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"I will accept you as my disciple and teach you the Dharma. After my death, you can inherit my Dharma nature and become a 'Buddha on Earth'.

You should offer everything you have to me, whether it is money, food, wife, or children, and serve me wholeheartedly.

But how come you, a disciple, are so unruly?

Not to mention being on an equal footing with the master, but also providing him with a good horse to ride on?" Jinglian was riding on the horse, talking to Su Wu with a gloomy face.

Su Wu was riding a white horse that was nearly two feet taller than Jinglian's mount. His black monk's robes were blowing in the wind. This tall, handsome monk riding a white horse attracted more attention than Jinglian.

He looked sideways at Jing Lian, who was driving the horse slowly beside him, and said with a smile: "Your honorable master has never taught me the Dharma, and it is even more nonsense to say that I will inherit the Dharma after death.

Although I worship you as your respected master, there is actually no real master-disciple relationship between you and me. In my heart, I cannot respect you as much as I respect my biological parents. Naturally, I will not leave good things to you if I respect you. It is even more impossible to offer everything I have to you."

Ordinary monks who say such words to their 'guru' would have been killed by the guru's curse.

But the current situation between Su Wu and Jinglian is a bit tricky.

Jinglian's consciousness may not come back to life again - even if it doesn't, Su Wu can't help him, and Jinglian can't even think of killing him - the two form a delicate balance under such circumstances. , Jinglian now has the intention to curse this traitor to death, but there is nothing she can do.

“Not respecting the guru is like abandoning the Buddha and practicing alone, and is a heretic.

You will fall into the Vajra Hell and never be liberated forever." Jinglian said to Su Wu in a deep voice.

Su Wu blinked: "Isn't it possible that your respected master doesn't have a guru?

Can a revered master give everything he has, including his wife, property and food, to his guru?"

"..." Jinglian said nothing.

"Look, you've never done this either.

Have you ever fallen into the Vajra Hell?" Su Wu asked with a smile.

At this time, Jinglian looked at him and said in a faint tone: "Although I have lost my memory of the past, I still feel a deep throbbing and pain hidden deep in my heart. The pain I have endured again and again is no longer as good as mine. In the Vajra Hell.”

At this moment, Su Wu was speechless again.

He also knew exactly what the other party said was the suffering that was more painful than falling into the Vajra Hell.

If you think about it carefully, if Su Wu was treated like this by Jinglian, he would feel deep pain in his heart.

Jinglian turned back, looked up at the sun on the zenith, pointed at the sun in the sky and Su Wu and said: "At this time tomorrow, I will come to perform the 'Vajra Bodhi Lotus Initiation' for you. The initiation ritual is over. Wait for me After death, you will be able to inherit my dharma nature and realize the Buddhahood on earth."

Su Wu nodded when he heard this and said nothing.

The initiation ritual is a kind of secret ritual between master and disciple. It can completely transfer the power of the guru to the disciple, or transfer it to the disciple after triggering a certain condition. It is also a kind of all-round restraint on the disciple. , those who accept the initiation and secret rituals will inevitably be controlled by the guru for eternity.

Has Jinglian really lost her mind to hate herself? Or is she pretending to be crazy? Su Wu doesn't know yet.

However, even if the other party can use the secret initiation method against him, he can also use the initiation method to counterattack.

Everyone empowers each other and restrains each other, which is equivalent to no restraint on each other.

The sky is gradually fading.

Darkness is about to cover the earth.

Danzeng carried a large sword with a ring head on his back, and hung on his waist the 'Big Red Lotus Tibetan Treasure' left for him by Su Wu. He led Lamu and parted ways with the gray-clothed monks at a fork in the road.

"for you."

"Save it for the road."

"The Buddha did not seek to harm our lives and allowed us to return home. We are grateful to him, so we are willing to share some food with you.

After all, you are his friends."

The monks in gray clothes took out several bags of tsampa fried noodles, some dried meat, and some scattered silver particles, and handed them to Tenzin.

"Thank you, thank you brothers." Tenzin took the food and property and waved goodbye to the gray-robed monks, "Heihei Temple is gone. You have to think carefully about how to deal with the Kashag's interrogation when you return home."

"Okay, let's go!"

"Hope you are safe!"

The gray-clothed monks waved their hands and took another fork in the road.

Their figures were gradually swallowed up by darkness.

Tenzin tied several bags of tsampa in small bags into a string with ropes and carried them on his back. Ram packed the small bag of dried meat and silver particles together and followed Tenzin forward.

They walked along the straight road - they left Chawang Village and didn't know where to go now. They just wanted to go somewhere far away from Chawang Village and away from Heihei Temple.

The home of those gray-clothed monks was near Heihei Temple. Naturally, Tenzin could not stay with them all the time and could only part ways with them halfway.

The couple walked on the darkening land.

The mountains are faint in the distance.

There are thick bushes and luxuriant grass nearby.

Ram followed her husband, listening to the cries of crows that occasionally sounded from all around, with a very nervous expression on his face.

She quickened her pace slightly, got closer to her husband, and spoke in a low voice to relieve the tension in her heart: "Su--Su Wu said that Lunzhu is waiting for us somewhere on our way.

If we just keep going like this, can we find our Lun Zhu?"

"He said that, so he can't be wrong." Tenzin nodded. He thought for a while, then grabbed the big red lotus womb at his waist, held it in his arms, and said to Ram, "Such a good knife.

, even the Buddhist instruments can be cut in two.

Su Wu left such a good knife to me and asked me to protect my Lun Zhu, and he did so, so what he said must be right."

Ram looked at the exquisite and elegant long knife with a scabbard in Tenzin's arms, and nodded, believing her husband's words.

Tenzin raised his head to look at the getting lower and lower sky, and said to his wife in a deep voice: "We have to find a place to live quickly. It's not safe to travel at night.

I'm tired after a day of walking and want to eat something."

"We are not familiar with the roads here either.

I wonder if there is a place where I can live without the bosses coming to ask for money." Ram said worriedly.

Tenzin smiled, his eyes flashing: "We don't need to be afraid of the leader.

The leader should be afraid of us."

Ram opened his mouth and felt that his husband was a little different from before.

She actually likes her husband now more than before.

The sun gradually dropped below the horizon, and the earth fell into complete darkness.

The temperature gradually drops.

Tenzin and Ram put on their tattered clothes and supported each other as they marched, but they could not withstand the cold night.

Fortunately, when they were shivering from the cold, they finally found a wild temple on the side of the road.

The two of them carefully walked into the temple, checked, and after confirming that the temple was uninhabited, Ram piled up the abandoned firewood in the temple and lit a fire. Tenzin went out of the temple with the knife in his arms.

I picked up some dead firewood around the small temple, tied some flexible shrub branches into several bundles, and carried them into the temple.

After that, Ram boiled a pot of hot water, boiled the tsampa, and kneaded it into several large balls.

Danzeng used several bundles of firewood, scattered wood chips and stones to block the leaky temple wall, erected the collapsed door panels, and sealed the temple door.

The couple sat around the fire, drank "broth" made by boiling some dried meat, and ate tsampa, finally feeling a little alive.

Exhaling a long stream of white breath, Tenzin put down the iron pot and said to Ram: "This kind of life is really good."

"That's great, you can still eat meat." Ram smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into slits.

Seeing the smile on her face, Tenzin also laughed a few times.

Ram lowered his head and looked at the oily flowers in the bowl, but his smile gradually faded: "I just don't know where our Lun Zhu is, can we still find it?"

"I can find it, I can find it!

It will be fine, don't worry!" Tenzin comforted his wife.

He leaned closer to the door panel and looked out through the crack.

It was dark outside, and gusts of low wind swept across the ground, causing the bushes and grass to tremble and make a swishing, swishing sound.

Tenzin ordered some firewood to be added to the fire, and he hugged his wife and lay down on the thatch pile nearby.

After working hard with him all day, his wife finally got a break and soon fell asleep beside him. Waves of slow and rapid breathing sounded beside him. He closed his eyes and listened to the gradual sound outside.

With the fierce wind blowing, thinking about his own Lunzhu, he gradually began to feel sleepy.

However, when he was drifting off to sleep, the sound of wind outside suddenly became intense.

It sounded like someone was shouting with a high-pitched voice!

The wind is blowing!

After adding several bundles of firewood that blocked the hole in the wall, the stones were blown away by the wind!

The two door panels were suddenly lifted open by the strong wind blowing from outside, and the door panels hit the wall opposite the door and broke into pieces!

The bonfire on the ground was scattering sparks all over the ground!

Ram suddenly woke up!

Tenzin pulled her up and immediately took out the big red lotus from his waist. He gave his wife a reassuring look, turned back, walked slowly to the temple entrance, and looked outside.

It was dark outside the door.

It was dark outside the hole in the wall.

Only the strong wind shakes the heaven and the earth.

Weeds and dead trees were swept up into the sky, and then fell in all directions.

The sky is mighty and the wind is fierce!

A gust of wind blew away, blowing away all the heat from Tenzin and Ram!

In the deep darkness swept by the wind, pairs of red or green eyes emerged from the darkness.

The 'eye' gradually approaches the ruined temple.

Giant beasts that looked like mountains, houses, or lions and tigers surrounded the ruined temple on three and three floors!

Tenzin looked at the majestic beast with a dog-like head, his heart beat wildly and his face turned pale!

Ram's lips trembled and he was speechless!

At this time, the group of giant dog-headed beasts facing the temple gate slowly separated to both sides.

A giant beast with the head of a dog that was covered in snow-white body and looked like a liger came slowly from the separated group of beasts. It had precise steps, elegant posture, and a square body. On its back, it carried a black cloth bag.

The snow-white giant beast walked up to Tenzin, roared, slowly crawled down, removed the black cloth bag from its back, then turned around, leading the beasts slowly back into the darkness.

The mighty wind gradually subsided.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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