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Chapter 1182 The Four Disciples of Heaven


Seeing me sitting in the living room, Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then he came over, sat next to me, stretched out his hand and pulled me into his arms.

"Why are you sitting here?"

"Await your return.

"I said.

Hearing what I said, Yuchen hugged me tightly with joy.

He turned his head and kissed my earrings gently, and his voice came with a smile, "You idiot, if you miss me, you can call my name, and I will come back as soon as I hear it."

What's the use of waiting here? What if I don't come back today? You're waiting in vain.


Her words sounded disgusting, but her voice was endearing.

He enjoys how much I care about him.

I turned my head and looked at him, "Yuchen, do you love me?"

Yuchen chuckled, he came over, bit my lower lip lightly, looked at me with a pair of black eyes and said, "I love you most.

So Lin Xi, please don't leave me. If you leave me, I will go crazy. I don't even dare to think of what I will do by then.


Hearing what he said, I felt a little relieved.

I asked him, "If you love me so much, then you won't do anything to make me sad, right?"

Yuchen finally noticed something was wrong with me. He looked at me and said, "What's wrong with you? I haven't seen you all night. What crime did you find out about me, little guy?"

I looked at him for an instant, not wanting to miss any change in his expression.

His eyes looked at me with a smile, soft and doting, as if all his good temper was put on me.

Seeing him who loved me so deeply, I was suddenly afraid to ask the next words, but...but I had to ask! If I can't even tell grandma the truth, then am I worthy of being a human being!

I gritted my teeth and said in a hoarse voice, "I saw Bei Ming.


Although Yuchen kept calling him the crazy old man, he knew the crazy old man's name.

Hearing this name, Yuchen's expression froze.

I continued, "Beiming said that you didn't go to find my grandma the night she died.

Where did you go that night?"

"Lin Xi.


He just called my name and stopped.

His jawline tightened, and the smile in his eyes completely disappeared.

He started to get nervous.

I pretended that I didn't see these changes in him, and I forced myself to stay calm and continued, "I went to Liu's house and found out that Xiao Zhuyun was in good condition. I also found out that Xiao Caiyun went to the underworld to torture my grandma for revenge.

I also know..."

I can't tell you what happens next.

My tears rolled down crazily, and Yuchen's appearance became blurry in my sight.

Yuchen hugged me tightly but said nothing.

His silence at this time was a kind of torture to me. I was waiting for his explanation. I even waited for him to lose his temper with me and ask me if I didn't trust him again.

Anyway, it’s okay for him to say anything, just don’t remain silent, as if he is acquiescing to everything!

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I pushed him away hard and shouted, "Yu Chen, I want you to tell the truth. Tell me, did you kill my grandma?"

I finally asked.

As soon as I said it, I realized that it was not as difficult as I thought.

After asking the question, I felt relieved. I threw this multiple-choice question to him and I just waited for the answer.

I was sitting on the sofa, and Yuchen was kneeling on one knee in front of me. He looked up at me, his posture was almost pious.

I think such a proud person like him would only show such a humble posture in front of me.

He cares about me so much, and he would definitely not want to make me sad or make me suffer.

Yuchen stared at me for a while and then said, "She wants to separate us.


When he said this, it was tantamount to admitting it!

For a moment, I almost thought I was hallucinating. I couldn't believe it. I looked at him and asked again, "Say it again? Yuchen, I didn't hear clearly. What did you just say?"

"Lin Xi, I..."

"Don't call my name!" I interrupted him screaming, feeling so angry that I wanted to kill someone.

I don’t know whether I was angry or stimulated, but my body kept shaking. I wanted to hit him, but my body was shaking so hard that I couldn’t even lift my hands.

I could only stare at him and scream, "Just because she doesn't agree with us being together, you're going to kill her?! Yuchen, she is my grandmother and my only relative, how could you do it?"

!I have chosen you between you and her, what else do you want from me! Do you want to drive me crazy, or do you want to drive me to death!"

"Lin Xi, calm down.


He came and hugged me.

The moment his hand touched my body, my body seemed to be hit by something. The shaking stopped immediately and my body regained its strength.

I raised my hand, pushed him away, then grabbed everything I could get and threw it at him.

"Yu Chen, go to hell! I hate you, I want to kill you to avenge my grandma!" I cursed him with vicious words.

Yuchen didn't reply or move.

I sat on the sofa and threw all the pillows on the sofa at him. The pillows were soft and could not hurt anyone.

But there is a vase and a lamp on the wooden table next to the sofa.

When I finished throwing away the pillows, I grabbed the vase and lamp and threw them towards Yuchen without thinking.

The desk lamp hit him, and the vase hit his head hard.

With a bang, the vase exploded.

As the vase fragments fell to the floor, the blood dripping from his forehead also exploded into flowers on the floor.

Blood flowed down his forehead. He wiped it casually and ignored it.

He knelt on one knee in front of me again, looked up at me, his dark eyes looked a little panicked, "Lin Xi, let's just pretend this never happened, okay? Give me another chance.


He is asking for my forgiveness.

But, how can you forgive such a thing!

I stared at him and said angrily, "Yuchen, do you know what is the biggest difference between humans and animals? People know how to exercise restraint, forbearance, and tolerance! But animals don't understand these things! My grandma just doesn't agree with us being together.

, you can’t even bear this!”

I said it so harshly, but Yuchen didn't even show the slightest bit of displeasure.

He took my hand and put it against his face. He looked at me, his voice was trembling, and he had an unprecedented low profile, "Lin Xi, just this time, please forgive me this time.


I looked at him and suddenly calmed down. I asked him, "Will Yu Ling forgive you?"

Yuchen was startled. He seemed to have guessed what I was going to say, and said in a panic, "Lin Xi, shut up!"

I ignored his obstruction and shouted, "No wonder Yu Ling would rather die than be with you. Does a person like you deserve to be loved? Who would want such love as you!"

After hearing my shouting, Yuchen suddenly became quiet.

He knelt on one knee in front of me, with his head lowered, and the broken hair hanging down from his forehead, covering his eyebrows, making it impossible to see his expression at this time.

After a while, he let go of my hand and stood up.

The wound on his forehead was still bleeding. He did not use magic to heal the wound. He just wiped the blood that flowed into his eyes. He stood in front of me, looked down at me and said, "I will give you three days."


After saying that, Yuchen walked out.

I looked at his back and was so angry that I was hysterical, "What do you mean! Three days have made me think about Qing Xiao. Should I continue to live with you, or should I become your enemy?"

Yuchen paused in his steps and looked sideways at me. Blood had stained half of his face red, making him look more bloodthirsty than usual, "You still have friends and relatives.


It was a sentence without beginning or end, but I understood it.

He is threatening me!

He gave me three days to accept that he killed my grandma and then continue to be with him. Otherwise, my friends and relatives would suffer.

How much I love him, how angry I am when I hear him say this.

"Yu Chen, I am so blind, how could I fall in love with someone like you! I tell you, I will never let you get what you want, I will integrate Yu Ling's cultivation.

You, and the Liu family, I will not let anyone go!"

Hearing what I said, Yuchen turned around and slightly raised the corners of his lips, "Lin Xi, don't show your trump cards and let the enemy know in advance.


As he spoke, he approached me step by step, "You have told me these things, tell me, can I still let you fuse?"

This chapter has been completed!
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