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Chapter 209 The dog can't spit out ivory

"Your dad is the city's top leader. If I don't call you secretary, why should I call you dad?" Ye Haoxuan said with a malicious smile.

"Ivory cannot come out of a dog's mouth..." Lin Yutong glanced at Ye Haoxuan.

"Haha, Miss Lin, thank you for your concern. I'm not angry. Since some people rely on their status, they always think that there is nothing in the world that they can't do. They always think that money can solve everything. If they do something wrong, they don't even want to say an apology.

, Since they don't know how to respect others, I want them to know today what it means to respect others." Ye Haoxuan said coldly.

"I also think that the rich people from their wealthy families are very arrogant. Fortunately, my grandfather is enlightened and did not find me a wealthy family like others. I would rather find someone like you." Lin Yutong blurted out.

But as soon as the words came out of her mouth, her face suddenly turned red, and she felt so ashamed. What kind of words were they talking about?

"Miss Lin, you might as well marry me." Sure enough, Ye Haoxuan never missed an opportunity to tease her.

"Don't be so slutty, I'll go back first." Lin Yutong's face was hot. She was too embarrassed to stay in front of Ye Haoxuan, so she turned around and drove away.

Looking at Lin Yutong leaving in a hurry, Ye Haoxuan shook his head helplessly. He must have owed too much love debt.

On Wednesday, in the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ye Haoxuan came to Tang Xian to give a report just like last time.

"Xiaoye, the situation today is a bit special." Tang Xian put down the phone and his expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong, Principal Tang?" Ye Haoxuan asked strangely.

"A few days ago, the president of a medical association from China organized a group to come to Qingyuan Medical University for exchanges. You know this," Tang Xian said.

"Of course I know this." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

They were here for Ye Haoxuan, of course he would know. Unfortunately, instead of becoming famous this time, the Medical University lost its reputation. Even the president and vice president were kicked off, saying there was a problem with their style.

"They are here just for you. I heard that you cured the disease of a young master from a big family abroad?" Tang Xian said in surprise.

"That's what happened. His name was Pierre. He had nerve necrosis in his legs and was facing amputation. I cured him." Ye Haoxuan said calmly, as if he was talking about something trivial.

Tang Xian was surprised: "Use Chinese medicine?"

"Pure Chinese medicine." Ye Haoxuan said firmly.

"Haha, no wonder these foreigners, who have always had their nostrils turned upward and disdain traditional Chinese medicine, came to join us this time." Tang Xian laughed.

"How do they plan to communicate?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"At first they thought you were at the Medical University, but later they learned that you were no longer here, so they came here specifically to listen to your lectures. But don't put any psychological pressure on you," Tang Xian said.

"Don't worry, those people are not monsters, nor can they eat people." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"It's a pity that this time it came too suddenly and I was not properly prepared. Otherwise, Chinese medicine would have become more popular in the future." Tang Xian said regretfully.

This time, he had just received the news from the Health Bureau. He did not have time to invite the media, and there was not even a welcome ceremony. The media could only conduct some follow-up reports. Although it was effective, the effect was definitely not as good as on-the-spot reporting.

"Real gold is not afraid of fire. Thousands of years of inheritance must have the truth of its existence." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Haha, I'm persistent, go ahead, those people are coming soon." Tang Xian laughed.

When Ye Haoxuan came to the last big classroom, he was still shocked by the scene in front of him. He saw that the huge electronic classroom was full of students, and there were even students sitting there with small benches in the corridor.

Seeing Ye Haoxuan's arrival, a burst of thunderous applause erupted from the entire classroom, and the students who had attended Ye Haoxuan's class cheered with all their might.

Ye Haoxuan pressed his hands down to signal the students to quiet down.

He smiled slightly and said: "I feel very happy to see that everyone loves Chinese medicine so much. I believe that with you, Chinese medicine will be able to spread in the near future and then go to the world."

"Teacher Ye, we believe in your medical skills and that you can teach us Chinese medicine well," a student suddenly said.

"Yes, we believe you will teach our Chinese medicine well."

The students are very enthusiastic about learning, for no other reason than because Ye Haoxuan's previous Zhu Youshu has been widely spread in the school, and his ability to see a doctor without checking the pulse is astounding.

"Let's start class next." Ye Haoxuan got back to business.

At this time, the classroom door opened, and Tang Xian walked in. Behind him was a hot foreign woman, and behind him were some foreigners in their forties or fifties.

This is Ellie and her exchange group, but this time she is not accompanied by Dongfang Chen, because Ellie feels that Qingyuan Medical University was too formal last time. If there are official people present, there will definitely be a lot of people who are not present.

As for nutrition, such a waste of time is inconsistent with their original intention.

So this time they came to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine quietly and contacted the authorities when they were almost at school. The Ministry of Health called Tang Xian urgently, so that Tang Xian was not prepared at all.

"Excuse me, this is Miss Ellie, the president of the Medical Association, and her team of experts. They came here specifically to listen to Dr. Ye's lecture. Everyone applauded..."

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of applause in the classroom, and the students whispered to each other and talked about it.

Everyone who studies medicine knows where the Medical Association is. It is the temple of medicine and there are representatives of the world's medical skills. Most of the famous people in the medical field are members of the Medical Association.

But today, the president of the association, which has always represented the highest level of medical skills in the world, actually came here in person to listen to Ye Haoxuan's class, which shocked the students present.

"Did you see that these people are here for Teacher Ye?"

"Teacher Ye is so amazing, even people from the Medical Association came..."

"Ah, that president is so hot, the goddess in my heart..."

"Your goddess? Isn't she Ozawa..."

Seeing that the classroom was full and there was no empty seat, Tang Xian wanted several classmates to give up their seats to these foreigners, but Ellie refused. She thought that Ye Haoxuan could stand while giving lectures, so why couldn't they stand and listen to the lectures?

It's just that the foreigners behind her didn't look too good. They thought they were celebrities in the medical field from various countries, and they were not worshiping like Bodhisattvas wherever they went. This time, they were asked to stand and listen to the lecture, which made them feel a little confused.

It's just that the president is standing, so it's hard for them to say anything.

Ye Haoxuan nodded to Ellie, then turned on the projector and projected the prepared information on the big screen.

This chapter has been completed!
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