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Chapter 99 The real fisherman

Countless people in this world have died from eating poisonous mushrooms, but if you ask who is the most famous...it must be Siddhartha Gautama.

That is the World Honored Sakyamuni!

He ate the last meal of sandalwood tree ears offered by the blacksmith Cunda in Kushinagara. After being poisoned, he went to Nirvana between the two Sara trees beside the Bhati River.

When Sakyamuni passed away, the two trees suddenly bloomed with white flowers, which is also known as "the death of the two forests".

The sandalwood tree ear is a kind of magic fungus unique to India, which is a highly poisonous mushroom!

There are more than 400 known species of mushrooms with obvious toxicity in the world, and if you add magic fungi, there will be even more.

Every year, little wizards are poisoned by eating mushrooms by mistake, so as an herbal medicine teacher, Sprout must teach students how to distinguish poisonous and non-toxic mushrooms.

Gryffindor's Dean Thomas raised his hand and asked a question that no one would have been able to ask without suffering from cerebral thrombosis for twelve years:

"Professor, since these poisonous mushrooms are so dangerous, why not eliminate them? Otherwise, there will be a steady stream of wizards accidentally eating them..."

He had accidentally eaten a hallucinogenic mushroom before, mistook a swallow-tailed dog for a witch, and kissed it... He was eventually bitten three times and was forced to drink rabies inhibitors for a week.

"Because these mushrooms are not grown for wizards to eat!" Professor Sprout laughed angrily:

"Those poisonous fungi are important raw materials for many potions. Even the antibiotics abused by Muggles are also extracted from fungi."

"And..." Professor Sprout said seriously:

"Most types of mushrooms are symbiotic bacteria. They must live in symbiosis with magical plants and are an important part of helping plants live better... By the way, this is the focus of the final exam."

After hearing the professor's reminder, the little wizard took the feather pen to remember again.

Professor Sprout summarized a host of benefits and concluded by emphasizing:

"Although poisonous mushrooms are poisonous, they still have many important uses. When you see mushrooms in the future, please do not deliberately damage them or even step on them to death. This is also a sign of respect for magical plants."

Professor Sprout led the students through the fields of mushrooms, constantly introducing the mushrooms of different colors. When passing by a field of red mushrooms, she reminded her emphatically:

"This is the Laughing Man. After eating it, he will become hallucinogenic and do strange things. The main manifestations are mental abnormalities, dancing and singing, laughing wildly, and visual hallucinations."

"The most amazing thing is..." Professor Sprout smiled: "This kind of smile is only for wizards, other magical creatures will be fine if they eat it."

Everyone is staring at Xiao Gu, is it so magical?!

"Okay, next I will take you to collect jumping toadstools. Now, who can tell me what are the characteristics of jumping toadstools?"

Hermione wanted to raise her hand to answer this question, but suddenly she found that Rolf quietly bent down and used her body as a cover to secretly pull out the magic weapon.

Luo Fu is going to pick some mushrooms and plant them in his box.

The girl rolled her eyes, smiled mischievously and moved to one side, completely exposing her field of vision.

Of course Professor Sprout saw this scene, she said loudly.

"Mr. Scamander, will you answer this question?"

….Rolf quickly turned around and found Professor Sprout looking at him. He had both stolen and stolen goods on the spot. The young man said somewhat embarrassed:

"The jumping toadstool has a keen sense of its surroundings. Once it senses that someone is trying to pick it, it will jump and escape quickly."

"That's right, five points for Hufflepuff." Professor Sprout raised his eyebrows and said, "And you have to concentrate. After class, you stay and help fertilize the magic orphans."

Rolf glanced at Hermione. The little girl was suppressing a smile. The corners of her mouth raised, then she quickly suppressed them.

"Toadstools can jump, so you need to use a bacteria trap." Professor Sprout pointed to the net not far away and said:

"Each person has one, and the wizard who collects the most jumping toadstools gets fifteen points!"

The students all ran to get the bacteria-catching nets, fearing that they would get the worst net if they were too late.

Hermione raised the corners of her mouth, turned sideways, stared at the side of Rolf's face, and said triumphantly: "Have you been caught stealing magic?"

"Do you dare to bet? Hermione." Rolf challenged: "A new bet."

Hermione wanted to refuse, but after all, she had just lost, and now she was helping Rove make the potion for free, and she also had a little longer memory.

But in the end it was so uncomfortable to hold it in, she couldn't help but said: "What are you betting on?"

"Whoever collects the most beating toadstools...will win!" Luofu said softly: "If you lose, stay and fertilize the magic orphans for me.

If I lose, you won’t have to brew the potion for free, and I will also pay you a salary, which is the same as Shirley’s salary... Do you dare to bet?"

Hermione thought for a while and said: "You can bet, but you are not allowed to use your strange magic."

"Okay, I will definitely not use any magic." Luofu smiled, he never takes revenge overnight.

Everyone got the bacteria traps, but Harry and Ron stayed where they were, whispering together.

Professor Sprout frowned, and she walked over and said sternly: "What are you talking about!"

Harry was startled, he turned around and lied quickly:

"Sorry, Professor, Ron and I...were discussing that mushroom. You just said it would cause diarrhea after eating it, right? Ron said it would cause coma, so the two of us started arguing."

Ron nodded in agreement, as if the truth was exactly what Harry said.

"You remember wrongly, Mr. Weislai, this is a tripe mushroom. You will indeed have diarrhea after eating it..." Professor Sprout said softly.

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"Will you die if you eat too much?" Ron asked.

"No." Professor Sprout looked at them suspiciously.

"Okay, hurry up and catch the toadstools, others have already started!"

"Okay, Professor, let's do it now!" Ron saw Sprout turning around and whispered again, "Do you really want to use it, Harry?"

"No one will die anyway." Harry gritted his teeth.

To prevent the jumping toadstools from escaping, they are planted in a glass house.

When the students lined up and walked in, the group of toadstools felt the vibration on the ground. They dug out of the soil and jumped toward the ceiling.

The patches of toadstools look like spores or like flying red umbrellas.

Fortunately, it's surrounded by glass, so they can't escape, they can only jump around.

Luofu held a mushroom net. The spacing between the grids was neither too large nor too small. Smaller toadstools could move through the grid and come and go freely, but oversized toadstools would be caught.

This is like fishing, indirectly protecting the fry.

Luofu caught a toadstool in a net, and it landed on the big net and kept jumping and hitting it.

Luofu stretched out his hand to grab the beating toadstool, and it was jumping alive in his palm... The pink mushroom was very beautiful.

Under Hermione's surprised gaze, Rolf threw away the bacterial net. He opened the black suitcase and took out a special fishing rod.

The real fishing skill is to be able to catch... non-fish creatures anywhere!


Qingya reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this

This chapter has been completed!
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