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Chapter 66 Tom Riddles Purpose

school clinic.

Lockhart was cooking a small meal for himself and was enjoying his meal when he saw a group of people walking through the door and entering the ward.

He was a little flustered and shocked for a moment, so he quickly covered the red wine, French duck neck and duck clavicle with a quilt.

During Halloween, I didn't forget him as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and even brought gifts to the school hospital to express my condolences. The humanistic care of Hogwarts... really works.

Lockhart thought so, wiped the grease stains from the corners of his mouth, and quickly walked up to meet him.

"Professor Dumbledore, I'm sorry to have to spend so much money on you."

Lockhart looked around and saw that everyone came empty-handed and without Halloween gifts, so he silently took back the praise of "humanistic care".

Paying lip service but not delivering the truth will lead to superficial work!

"We are not here to see you, Professor Lockhart." Snape said with a strange smile on his face:

"I'm sending someone to spend Halloween with you."

Lockhart looked at it blankly and was startled to see Filch floating in mid-air. He was covered in blood and was emitting black smoke. It was really scary.

"Is someone else injured in Hogwarts?" Lockhart was surprised: "It's only been two months."

Everyone has different expressions. After all, this is a truth that cannot be objective anymore, but there is nothing to do about it, because it is like this every year.

Dumbledore looked expressionless. He waved his wand, and Filch floated to the bed next to Lockhart, finally lying on it safely.

Lockhart's mouth twitched. What does it mean to put such a half-dead wizard next door to him?

However, as an actor, Lockhart, out of occupational disease, went to check Filch's injury again, and he shouted:

"It must have been a spell that killed him... it must have been a torture spell, I've seen people use it many times.

There are detailed records in my autobiography. At that time, I provided various amulets to the Muggles, and the problem was solved immediately..."

Lockhart sighed sadly: "It's a pity that I wasn't there just now. I happen to know the method to break the curse, which could have saved Filch..."

"It is indeed a torture curse." Dumbledore raised his head and said, "Professor Lockhart, you were right this time."

Lockhart managed his own expression quite well, and his shock instantly turned into pride: "I'll just say it."

"I remember that Professor Lockhart is not in the Great Hall tonight, right?" Snape suddenly interrupted.

"I've been in the school hospital." Lockhart said quickly.

"But who can prove whether you have ever gone out?" Snape curled his lips and said:

"You just said that you are proficient in torture spells. This magic is not something that little wizards can easily perform."

"Professor Dumbledore... you won't doubt me, will you?" Lockhart was speechless. He looked at the principal and breathed hard: "I really didn't do it!"

The old man glanced at Lockhart with his bright blue eyes and said calmly:

"You should never doubt anyone without evidence, Severus."

Snape snorted dissatisfiedly.

"I'm going to the bathroom first." Lockhart fled.

"Give Filch a dose of life and death water and let him have a good sleep." Dumbledore sighed and said:

"He was severely tortured and his injuries will heal easily, but the fear in his heart will not be eliminated in a short time."

Professor McGonagall opened the door and walked in. She handed over a piece of parchment.

After Dumbledore took it, he just glanced at it and put it in his pocket. There were many students on the list. Because the dinner was very long, many students had left the auditorium.

"Professor Dumbledore, does Filch know who did it?" Professor McGonagall asked worriedly.

"I just looked at his memory, and it was blank." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "He was knocked unconscious without seeing the attacker."

The principal said, taking out a bottle from his sleeve, waving his wand, and continued to transfer the black mist into the bottle.

"Professor Dumbledore, what is this?"

Dumbledore's eyes sparkled in the candlelight, and he said in a deep tone:


Filch, who was seriously injured, was sent to the school hospital... In the next few days, the students were discussing this matter.

Compared to the last attack on the trophy room, this discussion lasted longer and was discussed further.

The reason is very simple, nothing more than the fact that the students witnessed the tragedy that Filch suffered, and the last time it happened late at night, no one saw it with their own eyes.

The bloodstains on Filch's body and the black smoke that was constantly rising were terrifying to look at, as if he had been attacked by black magic... The tragic scene was imprinted in the hearts of almost every student.

Everyone is guessing who did it.

The biggest suspects were of course Harry and Ron. They did not attend the dinner and appeared at the crime scene immediately, so it was natural for them to be suspected.

As for what Dumbledore said is not something a second-year wizard can do... Harry even defeated the Dark Lord, that is not something a young wizard can do!

As for the motivation... it's even simpler. Most of the students hate Filch, and Snape clearly named him. Filch had just punished Harry, so he had to hold a grudge in his heart!

As for the women's bathroom, it was just an excuse...or maybe it was Filch who broke the scandal of two people entering the women's bathroom, and it was the murderer who committed the murder.

This kind of speech is still very popular and recognized by many people.

Filch's attack provided everyone with a lot of things to talk about, but of course it also brought a lot of disadvantages. The most direct one is...the homework suddenly doubled!

In order to prevent the little wizards from running around idle, the professors assigned a lot of homework, so everyone had to crowd in the library every day.

Luofu also went in and out of the library every day, looking for information about the Smith family. At this time, as soon as he picked up a book, he heard the girl beside him sigh.

"Hermione, what's wrong with you?"

"Everyone has borrowed "Hogwarts: A School History"." Hermione sighed:

"The students who have registered to borrow it have all been queued up to the year 2022. Unfortunately, my book is at home. I want to read the record about the secret room again."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Didn't I tell you?" Luofu glanced at the girl and said softly: "The secret room was destroyed by the Fire Curse last semester.

The basilisk has been taken away by me a long time ago."

"But why did that person write "Chamber of Secrets Open" on the wall?" Hermione asked puzzled.

"This is conveying a hidden meaning." Rove explained: "Someone wants to eliminate those Muggle-born wizards in the school."

"Then why did you choose Filch?" Shirley asked on the side: "Is he also born as a Muggle?"

"He is not a Muggle, but he is a squib." Rolf said in a low voice.

"Filch is a Squib?" Hermione looked surprised.

"Yes, have you ever seen him use magic when cleaning?"

"I always thought he was expelled from school like Hagrid, and then had his wand broken by the Ministry of Magic." Hermione frowned.

"Of course, there may be another reason for attacking Filch." Rove thought for a while and speculated:

"He patrols outside every day, looking for the mysterious creature, and he was also outside at the Halloween dinner... The attacker may have thought he was in the way."

"Since it's a cleanup, why not kill him?" Hermione asked keenly.

"This is the crux of the problem." Luo Fu also had confusion in his eyes.

There were no dead people in the original time and space. That was because the victims' eyes did not directly contact the basilisk's eyes...

It's just luck, it's not that Tom didn't want to kill someone.

But now that there is no Basilisk, that kind of luck can no longer be replicated. Why did Tom just attack Filch and leave him alive in the end?


Although the Tom in the diary is a sixteen-year-old soul fragment, he has already been made into a Horcrux. He has obviously killed people... How could he have such an idea?

Unless Tom Riddle wants something else after discovering that the Chamber of Secrets has been destroyed and the Basilisk is gone...!

This chapter has been completed!
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