Mr. Huang's arrangement.

Mr. Huang's guards sent Ye Haoxuan to the door of his house. When he got home, it was already after eight o'clock in the evening. However, the sky was relatively dark in summer, so it seemed that the sky was only slightly dark.

Opening the door of the villa, mother Liu Yun was still waiting for Ye Haoxuan to come back. She immediately went to the kitchen to heat up some hot food for Ye Haoxuan. Without saying a word, a few side dishes and a bowl of rice were placed on the table.

Ye Haoxuan felt warm in his heart and wolfed down the food cooked by his mother.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Liu Yun looked at her son lovingly and said.

"It can't be slow. Mom's cooking is so delicious. Otherwise, the clinic won't be opened. Mom will cook for me at home." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"That's not possible, I'm not that old yet." Liu Yun rolled her eyes at her son and said with a smile.

After dinner, Hua Lao called and said that he would go to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for a consultation tomorrow morning. If Ye Haoxuan had nothing to do tomorrow morning, he could take his mother to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to finalize the apprenticeship.

Ye Haoxuan got up early the next day. His mother had already prepared breakfast. After eating early, he drove his mother in the direction of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

On the way, the cell phone rang, but it was Lin Yutong's call, and Ye Haoxuan answered the call immediately.

"Where are you now?" Lin Yutong asked on the phone.

"Go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital and then go to the nursing home to treat Shao Hui." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Can it be cured today?" Lin Yutong clearly showed disbelief.

"Don't believe it? Then go and have a look." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Well, there is a Shandong snack shop next to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. It's quite famous. I'm not far from there. Come and find me there after you finish your work." Lin Yutong said and hung up the phone.

The century-old ginseng plant is still in the trunk of the car. It just needs to be taken to the nursing home for a little processing.

When he arrived at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, it was already past seven o'clock, and Ye Haoxuan went directly to Hua Lao's consultation area.

In fact, Mr. Hua can only be regarded as half a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, but he is not famous. If a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner wants to take the medical qualification certificate, he must either go to further studies or become an apprentice, and it is best to have Mr. Hua as his apprentice.


Of course, the premise is that Liu Yun has excellent medical skills.

When they arrived at the clinic, Mr. Hua and his mother introduced each other. Mr. Hua nodded and said, "Xiaoye, don't worry about this. I can help with the apprenticeship, but I guess I won't be able to help with the exam for the medical qualification certificate.


"Don't worry, Mr. Hua, my mother's medical skills are absolutely reliable." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

Hua Lao nodded, and at this time, more and more people were seeing doctors. Hua Lao's expert number was already full. At this time, patients came to the clinic one after another to see the doctor.

Mr. Hua pointed at the first patient and said, "Look at this patient's condition."

The first patient was a girl about 17 years old, who came to Mr. Hua’s consultation table accompanied by her parents.

Liu Yun sat on a chair, stretched out her hand and put it on the girl's pulse. After a while, she already had a good idea, and then asked about the girl's condition.

The girl's parents came here because of Hua Lao's name. Although they were a little worried about being treated by Liu Yun, Hua Lao recommended her without saying anything.

The mother said: "My daughter has been suffering from blurred vision and memory loss since a year ago. She often suffers from spontaneous trances, as if she is dozing off. She has looked at many places but has not seen any improvement."

Liu Yun nodded and said, "How long does the trance last?"

The mother thought for a moment and said, "About three to five minutes."

Liu Yun said: "Do you still often have hot hands, feet, and heart, constipation, and a red tongue with less coating?"

After listening to Liu Yun's words, the mother nodded quickly and said, "Yes, this has happened before. I don't know what happened."

"According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is mild epilepsy, but not serious. In addition, the liver and kidney yin are deficient. I can just prescribe a prescription and take the last few meals." As she spoke, Liu Yun took the paper and pen and wrote down a prescription.

, first hand it over to Mr. Hua for review.

Hua Lao took the prescription and looked at it, then nodded, handed it to the child's parents and said, "Just use this prescription to get the medicine."

"Mr. Hua...don't you take a look?" the girl's mother said worriedly.

Mr. Hua smiled and said: "Don't worry, this prescription is the best for this disease. This is a typical case of liver and kidney yin deficiency, yin does not restrain yang, deficiency fire arises internally, wind and yang rise, disturbing the Qingqiao gods. This prescription

It nourishes the liver and kidneys, invigorates yang and calms the nerves. Zuogui Pills are the best treatment."

The parents felt relieved, embarrassedly thanked Liu Yun, and then took the prescriptions with their children to get medicine.

Mr. Hua smiled and said: "Xiaoye, your mother's medical skills are really good. She is much better than my old man in syndrome differentiation and treatment. I have to worship her as my teacher."

Liu Yun said with a smile: "Mr. Hua is joking, I just learned some superficial medical skills from my father, and I can't get into the elegant hall."

Mr. Hua waved his hand and said, "I'm being humble. You are quite qualified as a doctor in terms of Chinese medicine treatment alone. Let's do this. I will help you with the exam in a few days. You will be fine after a few days."

Liu Yun nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hua."

With nothing to do, Liu Yun simply sat in the consultation room with Mr. Hua for consultation. She had a lot of insights into diseases in traditional Chinese medicine, and she often hit the nail on the head and had unique insights.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Haoxuan was worried about Huang Shaohui's condition. He immediately complained to Mr. Hua and left in a hurry. When he left the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, he still hesitated to go see Tang Bing.

But time is too tight, so I just do it and will talk about it next time.

Ye Haoxuan left in a hurry, but he didn't know that a pair of beautiful eyes behind him looked at his leaving back in surprise.

The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine has a lot of traffic, so there are the most restaurants and snacks everywhere, and a Shandong snack bar in this area is the most famous.

The snacks in this Shandong snack bar are unique, including Qingdao Dabao, Gangzi Tou, etc.

Especially the Chaotian pot, Chaotian pot. It got its name because people eat around the Chaotian pot.

This chapter has been completed!
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