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Dou Sprouts and I threw the person into the pond.

Because there was a stone sculpture of a ghost kid tied to its back, it sank very quickly, leaving only a string of bubbles on the water.


Several strange bird calls were heard in the woods late at night. Dou Sprout looked nervously back and forth and said, "Fengzi, no one saw it, right?"

There was no movement in the small house where Lao Hu lived, and the surroundings were dark and dim. I said that no one should see it, so go back quickly and tell me that there are other arrangements.

We killed one of the Five Chou, but Brother Yu and others also suffered varying degrees of injuries.

This means that there is no possibility of relaxation between the two sides.

after an hour.

"What the hell is going on with him!"

"How do I know? Please hold it steady."

Dou Sprout gasped and said, "I can't lift it anymore! This is at least two hundred kilograms!"

"You have to lift it even if you can't lift it. We carry it to the cave first and talk about it."

Along the way up the mountain, my arms were sore, and I gritted my teeth to hold on. I couldn't leave people alone.

Very strange.

His red eyes were open and he was breathing evenly, but his whole body moved up and down, and he couldn't bend his hands and feet, so he remained in a standing position.

No one knows how he became like this. Dou Sprout said why he became a wooden man.

Dou Sprout also asked if he would turn into a zombie if he woke up, and he would have to jump away from now on.

I actually have some guesses in my mind.


I feel it has something to do with that evil thing. There were two mummified monkeys hanging on the beam of Jin's tomb. They were monkeys holding stones, which was very strange. The origin may be some kind of monk church that was active in the Western Regions in the early Ming Dynasty.

If it is hypnosis, it has been shown on TV that a person's head and feet are placed on a stool, stretched straight, and the middle is suspended in the air, and it will be fine if anyone steps on it.

Back in the cave, a fire was lit, and Xiaoxuan helped Achun scrub the wounds on his back, which the monkey had scratched.

I took a quick look and saw the two slings on Achun's back.

"Move your head, Brother Yu, you see, this is sleeping with your eyes open."

Bean Sprouts waved their hands back and forth in front of the red eyes.

"Let him take it easy. Maybe he will be fine tomorrow. Boss, why do you think that monkey is so strange?" I asked.


The boss said: "There are fewer monkey charmers now. In the old society, monkey charmers and snake charmers were two profitable crafts in the old society. When I was young, I followed Mr. Liu to the south and saw a species of monkey called the medicine monkey. I think I grew up with it.

The monkeys can't stand being fed medicine, and they often do that with pigs, cows, sheep, horses, and dogs."

"That thing? What happened?" Dou Sprout asked.

He raised his head and frowned and said, "What are you talking about?"

Dou Sprouts reacted with a surprised look on his face: "That's okay? Isn't that water dripping into the river and toothpicks stirring up the big vat?"

He shook his head and said, "Hey, these were all dirty tricks invented by some people in order to make a living at that time. Those onlookers have never seen it. They found it interesting and stayed to watch it. Of course, after watching it, they also threw some copper coins."

Dou Sprout Zai said: "Botou, what do you mean, that red-faced monkey is the old medicine monkey, which was fed medicine to grow up. Drinking urine is equivalent to taking medicine, and it is as high as taking stimulants?"

I thought about it and it was really possible.

Nowadays, when athletes participate in competitions, the first thing they do is take a urine test. This can prove that the urine may contain some kind of pharmaceutical ingredient, but monkeys urinate more vigorously.

"Did you hear Brother Wuyu?"

"It's not that Hu Liqun is better than Xie Qirong, nor is he better than you. You got it through hard work, and he got it by drinking medicine. It's not his, and it will never be his."

Brother Yu smiled, but unexpectedly the wound was affected and he took a breath of cold air.

At this time, Xiaoxuan came over and said, "Look, Sister Achun can't wear any more of her clothes. Her back is all scratched. Which one of you brought extra?"

We looked at each other.

I was in a hurry that day, so I didn't bring anything with me. I only brought a bag with a shovel and rope.

Finally, Brother Yu took off his coat and said if you don't mind it, just wear it. It's better than being naked.

Brother Yu's coat is big, size xxxxx.

Ah Chun put it on and covered it directly to his knees, which made his legs look short and the sleeves were long. It looked like he was wearing a raincoat, which didn't look good.

We set up a pot on the fire, cooked a pot of porridge, and beat a dozen eggs into the porridge. Each of us drank a bowl of egg porridge to replenish our strength.

Ah Chun put down the bowl, wiped his mouth, and said solemnly: "The five ugly people have become the four ugly ones. Next, we will definitely be retaliated by the other party. From the medicine monkey, we can see that the other party's methods are weird."

"Now we have to keep people on guard overnight. If the other party finds this place, we have to prepare for the worst."


He nodded and said, "Miss Achun is right, but I am most worried about the Five Ugly Boss. This person's game-making ability may be better than mine. The key is that up to now, we still don't know who this person is."


I thought to myself, "The dragon monkey is Hu Liqun, the tin nose is the old man at the entrance of the village, the medicine box is the proprietress of the canteen, and the little dwarf is the little girl who appeared in the hospital (maybe this little girl is dozens of years old). So, who is their boss?


"What exactly is in the Tomb of the Warring States Period?"

For two days in a row, we didn't dare to emerge from the cave.

In the dead of night, when everyone is quiet, the little girl will take out a harmonica and play it, the sound is very low, sometimes we are all fascinated by it.

Ah Chun explained: "Sorry everyone, my little sister has been playing the harmonica since she was a child. She is used to it. If she doesn't play and practice, she won't be able to learn to speak."

As he spoke, Ah Chun wiped his eyes and said uncontrollably, "My little sister has suffered with me since she was a child."

Brother Yu smiled and said: "No, it sounds very nice, just like a bird singing."

"Head, I can't hold it in anymore! It's been a few days," Dou Sprout stood up and said, "How long are we going to hide? What should we do after we finish eating the food and drinking the water? We have to find a way!"

The boss always says that.

Wait, wait and see.

His red eyes were like a wooden man who could not move. I suspected that he might have become a vegetative state. Seeing us like this, Ah Chun smiled and said, "Why are we all so dejected? This mental state is not good. Let's just relax and have nothing to do."

Our sisters will perform a ventriloquist for you."

There was no table, chairs, door or foot, so Ah Chun used a rice bowl instead.

She tapped the rice bowl with her chopsticks and said in a hoarse old man's voice: "Old lady, what shall we have for lunch tonight?"

The younger sister said in the tone of an old lady: "Old man, the rice vat was empty yesterday. Today there is no rice or vegetables at noon, only half a basin of chaff."

At this time, Achun said in a child's voice again: "Grandpa, grandpa, I don't want to eat chaff! I want to eat rice!"

The sound changed immediately.

"Son, hey, there's another war in the south, and the chaff will be gone in two days."


Douyazai applauded repeatedly and said that there would be another one, here comes another...

On the evening of the third day, the sky was dark and the weather forecast said there might be rain and snow in the near future. We were boiling water in the cave when we suddenly heard footsteps.

Brother Yu immediately stood up and looked nervously in the direction of the cave entrance.

Not long after, a young man in his twenties hurried over. We did not recognize this person.

"But... I found this place, I'm exhausted."

I frowned and asked who you are, do we know each other? How did you find yourself here?

The young man gasped and said, "Yes, Brother Tian told me. He asked me to tell you to go down the mountain and wait at the entrance of the village."

"Pack your things and let's go." said the head.

In the evening, I followed the young man down the mountain and waited at the entrance of the village for more than ten minutes when a bus drove up in the distance.

This bus goes from a nearby village to the county bus station. It passes by Tianguangdong Village twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The bus was getting closer and closer, and I suddenly saw that it was Master Ji who was holding the steering wheel and driving.

The car stopped and the door opened.

People got off the bus one after another, all young people in their twenties and thirties. A total of more than thirty people got off, each of them expressionless.

After an interval of five or six minutes, another bus drove up. The driver was unknown, and more than 20 people got off the bus. The people in this bus were older, probably in their forties.

The villagers pointed at this place from time to time, wondering what happened.

I asked in a low voice: "Master Ji, what do these people do? Where are the field bosses?"

Master Ji patted me on the shoulder and explained: "I haven't reached my head yet."

"I still want to be a master."

"Coming from my hometown."

This chapter has been completed!
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