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Chapter 61 The Lost Fire Dragon Skeleton Fossil

I was expelled from Hogwarts? Chapter 61 The Lost Fire Dragon Skeleton Fossil

Professor McGonagall was about to enter a room. After hearing the shouting, he turned around and saw those familiar figures with surprised expressions.

"Mr. Scamander...why are you here?"

"I came to the Department of Mysteries to apply for access to a piece of information about Azkaban." Roof walked towards Professor McGonagall and said with a smile: "Professor, what are you doing here?"

"I..." Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment, glanced at Hermione from the corner of his eye, and said softly: "I'm here to do something for Professor Dumbledore."

Rolf thought for a while and suddenly understood that Professor McGonagall was probably here to help Hermione apply for a time turner.

Hogwarts students need to choose courses in the third grade, but Hermione chooses all the courses, which conflicts with time... You need to use a time turner.

Of course, not everyone can apply for a time turner. The school must vouch for it, proving that the student has both good character and academic performance, and the Ministry of Magic must approve it.

It may be difficult for students like Luo Fu to successfully apply. He is indeed excellent in "study", but his immediate family members are the focus of tracking, and he belongs to the type of students who fail the "political review".

At this moment, the circular wall of the hall suddenly rotated, making a loud rumbling sound, and the blue candles on the wall molded themselves into brilliant haloes.

Soon, the rumbling disappeared and everything returned to calm.

Luofu raised his head and looked at the entire room.

This is an ancient Greek amphitheater-style hall, with walls and floors made of black marble.

Twelve black doors are evenly distributed on the wall. They are exactly the same, without any marks or handles.

As the wall rotates, the positions of the doors are all disrupted, and it is no longer clear which door is the original entrance.

Seeing several people looking at the room, Professor McGonagall explained:

"The hall of the Department of Mysteries has twelve doors, one of which is the exit, leading to the elevator.

Eleven other doors lead to ten special rooms, as well as an office."

"Professor McGonagall, what's going on with the rotation of the wall?" Hermione asked curiously.

"It's very similar to the stairs in Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said:

"Every time you enter a room and return to the lobby, the walls will rotate and the positions of these doors will be randomly disrupted."

"Then how do we find the room we want to go to?" Shirley asked: "Does it depend on luck?"

"Maybe..." Hermione thought for a while and said smartly: "Every time we enter a door, we can put a mark on the door. Even if the wall rotates and is disrupted, we will still know which rooms we have entered."

"No." Tonks said suddenly: "There is magic on these doors. The marks will disappear automatically if they cannot be retained for too long."

"That's right." Professor McGonagall patiently explained as if giving a lecture in a Transfiguration class:

"In fact, it doesn't have to be so complicated. Every time you enter a room, choose the first door on the right, don't go back, and don't pay attention to other doors... just keep walking, and you can visit every room without repeating it."

Professor McGonagall opened a door casually and she whispered: "Come with me."

Everyone followed Professor McGonagall into a square room.

The room was almost empty, except for a huge glass water tank filled with dark green liquid in the center. Many milky white things were floating around in the liquid.

"What is this?" Shirley asked, looking at the milky white objects.

Luofu observed them, and they appeared and disappeared in the depths of the green liquid, shining eerily, like cauliflower in the Sticky Lake.

He suppressed his nausea and said, "Brain."


"Why does the Ministry of Magic keep such things?"

"I heard Professor Dumbledore say before..." Professor McGonagall whispered:

"The Department of Mysteries is studying how the brain generates thoughts, and they are also studying the differences between the brains of Muggles, Squibs and Wizards.

In short, these things are very dangerous, they like to cling to other people's heads, absorb other people's thoughts, and turn wizards into fools."

After hearing what Professor McGonagall said, everyone immediately moved farther away from the pool.

Professor McGonagall walked towards the first door on the right. She pushed the door open and entered. Then she looked at the boy and asked:

"Rolf, why are you back now?"

"Because of Peter's incident, I have to come back, Professor."

"Are you alone?" Professor McGonagall asked concernedly. "Are Newt and Tina back?"

"No." Rolf glanced at Professor McGonagall and said, "But Professor Hicks came with me. She is at Hogwarts."

"Oh, is Professor Hicks here too?" Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "I will go back to school later to see her."

"I'm afraid Professor Hicks won't dare to see you for the time being." Rolf carefully looked at Professor McGonagall's face and asked, "You didn't go back to school yesterday?"

"No." Professor McGonagall asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Professor Hicks's airship collapsed the ceiling of the Gryffindor lounge." Rolf whispered.


Professor McGonagall was originally very happy, but now she suddenly stopped talking and looked a little autistic. It was obvious that the boy had brought her some unpleasant news.

They soon entered the third room, which was a room full of fossils and specimens that looked a lot like the Mystery Circus.

The shelves in the aisle are filled with bottles and jars of various shapes and sizes used to preserve species, which contain specimens of various magical creatures.

Salamanders, stinging jellyfish, Mithras... there are many other specimens, things that Luofu cannot recognize.

In addition to the specimens, there are various ancient fossils, those fossils of extinct magical creatures, which have been spliced ​​together to restore their appearance in life.

A group of people walked along the aisle and came to an old, gray wooden door. The door was stained with cracks and looked ordinary.

"This is the office of the Department of Mysteries." Professor McGonagall knocked on the door, then turned around and said:

"I'll go in first, and it will be your turn in a moment. Do you know how to get out?"

"Go back along the same path." Hermione thought for a moment and said, "Take the door on the left?"

"No." Mag shook his head and said: "It's the same as coming and going. Keep taking the door on the right. You will eventually return to the original hall. Then take the door on the right and leave."

The door creaked open, and a pale middle-aged man walked out.

Professor McGonagall looked at the man and asked strangely: "Where is Mr. Saul Crocker? He was responsible for reviewing my application before."

The middle-aged wizard said expressionlessly: "Mr. Crocker is on sick leave. I will receive you, Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall nodded and walked into the office, leaving Rolf and the others in the room.

At this moment, Shirley suddenly pointed into the distance and said, "Rolph, look at that!"

Luofu looked in the direction of the ponytail girl's finger and saw the skeleton of a fire dragon.

His eyes widened because the fossilized fire dragon bone was more than a hundred meters long.

Luofu looked at Shirley and said in disbelief:

"This is... the missing fossil from the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary?"

This chapter has been completed!
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