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Chapter 97 Hermiones Secret

The story of Harry and Malfoy's fight in Paddy's Tea House spread throughout Hogwarts before the Halloween dinner.

Everyone knows where Paddy's Tea House is. You two had a fierce fight there, and you still said they weren't a couple?

As for the reason for the fight, of course it was because the relationship broke down.

Harry, the person involved, was speechless when he heard this rumor.

He didn't know what Pudifu Tea House was for, but when he passed by, he saw the bustling lights and people coming and going, so he and Ron went in and ordered two cups of milk tea.

After drinking the milk tea, Harry took Ron's cup and gave him a "tea leaf" reading on the jelly and pearls.

But all around were couples of men and women, hugging and kissing. They were the only two boys. Sitting there awkwardly, no matter how slow Harry was, he felt that something was not right.

They were about to leave when they happened to meet Malfoy who came in with Pansy. The two sides got into a fight because they were enemies.

Harry tried to clarify, and the rumor quickly changed:

Harry went on a date with Ron behind Malfoy's back, but was blocked by Malfoy in Puddifu's Teahouse, and then they started fighting...a proper love triangle plot.

However, the little wizards' attention was quickly attracted by the Halloween dinner.

This time Dumbledore invited a sunset red dance troupe to perform for everyone.

However, most of the actors who came here were still in their youth, such as Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick.

One can imagine how popular this dance troupe is.

The ghosts of Hogwarts also provide entertainment programs, gliding in formation in the auditorium and acting out their own death scenes.

Nick, who was almost headless, also got a Louis XVI pleasure table and stuffed his head into it.

Rolf didn't see Helena, but her death was not easy to stage, after all, the wound was on her chest.

Luofu had observed it several times at close range, and found that the wound was indeed large, white, and dangerous... It was indeed not suitable for children.

The dinner at Hogwarts is still very sumptuous, with various kinds of pumpkin pie, including lard filling, raw meat filling, barbecued pork filling, mud filling, bean paste filling, curry filling...

There are also trout wrapped in crushed almonds, heron stuffed with figs, veal steak in almond milk, herring in butter, and... an unplucked white peacock.

The peacock is baked whole and stuffed with dates, mashed nuts, saffron and peaches.

This dish was severely condemned by Malfoy, not because he is a peacock lover, but because the Malfoy family emblem is a white peacock with its tail spread.

Their manor also raised many peacocks, which were his father Lucius's favorite pets.

However, after tasting peacock meat, Malfoy turned his grief and anger into appetite. He planned to go back and catch all the peacocks at home and let his father have a taste.

After the dinner, under the leadership of their prefects, the Hufflepuff students returned to the lounge.

But everyone did not go back to the dormitory to sleep immediately. Instead, they stole some desserts from the kitchen and held a Halloween mask party.

When they were playing late at night, Professor Sprout suddenly came. Everyone thought she was here to urge them to sleep, but unexpectedly she said solemnly:

"Now, everyone, follow me to the auditorium."

The little badgers looked confused and followed Professor Sprout to the auditorium, only to find that Gryffindor students were already there.

Soon, students from Ravenclaw and Slytherin arrived, and they all looked confused.

Dumbledore stood at the guest of honor seat and said solemnly:

"We just found traces of Peter in Gryffindor House... The professors and I will conduct a thorough search of the castle."

The auditorium suddenly became a mess, and Dumbledore had to raise his wand and make several piercing fireworks explosions before everyone became completely quiet.

"For everyone's safety, you will spend the night in the auditorium tonight. I ask the prefects to stand guard at the entrance, and the boys and girls student union presidents will stay in the auditorium to take charge.

If anything happens, report it to me immediately."

As the President of the Student Union, Percy puffed out his chest with pride, and the Student Union President badge on his collar seemed to be even brighter.

Professor Dumbledore paused and was about to leave the auditorium, then said: "Oh, by the way, you will need..."

He waved his magic wand, and the long table flew to the edge of the auditorium, and hundreds of purple sleeping bags appeared on the ground.

"Sleep well, good night." Professor Dumbledore led the professors out and closed the door of the auditorium.

In the auditorium, there was a buzzing of excited voices immediately, and students from Gryffindor House were busy telling students from other houses what had just happened.

Rove thought that Peter had sneaked into Harry's dormitory, but upon inquiring, he found out that he had actually gone to... the Wes Lai twins' dormitory.

Rolf frowned and thought for a moment, then Percy shouted:

"Everyone get in your sleeping bags! Come on, no one is talking! Lights out in ten minutes!"

Rolf found Shirley and Hermione in the crowd.

The two of them had already helped him get the sleeping bag. The three of them found a deserted corner and got into the sleeping bag without taking off their clothes.

Soon, all the candles were extinguished, but the enchanted ceiling, like the sky outside, was filled with stars.

Through the light from the ceiling, the students were still whispering and discussing Peter's affairs.

The three of them were chatting together in the corner.

"It's so scary that Peter was able to enter the student dormitory silently." Hermione held her cheek with one hand and said with worry on her face.

"I thought those dementor guards would be more useful."

"Dementors have no eyes. They can't see. They can only determine the location of the wizard by sensing emotions." Rove explained:

"But animals' emotions are more complicated, and they can't determine where the animals are... Peter can turn into a mouse and enter Hogwarts easily."

Shirley was lying next to Luo Fei. She looked at the bright starry sky on the ceiling and whispered: "Then wouldn't it be possible to catch him?"

"It's not like there's no chance." Rolf sat up from his sleeping bag, looked at Hermione and said:

"Hermione, where is your time turner? Do you have it on you?"

"Eh?" Hermione was shocked and said in disbelief: "How do you know I have that?"

"You take ten classes a day, many of them at the same time. Who wouldn't notice your abnormality?" Luo Fu said with a smile:

"Professor McGonagall went to the Department of Mysteries during the summer vacation to apply for a time-turner for you, right?"

Hermione's eyes widened and she was a little stunned. She didn't expect her biggest secret to be discovered by the boy so easily?

With such a powerful observation ability and careful thinking, wouldn't it be that I have no secrets in front of him, as if I were naked?

Hermione was still thinking about how scary Rolf was, and the young man urged:

"Hurry up and lend it to me. Tonight is the best chance to catch Peter... catch him, let's take his head and go to the Ministry of Magic to exchange it for ten thousand Galleons!"

(Thanks to the boss of "Double Sword Style Muto" for the tip.)

This chapter has been completed!
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