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865, nature is inherently evil (1/2)

The beasts walked into the darkness and disappeared.

The strong wind blowing between heaven and earth gradually became silent.

Tenzin held the great red lotus womb in his hand and looked at his wife Ram.

Both of them could see the confusion in each other's eyes.

The two then moved their eyes away and looked at the bulging black cloth bag that was as tall as half a person and was carried by the snow-white giant beast. Tenzin hesitated for a while and handed the big red lotus womb to his wife.

He said: "After a while, if you see something wrong, you can chop him with a knife."

Ram took the long knife and nodded hesitantly.

Taking a deep breath, Tenzin walked to the black cloth bag and untied the straps on the black cloth bag.

As the straps were gradually torn apart, bursts of the moist and cold smell of the lake and river water slowly overflowed. Tenzin opened the black cloth bag and took off one layer of the black cloth bag, revealing a mountain of rice inside.


The crystal clear cooked rice is piled in a black cloth bag.

Drops of colorless water seeped out from the cooked rice grains and slid down the 'rice mountain'.

Tenzin accidentally touched a drop of water seeping out from the mountain of ripe rice, and the biting coldness eroded into the flesh and bone marrow of his fingers, causing his entire fingers to quickly turn pale and lose all feeling.

His finger that touched the water droplets had been frozen off and completely necrotic!

"Don't, don't touch this thing!" Tenzin was so frightened that he took two steps back, reminding his wife behind him. Through the crystal clear rice mountain, he could vaguely see a figure that was paler than the rice mountain inside.

Sitting cross-legged.

Looking at the "people" in the rice mountain, Tenzin hesitated for a while, followed some intuition in his heart, took the big red lotus womb from his wife, then approached the rice mountain, and pierced the surface of the rice mountain with the big red lotus womb.

Gradually cut a crack in the layer of cooked rice.

The crystal-clear, seemingly ripe grains of rice were cut by a sharp weapon like the Dahonglian Feizang, but it made Tenzin feel as hard as cutting through solid ice with a knife.

But when the blade of the Dahonglian womb comes into contact with the clumped rice grains, it can cause the cracks in the layer of cooked rice to crack downwards.

——Tenzin's body is too weak to control this magical weapon.

The layer of cooked rice slowly cracks, making a sound like ice breaking.

The surrounding air seeped into the cooked rice layer along the cracks. From the cooked rice layer, there were also bursts of cold and strange sounds floating out, exchanging with the inflowing air.

The strange rhyme floating out of the crack was blocked by the Great Red Lotus Embryo and did not cause any damage to Tenzin.

The entire 'Mishan' completely collapsed.

The figure of a woman four to five feet tall was revealed in the gradually expanding cracks in the rice layer.

The woman's eyebrows looked very hazy in the cold and strange charm. Tenzin couldn't see clearly what she looked like, but he felt that 'she' was extremely familiar.

He held the big red lotus womb in his hand, took a few steps back, and tried to call the woman under the rice layer——

A pair of hazy eyes slowly opened from the mist frozen by the indigo charm. Those eyes looked at Tenzin and Ram outside the ice. The hazy yellow color in the eyes gradually faded——

Click! Click! Click!

The rice layer shattered and scattered.

The woman with frosty skin walked out from the rice husks on the ground.

Her whole body was wrapped in a layer of indigo mist, her eyebrows were deep and her facial features were three-dimensional.

Those black and white eyes looked at Tenzin.

Tenzin opened his mouth and looked at the girl who was about fifteen or sixteen years old. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You, are you Lunzhu?" Ram stood behind Tenzin and looked at the girl who was taller than her. Although her mind was full of doubts, she could still tell who she was from the traces between the girl's eyebrows.

The shadow of Lunzhu.


The girl nodded and looked up behind them.

She stepped towards Tenzin and passed by Tenzin——

The Great Red Lotus Embryo in Tenzin's hand has been picked off by her - a scarlet sword light cut through the darkness behind the couple. In the churning darkness, a bloody and strange figure was divided into two halves and dissipated.

Between heaven and earth!

The couple didn't notice at all that during the time they opened the black cloth bag and broke through the rice layer, Li Gui had already been clinging to it silently!

Fortunately, the girl who was suspected to be 'Lun Zhu' took action and cut Li Gui in half with one knife, thus avoiding the tragedy!

"Lunzhu, Lunzhu—" Danzin came back to his senses, looked at the slim woman, and gestured with his hands while saying, "You used to be only this tall, only higher than my knees... Why haven't you been here for a day?

See, I haven’t seen you for a day, and you’ve grown so tall, so tall?”

Hearing Abba's question, Lunzhu looked at Tenzin blankly and called out: "Abba."

Tenzin looked at the expression on Lunzhu's face and opened his mouth but said nothing.

Lunzhu looks like he is no longer the same Lunzhu as before, but in fact he is still the same Lunzhu.

"Brother, where have you gone?" Lunzhu asked Tenzin and Ram.

"I don't know..." Ram shook his head and said.

It's dawn.

The golden sunshine burst out from the distance, driving away the black clouds like a shepherd's whip.

Gaotianxia, ​​beside the river, more than ten houses are scattered here.

In a stone house, Jinglian sat cross-legged on the thatch, and Su Wu lay on another bed of thatch, eyes open, looking at the dust constantly falling from the roof.

Outside the stone house, there was a sound of footsteps.

More than a dozen ragged serfs filed into the stone house holding highland barley cakes, teapots and several eggs in their arms.


The old serf headed by him brought the highland barley cake to the low table in front of Jinglian.

He carefully glanced at Su Wu lying in the corner. The other serfs behind him immediately offered Su Wu a piece of highland barley cake.

Later, someone else brought a teapot, poured bitter black tea for the two of them, and served chickens.

"Lord Buddha, please accept your support." The old serf at the head knelt on the ground in fear and said respectfully to Jinglian.

Many serfs knelt on the ground.

Jinglian picked up the cooked, warm egg and stared at it, with no joy or sadness on his face. Before he spoke, his voice rang in everyone's ears: "Since there is an egg, there must be a mother."

Chicken is right.

Why don't you kill the hen and offer it to me as well?"

All the serfs trembled when they heard this.

They didn't know how to respond to Jinglian. They just felt that they had done something very wrong and they would inevitably be punished by the Buddha.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

At this time, the young monk in black who was lying on another bed of thatched grass climbed up from the thatched pile. He picked up an egg, peeled off the egg shell, and said in a voice: "Eat whatever you have."

Not bad, but you are still picky."

When the serfs heard this, they became even more frightened.

They didn't know how this black-robed monk who called Jinglian Monk 'Honored Master' could be so bold.

How dare you disobey your guru?

If a guru is angered by a disciple, the disciples will certainly be tortured and punished, but they, the bystanders, will inevitably become the target of the guru's anger!

Jinglian's face darkened.

The black and yellow face turned to the side, looked at Su Wu, and said to Su Wu: "If you serve without piety, it means you have no service.

They are dishonest in serving the Buddha and should be punished."

Su Wu heard what Jinglian said, looked at the serious and serious eyes of the other party, and suddenly laughed out loud: "Maybe they just think that the current food is the best food they can come up with, and they think that they are the best."

Bring out the food and entertain you. Is this not sincere?

What's more, why should they be pious to you?"

"Those who worship Buddha should be pious," Jinglian said.

"What did the Buddha do to all sentient beings? That they should be reverent to the Buddha?" Su Wu asked.

Jinglian frowned and said nothing.

Su Wu looked at him with cold eyes.

At the beginning of human nature, perhaps there was no distinction between good and evil at all.

But Jinglian’s original nature was ‘evil’.

Even though Jinglian has shed too much of his mind and lost too much of his memory, when he is exposed to the outside world, his malice is still obvious - however, such a person whose nature is 'evil' has an innate

The 'King of Eight Consciousnesses', was able to receive the blessing of the hidden source, but in the midst of a calamity he had a 'great enlightenment' and gathered the Dharma nature in one day!

Is this God's will?

The more Su Wu thought about it, the more intense chill gathered in his heart!

"All living beings should serve the Buddha with piety.

It is not because of anything the Buddha has done, there is no cause and effect.

I treat those who are devout and serve the Buddha favorably and punish those heretics who are dishonest.

I have realized the Dharma nature, and I am only half a step away from the 'Dharma nature rainbow'." Jinglian thought clearly, looked at Su Wu again, and said, "It shows that what I did is right, but what you said is wrong.


As he spoke, light dust spread out from Jinglian's body.

The light and dust spread towards the many serfs kneeling on the ground - Su Wu flicked his sleeves, and a strong wind blew by, blowing all the scattered light and dust far away, without any of them being contaminated by the serfs on the ground.

He looked into Jinglian Gujing Wubo's eyes and replied: "Is it possible - I'm just saying, is there a possibility - that you can truly arouse bodhicitta, practice the Bodhisattva path, be able to give to all living beings, save all living beings, and practice

Mahayana, instead of just asking all living beings to make offerings to you and practicing Tantric Vehicle now - you have already realized more than just emptiness?

Perhaps you are no longer a great master transformed from Jinglian, but a Bodhisattva transformed from Jinglian?

A great master and a Bodhisattva may seem the same, but do you really think they are the same?"

Su Wu spoke calmly, but the sound was like a big stick hitting Jinglian's head fiercely!

The beating made Jinglian lose her mind and look confused!

Su Wu didn't stop talking: "You once suffered a calamity like falling into the hell of vajra.

Where did such a disaster come from? You can't remember it now - but you think it has a general outline.

I guess that the calamity you suffered in the past must have something to do with the fact that you killed countless people and caused the people in the Tibetan Territory to live in dire straits?"

Jinglian suddenly raised her head, eyes full of hatred, staring at Su Wu: "It's you - it turns out it's you -"

"It's me.

It seems you have remembered it again." Su Wu said with a smile.

"Om!" Jinglian instantly made a hand seal. When his thoughts were churning, skulls were circling in the sky - without Su Wu taking action, the next moment Jinglian's evil thoughts appeared,

Then they fell apart again.

The hatred in Jinglian's eyes disappeared.

Su Wu looked at him and said: "Your nature is like this. As expected, you are still a dog who can't change your eating shit."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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