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Chapter 60 Avengers Alliance

I was expelled from Hogwarts? Chapter 60 Avengers

It was very convenient to have Tonks around, as she could disapparate, and the four of them soon arrived at the Golden Hall of the Ministry of Magic.

Unfortunately, they caught up with a press conference, and a group of reporters surrounded Secretary Fudge.

"Mr. Minister, is there any news about Peter now?"

"Not yet." Fudge said tiredly: "We are working hard to recapture Peter Pettigrew. We ask everyone...the magical community to remain calm and give us some more time."

"Mr. Minister, how long will it take before you can give us a definite message?" A reporter raised his hand and said:

"It has been almost a month since Peter escaped from prison, and we have not seen any measures taken by the Ministry of Magic."

Fudge said angrily: "We have made a lot of efforts, as long as you open your eyes, as long as you are not blind..."

"Are you referring to informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the fact that Peter is on the run?" Another reporter said loudly: "I noticed that the Muggle news has already reported on Peter."

"I have to do this. Don't you know the danger of Peter?" Fudge shouted:

"He killed thirteen innocent Muggles more than ten years ago. Anyone who encounters him will be in danger, no matter wizards or Muggles. I must remind the Muggle Prime Minister.

And there are a lot of Muggles, so maybe someone will happen to see Peter and give us clues..."

"But this seems to be a violation of the Secrecy Act, Mr. Minister."

"I got a guarantee from the Muggle Prime Minister." Fudge glared: "He will not reveal Peter's true identity to anyone. He will only say that Peter is a murderer."

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.]

"But some members of the International Federation of Wizards don't seem to approve of your approach." Another reporter asked: "Mr. Fontaine once criticized you..."

"Fontaine?" Fudge suddenly heard a French surname, and he said angrily: "A Frenchman... has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the British wizarding community!"

"But he's French...American, now an American wizard."


"Mr. Minister, can you catch Peter before the Quidditch World Cup starts next year? Isn't it rare?"

"Mr. Minister, which one do you think is more difficult for the England Quidditch team to enter next year's World Cup or to capture Peter Pettigrew!"


The reporters' tricky questions were stuffed into Fudge's mind, making a maddening noise. He suddenly had a headache, as if his head was penetrated by a curse, giving him a splitting headache.

Luo Fei stood in the distance and listened for a while. He felt that it was very difficult. Sure enough... not just anyone can be the minister.

At this moment, someone suddenly spotted Luo Fu who was waiting for the elevator. Someone yelled, and all the reporters rushed over immediately.

Rolf took a step forward, protecting Shirley and Hermione behind him. The group of reporters had already surrounded him.

"Mr. Scamander, what do you think of Peter Pettigrew's escape from prison?"

"Mr. Scamander, have you been granted asylum by the Ministry of Magic?"

"Mr. Scamander, as the hero who captured Peter Pettigrew, are you afraid that Peter will come to you for revenge?"

A series of questions came at them, but Luofu did not chase them away. He just maintained restraint and politeness. He smiled and said:

"The taste of revenge is wonderful, but this word is not quite accurate when used to describe Peter."

"So what word is accurate?" a reporter asked.

"Traitors, cowards, Death Eaters, liars, murderers, etc. will all do." Rove narrowed his eyes and said:

"Each word represents a crime. Peter is guilty of countless crimes, and there is a group of people who want to kill him and taste the wonderful taste of revenge."

"Dumbledore, Black, Lupin...a large group of 'Avengers' who hate him. They have long been filled with anger and can't wait to avenge James Potter and Lily Potter."

"Not to mention those wizards who have lost their loved ones because of Death Eaters. They will form the Avengers, roar with justice, fight for their loved ones, and eliminate every Death Eater."

Everyone fell silent... The two girls standing behind Rove, the reporters, Minister Fudge, and the Ministry of Magic officials all gathered around the cheerful and excited blond boy.

"Everyone, please remember... Peter's escape from prison is not the end, but the beginning, the beginning of revenge!"

"Every Avengers is waiting for him...Peter will regret not staying in Azkaban, because that way, he could still save a small life."

"You ask me if I am afraid of revenge?" The young man looked at the group of reporters and raised his voice:

"I think I'll leave that question to Peter Pettigrew."

"Peter, I know you can hear me...I'm right here waiting for you to come to me for revenge...but before that, you'd better be alive."

After Luo Fe finished speaking, the wizards who had been excited by him all clapped their hands.

With a tinkling sound and a clicking sound, an elevator descended in front of them.

Rolf whispered to Shirley and Hermione who were in a daze behind him: "Go in quickly."

The two of them came back to their senses and entered the elevator. The young man walked forward slowly and said with a bright smile:

"Everyone, just send it here. Goodbye."

Rove poked the No. 9 button, and the fence closed with a bang. The elevator made a rattling sound, which was very harsh.

After entering the elevator, it was still quiet. Luofu turned around and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Shirley, who had been silent until now, suddenly said seriously:

"Rolf, if Peter comes to seek revenge on you, I will protect you with all my life."

"Me too!" Hermione said quickly.

"Thank you." Luo Fu was a little moved, he smiled and said: "We protect each other."

Tonks glanced at Rolf with interest, then at the two girls, and whistled:

"Rolf, you are so awesome."


"In short, it's awesome in every sense of the word." Tonks praised.

Rove changed the subject and said, "I heard that Mad-Eye Moody is retiring?"

"Yes, he has been teaching me Auror skills recently." Tonks sighed and said melancholy: "I have already gone through three instructors."

"The first instructor died while performing his mission, the second teacher transferred to another department, and the third one was Moody... I didn't expect that he would suddenly retire."

Tonks looked uncomfortable.

Rolf looked at Tonks in surprise. What kind of bad luck possessed him, and he had managed to survive three Auror teachers, and he hadn't yet transformed from a trainee to a full-fledged Auror?

This suddenly reminded the young man of a classmate in his previous life. He had to endure several tutors but still failed to graduate. In the end, no professor dared to teach him.

The lift rose slowly, its chain rattling, and when it came to a stop, a cold woman's voice said: "Department of Mysteries."

After the fence was opened, Luofu walked out of the elevator. He suddenly stopped, looked at the wizard not far away, and said in surprise:

"Professor McGonagall?"

This chapter has been completed!
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