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Chapter 96: Kidnapping instead of buying!

When Rolf pushed the door open and walked into Honeydukes store, he saw the proprietress, Mrs. Froome, sitting on a chair and sighing.

The store was filled with all kinds of food, but there wasn't even a single customer. It looked very bleak.

"Mrs. Frum, what happened?" Rolf asked strangely: "Why is there no one?"

"The Ministry of Magic said that a secret passage was found in the store, which can lead to Hogwarts." Mrs. Froome sighed:

"Minister Fudge sent a dementor to guard the secret passage. Whenever there are more customers, the damn monster will come out and scare the customers away..."

There is indeed a secret passage in Hogwarts that leads to Honeydukes, and the entrance is behind the statue of the One-Eyed Witch.

In the original time and space, this secret passage was not discovered by the school and the Ministry of Magic, and Harry once secretly traveled to Hogsmeade through it.

But after Sirius arrived at Hogwarts, in order to prevent Peter from sneaking in, he told Dumbledore all the secret passages he knew, and the place was naturally under supervision.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that there is a dementor in the secret passage!

When Rolf heard the news, he immediately became excited. He had always wanted to raise a dementor. After all, as a magizoologist, his career would be incomplete without raising a dementor.

But they always come out in groups and can't find any chance to do something evil.

Now that a lone Dementor appears, it's really an unexpected surprise.

As the saying goes, kidnapping instead of buying, catching and adopting now, this is the consciousness that a magical animal breeder should have.

In addition to the Dementors, Rove also saw a reward for Peter on the wall, offering a reward of five thousand Galleons for providing important information, and a reward of ten thousand Galleons for killing or capturing Peter.

Ten thousand galleons... was not a small sum for Rove, and he was quite greedy for it.

After chatting with Mrs. Froome for a while, Rolf began to pick out snacks.

Honeydukes' food not only tastes good, it's also fun.

The sour popping gum will burn a hole in your tongue; the Chuibao Super Bubble Gum can blow out bluebell-colored bubbles that float around the room for days; the Pepper Naughty Boy can spit fire out of its mouth after eating it

Luo Fu took whatever he saw, as if following the goods, and soon the table was filled with all kinds of pastries and snacks, like a hill.

Mrs. Vroom, who hadn't seen a single customer for a long time, almost had a smile on her face.

Rolf tilted his head and motioned to Hermione, who had lost the bet, to pay.

Hermione looked at the pile of snacks with a dull look on her face. She took a deep breath and rummaged through her wallet, but found that she didn't have enough money.

"Didn't you bring enough money?" Luofu smiled and said, "You can stay and wash the dishes... Mrs. Frum, are you short of a worker here?"

Mrs. Froom found it very interesting and joked: "There is no need to wash the dishes, but we just need a labor force to stir the chocolate."


"Then you lend me some money first, and I'll pay you back later!"

Hermione stretched out her hand. She looked confident, as if she was not borrowing money, but asking for her own money.

"Sure." The corner of Luofu's mouth turned up and he said, "I lend you one galleons, and you have to pay back five galleons."

Rove is not engaging in loan sharking, but engaging in leverage.

Hermione still underestimated Rolf's shamelessness, she rolled her eyes: "Why don't you go and grab it!"

Rolf shrugged and said, "Now I have to pay back ten galleons."


Hermione blinked her eyes and looked at Rove pitifully, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't squeeze out any tears.

Shirley stood aside, holding back her laughter and said, "Okay, I'll pay for Hermione."

Luofu glared and said, "Shirley, who are you with?"

"Of course you're with me." Hermione hugged Shirley, rubbed her cheek against the ponytail girl's arm, and said affectionately:

"We unite and fight against foreigners."

Hermione raised her pointed chin, nodded at Rolf and said, "You are a foreigner! Let's fight against you together!!"

Shirley smiled, nodded softly and said, "That's right."

"Oh, forget it, I'll pay for it myself." Luo Fu sighed: "The world is declining. Now I don't even abide by the bet, and I won't abide by it next time."

Hermione said hurriedly: "Who didn't comply? You didn't say before that Shirley couldn't pay for me."

"Forget it, let's change the punishment measures." Luofu said softly.

"How do you want to change it?"

"If I need to use something of yours in the future, you can't refuse me, I have to agree." Luo Fu said slyly.

"What?" Hermione looked wary, always feeling that Rolf had some bad intentions towards her.

"I haven't thought about it yet. We'll talk about it later." Luofu took out his wallet and paid for the snacks.

The three of them stayed in the store for a while, and soon a group of students came. The dementor smelled the happy atmosphere and came out as expected.

All the little wizards were scared away, and Rolf took Shirley and Hermione away from Honeydukes.

They sat in front of the post office and quickly ate away the mountain of snacks.

Although there were many, the three of them were not slow, especially Hermione, who was eating like a storm, looking as if she hadn't had a full meal in several days.

Hermione twisted the sizzling honey candy between her fingers and put it in her mouth. She nodded vigorously. It was indeed delicious.

When she thought that it was Luo Fu who spent the money and she had sex for free, she immediately felt more delicious.

Compared to Hermione's rough eating style, Shirley has a lot more to eat.

She held the bag with one hand, picked up a piece of pastry with the other, put it into her mouth, chewed it carefully, opened and closed her mouth slightly, and ate slowly and elegantly.

After eating, the three of them came to Zuo Ke's Joke Shop.

This is a favorite place for little wizards because the store sells many mischievous products.

The Weislai twins were maintaining order at the door. They said they were temporary workers, but in fact they were secretly learning skills.

Rove bought some flash bombs, smoke bombs and other items at Zoko's Joke Shop. He did not do it for pranks, but to use it to deal with those magical creatures when entering the Forbidden Forest.

After leaving Zoko's Joke Shop, the three of them walked towards the Pig's Head Bar. They were going to visit that weird old man Aberforth.

Rolf also left some leftover Honeydukes snacks as a Halloween gift for Aberforth.

They all brought gifts, so it would be no problem to give him a free lunch.

But when passing by Pudifu Tea House, the three of them saw a group of students surrounding the door.

Rolf took Shirley and Hermione over, stood outside the crowd, stood on tiptoes and looked into the teahouse, and then caught a glimpse of an unforgettable scene...

In the teahouse, a favorite place for lovers, Harry and Malfoy hugged each other tightly.

Not only were they hugging each other, they were also tearing each other's clothes off impatiently in public.

I saw Mrs. Puddifu standing aside, shouting: "Stop, you guys stop... don't fight anymore!"


This chapter has been completed!
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