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Chapter 210 Soup Song

"What we are going to talk about today is Tangtou Song. The Tangtou Song contains hundreds of common prescriptions, and some of the prescriptions are described in the form of songs in an easy-to-understand way." Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly and opened a slide.

On a picture with a background of traditional Chinese medicine, the content of the soup song is written.

"Cinnamon twigs, almonds and licorice are used in the ephedra decoction. It is suitable to be taken if there is aversion to heat, cold, headache, and shortness of breath without sweating."

"This dose of decoction is called Mahuang Decoction. This prescription is often used for colds, influenza, acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other symptoms of wind-cold symptoms." Ye Haoxuan casually explained some of the main treatments and functions of Mahuang Decoction.

Then he described his pulse condition and pharmacology in detail.

However, there are many types of ephedra soup. The lecture lasted more than ten minutes. After the lecture on ephedra soup, someone raised their hand to ask questions.

There were just too many people raising their hands, and Feng Jingchen couldn't answer them all, so he had to point to a classmate at random.

"Teacher Ye, it seems that the things you mentioned are only for treating minor illnesses, and the medicinal materials used are mediocre. Can this ephedra soup be replaced with some expensive medicinal materials?" the boy asked.

"The medicine is not expensive, but it is symptomatic." Ye Haoxuan explained patiently, "If your real fire is rising, I will give you ginseng. It is expensive enough, but in this way your disease will not get better, but will become more and more serious."


"The use of traditional Chinese medicine requires compliance. Every injection and medicine are very particular. Although they can be used flexibly, sometimes the innovative effects may not be as effective as the old-fashioned prescriptions."

The student who asked the question nodded and then sat down.

"Dr. Ye, can I ask a question?" Ellie asked suddenly.

"Of course." Ye Haoxuan said with a slight smile.

"I know a little bit about Chinese medicine, but most Chinese medicine has a slow effect and cannot be used for first aid. I would like to ask if this is correct?" Ellie asked.

As soon as Aili finished speaking, the eyes of hundreds of students in the audience were fixed on Ye Haoxuan's face, expecting him to give everyone a satisfactory answer. In fact, in their hearts, Chinese medicine cannot be used for first aid, but let this foreigner

When Dayangma asked, everyone still hoped that Ye Haoxuan could say something to refute her.

"This statement is incorrect."

The students present visibly breathed a sigh of relief, and Ye Haoxuan's words made them feel much better.

"The first aid effect of ancient Chinese medicine is quite good. For example, for arterial wounds, acupuncture can be used to stop bleeding..."

Before Ye Haoxuan finished speaking, a fat foreigner behind Ellie shouted: "You lied, I know a little about acupuncture, Chinese medicine cannot be used to stop bleeding at all."

For a moment, the eyes of all the students were fixed on the foreigner. If they were not concerned about their role in the exchange group, they would probably drown him with a mouthful of saliva. They looked forward to Ye Haoxuan, hoping to get him to come up with something.

The magical acupuncture method gave this foreigner a hard slap in the face.

"Do you know acupuncture?" Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Yes, I have an acupuncturist's qualification certificate in the Magnesium Country."

The foreigner who spoke was called Wilson, and he was indeed an acupuncturist.

In fact, acupuncture was once very popular in China. A young journalist who was traveling with the group suffered from appendicitis in China and was admitted to Beijing Hospital.

When the Chinese doctor performed the appendectomy, he did not use anesthetics but used acupuncture analgesia. The operation was very successful. After returning to the United States, the reporter published an article in a newspaper and introduced his personal experience.

Initiated the acupuncture craze in the United States.

It's just that the acupuncture they learned only learned its form, not its spirit. Wilson is an acupuncturist. In fact, acupuncture is not used in many places in reality. As for the brilliant technique of acupuncture to stop bleeding, he has not heard of it.

heard about it.

"That's because you're not good at studying." Ye Haoxuan said slightly.

The students laughed loudly and felt very happy, thinking that Teacher Ye was so awesome that he slapped this arrogant foreigner in front of him.

"You..." Wilson was shaking with anger. He was a famous acupuncturist in the Magnesium Country.

Unexpectedly, a twenty-year-old young man would dare to question his own words.

"If there is an injured person with a ruptured artery at the scene, I can demonstrate it to you on the spot." Ye Haoxuan said calmly.

"Teacher Ye, let me give it a try." A tall student came up. It was the same student who cut the back of his hand with a fruit knife last time and was cured by Ye Haoxuan using Zhu Youshu.

"No, arteries are vital parts of the human body. Even if they are cured, the blood flowing will cause great damage to you. It's unnecessary." Ye Haoxuan said expertly.

"Teacher Ye, I can trust you..."

"Yes, Teacher Ye, we trust you."

"How about I demonstrate?"

"Use mine, I'm thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so I'm not afraid..."

Ye Haoxuan pressed his hand and signaled the students to quiet down. He smiled slightly and said, "Life is not a child's play. I understand everyone's mood, but it is really unnecessary."

"We are discussing whether TCM can be used in emergency situations, and we are not necessarily focusing on whether it can stop bleeding," said Ye Haoxuan.

At this time, a boy in the corridor suddenly let out a scream, fell to the ground and twitched non-stop, foaming at the mouth.

Several classmates around him exclaimed and hurriedly helped him up.

"Let him lie flat on the ground and don't move." Ye Haoxuan shouted and strode over.

Ellie and more than a dozen foreigners also gathered around, and the students on one side quickly made way for an open space.

"It's epilepsy. You need to be sent to the hospital immediately..." a foreigner said in half-baked Chinese.

"No...it's not epilepsy." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said.

"How is this not epilepsy? Look at him frothing at the mouth and convulsing all over. This is not epilepsy. He is going to the hospital immediately to draw blood and do a brain CT scan, and then..." Wilson yelled.

"If you had continued this series of examinations, the patient would have been half-disabled long ago." The students on one side muttered in a low voice.

"I told you, this is not epilepsy." Ye Haoxuan said as he took out the needle bag, then took out a few silver needles, and started acupuncture for the student.

"Are you crazy? Can your acupuncture cure epilepsy? If we delay any longer, this classmate's life will be in danger." Another foreigner behind him yelled.

"I told you, this is not epilepsy." Ye Haoxuan said and started to use the needle.

"Your arrogance will hurt her, Ye, you are a doctor, you must be responsible for your actions." Ellie's expression changed on the side, and she was about to snatch the silver needle from Ye Haoxuan's hand.

Ye Haoxuan raised his hand and took away the silver needle in his hand. He frowned and said, "Of course I will take responsibility for my actions. This classmate is in a very serious condition now. Please don't disturb me from treating him."

"I heard that you cured Pierre's disease. I thought you were a skilled doctor, but now it seems that you are not at all." Ellie said loudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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