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Chapter 99 The mysterious patron saint

Deep in the Forbidden Forest, the dazzling white light did not dissipate, but instead shot straight into the sky.

The floating clouds in the sky began to roll up rapidly at the outermost edge, like a lotus that had already bloomed and turned into a snow-white flower bag again.

Luofu stood by the window and looked into the distance, but the white light pierced him so hard that he could hardly open his eyes.

Hermione suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled out her time converter from her collar. She saw the golden needle timepiece at the end of the converter trembling and buzzing.

This was the first time Hermione encountered such a strange situation. She was a little at a loss and said: "Rolph, what is going on?"

Luofu took the warm time turner. After looking at it for a moment, he found no clues. Then he looked at the portrait of the principal on the wall and asked:

"Professors, do any of you know what's wrong with this time turner?"

The old principals were all well-informed, and soon a red-nosed wizard wearing a monocle said in a deep voice:

"I have seen this happen. It is the hour reversal spell in the time turner that resonates with a similar force... My child, hold down the pointer, don't let it take you back to the past."

"Thank you, Professor Fusco." Rowe followed suit and quickly pressed the watch hand directly with his thumb to prevent it from rotating randomly.

The time turner quickly returned to calm, and the bright light deep in the Forbidden Forest also disappeared. Although it was silent, it was extremely powerful, completely destroying the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

Rolf turned to look out the window, was silent for a moment, and sighed: "It seems that Professor Dumbledore has gone to the Forbidden Forest."

This wave of white light seems to be very powerful, and I don't know what happened in the Forbidden Forest.

"Then what should we do next?" Shirley asked softly, "Are we still going to the Gryffindor lounge?"

"Go!" Luofu nodded and said, "Our plan remains unchanged... catching Peter is the most urgent priority."

If Dumbledore is in the Forbidden Forest, it doesn't matter whether they go or not, they won't be of much help anyway; if Dumbledore is not in the Forbidden Forest, they can't go.

Unknown things are more terrifying, and Rolf would never put himself, Shirley and Hermione in that kind of unknown danger.

"We still have the same plan. I will hide in George and Fred's dormitory for a while, and you guys will use smoke bombs to block the corridor..."

The boy wanted to say something else, but Shirley suddenly pointed out the window and said in a soft voice:

"Look, what is that!"

Luofu looked out the window for the third time tonight. His eyes widened and he saw a dazzling silver creature running in mid-air and speeding towards the principal's office.

It has a long snout and its body is covered with down... it looks like a Sniff.

The silver Sniff passed through the window, jumped toward the wall, pointed its claws, and turned toward the other wall. When it bounced toward Rove, its speed had completely slowed down.

It landed gracefully on the ground and stared at Rolf with a pair of big silver eyes.

Hermione was half excited and half surprised: "A Patronus!"

She checked the books and knew that the Patronus Charm was a very profound magic that many adult wizards could not cast.

The silver Sniff landed on the ground, tilted its head, and raised its paws toward the window.

"It seems to be asking us to follow it." Shirley said strangely: "Rolph, do you know who this guardian angel belongs to?"

Luofu shook his head and said with suspicion: "I have never seen a patron saint in the form of a sniffer."

Dumbledore's patronus is the phoenix, Professor McGonagall's patronus is the cat, Snape's patronus is the deer...

Luo Fuzi carefully thought about all the wizards he knew, but none of them had a patron saint in the form of a sniffer.

The young man frowned and tapped his fingers lightly. The rhythmic tapping echoed in the principal's office.

The guardian angel apparently told them to follow it.

The Patronus Charm is a very special kind of magic that cannot be used by any Death Eater except Snape.

Therefore, this is definitely not a trap summoned by Peter.

Besides, Peter couldn't possibly know that he was in the principal's office at this time!

But for such a patron saint with unknown origins, Luofu would definitely not leave hastily with it.

Just when Luo Fu was hesitant, Xiu Xiu walked up to the boy and rubbed his arm affectionately with his head.

Luofu immediately felt a warmth, like a fire in winter, covering his whole body, making him feel warm both physically and mentally.

Although Luofu didn't know this patron saint, he could feel the closeness of the other person's heart. It was a kind of blessed soul that was in harmony with each other.

He didn't hesitate at all and said decisively: "It seems that the plan is going to change. We won't go to the Gryffindor lounge... just follow it!"

Rolf took out the broomstick from the box, took Shirley and Hermione, and flew out of the window.

Rolf did not fly at high altitude. He was afraid of attracting the attention of the dementors. He just flew along the lawn and towards the edge of the castle at low altitude.

The Niffler completely dissipated after arriving at the Whomping Willow.

Luofu landed from mid-air, he frowned and said: "It's asking us to go to the Shrieking Shack?"

When the Whomping Willow felt the wizard approaching, its branches swayed wildly.

Luofu opened his box and rushed forward with Xiuxiu. It evaded and walked between the branches, like a mouse with full agility.

After it got close to the Whomping Willow, it put its front paws on a knot in the trunk. The Whomping Willow seemed to have turned into stone and stopped moving. All the leaves were motionless.

The three of them walked towards the Whomping Willow and slid down a dirt slope. At the end there was a very short secret passage.

They moved along the winding secret road, and after walking for a long time, they finally came to the end:

It was a house full of dust, the wallpaper had fallen off the walls, there were stains all over the floor, every piece of furniture was broken, and the windows were all boarded up.

At this time, there was a creaking sound overhead, and someone seemed to be moving upstairs.

Luo Fe made a silent gesture and walked at the front, climbing up a staircase that was about to collapse.

Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust, but there were footprints on the stairs.

The three of them tried their best to hold their breath. After climbing to the second floor, they followed the sound and walked towards a room. There was movement behind the door, but the door was closed.

Rolph held the wand and pushed open the door.

I saw an old four-poster bed, the curtains around the bed were covered in dust, and a short figure was sitting on the bed, sobbing.

When the man heard the sound of the door being pushed open, he raised his head in horror and met the eyes of the uninvited guest.

Luo Fu's face was full of surprise. He narrowed his eyes, first stunned, and then quickly smiled:

"Peter Pettigrew...Long time no see. I miss you so much!"

(Thanks to the boss "Just Love Wading Langshui" for the tip.)

This chapter has been completed!
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