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Chapter 100 Death of Peter Pettigrew

Rolf didn't lie, he really missed Peter. Ever since he was rescued by the mysterious wizard, he had been thinking about him day and night, and even used a time turner to find Peter across time and space.

This is going to be made into an anime, and it will be a low-end version of "Missing Through Time".

Peter seemed to be very excited after seeing Rolf. His face turned pale, he was sweating profusely, and his body was shaking violently involuntarily.

Peter didn't know how Scamander knew he was hiding in the Shrieking Shack, but...

"You...you shouldn't be here!"

"Then where should I show up?" Rolf walked into the room and said with a pleasant smile: "Peter, why are you alone?

Where is your master?"

He glanced at the back of Peter's head and didn't see Voldemort's noseless face. He looked around again and didn't see the baby-sized Dark Lord.

Where did Tom go?

It can't be that it's been resurrected, right?

"Is the white light that appears in the Forbidden Forest related to Voldemort?" Rolf asked again: "Why are you injured?"

Peter didn't answer. He just raised his wand and said, "Avada Kedavra!"

The killing curse came towards him, and Rolf tilted his head to avoid the green light. He then waved his wand and said: "Moon Wheel Flying Slash!"

A silver-white disk that looked like the moon appeared in the sky. It rotated rapidly, drew an arc, and slashed towards Peter.

Rolf learned the magic of Moon Flying Slash from Dumbledore. Last school year, the principal used this trick to deal with Lockhart who was controlled by Obscurus.

Peter dodged the moon disc sideways, but it didn't hit the wall. Instead, it suddenly spun in the air like a top, returned again, and hit Peter's neck from behind.

Peter felt the whistling sound behind him, and he quickly lowered his head, narrowly avoiding the head-cutting blow, but his bald head was still cut with a bloody mark by the sharp moon disk.

Peter ignored his bleeding head. He chanted a spell hurriedly, and a purple light bead shot out from the tip of his staff. The light bead hit the disc and smashed it into two halves.

Luofu stretched out his middle finger, tapped the wand with both fingers and said: "Disperse!"

The shattered moon discs did not disappear. They changed from two to four, and from four to eight... they were lined up and suspended in front of the young man. He muttered silently:


The eight silver discs kept spinning, shooting towards Peter at a dizzying speed.

"I'll fight you!"

Peter raised his wand and fired a spell.

The curse exploded in an instant, sending crazy waves of air that filled the entire room, and the brilliant white light made the Screaming Shack as bright as day.

Peter said he was going to fight, but he repeated his old tricks, preparing to disapparate and run away.

But before he could leave, a group of vines suddenly appeared on the ground, spinning in circles and wrapping around Peter's skinny body.

The vines pulled hard, leaving iron-green marks on Peter's body. He let out a shrill scream, and then began to shrink in size, turning into a mouse and breaking free from the vines.

After Peter landed, he turned around and crawled under the four-poster bed, ignoring the heartache in his heart, and escaped into the corridor along the hole in the wall.

But as soon as he got through, Peter regretted it, because...

Shirley and Hermione were standing in the corridor. When they saw a mouse appear, they raised their wands at the same time and said loudly:

"There are many obstacles!"

Two invisible barriers were like walls, blocking Peter's way. He had to go back, but the vines had spread along the hole and entangled him again.

Rolf walked over quickly. He grabbed the mouse and squeezed it hard. Peter screamed in his hand.

Peter was in unbearable pain. He opened his mouth and wanted to bite Rolf's finger, but the boy waved his arm and threw him against the wall.

Peter did not turn into a "mouse piece", but hit the wall and returned to human form again, but was still beaten to pieces by the huge force.

Peter fell to the ground, kicking up countless dust. His body twitched slightly, showing no sign of struggling to get up.

Rolf walked over, stretched out one foot, stepped on Peter's forehead, stared at the dizzy face, bent down and said softly:

"Who is the wizard who saved you? And where did Voldemort go?"

Peter fell into such a panic that he didn't even bother to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and begged for mercy with a tearful voice:

"Rolf...let me go, please let me go, I can't tell you..."

"If you don't want to say anything... you can only use Veritaserum."

Rolf took a bottle from Shirley and tried to pour the potion into Peter's mouth, but Peter kept turning his head and was very uncooperative.

Rolf bent down and punched Peter in the abdomen. The pain was so painful that he almost vomited out bitter water, and his body instinctively bent. The young man stretched out his hand again, held down his head, pressed hard, and knocked it to the ground.

Peter's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and bloodshot eyes oozed from his nose and ears. He looked at the condescending Rove with a horrified face and said:

"Please, let me go..."

"Then who spared the Potters who were killed by you?" Rolf asked calmly:

"They were only in their early twenties when they died, and the child was just over a year old... Peter, I really want to know, have you ever regretted it?"

Peter stretched out his hand with difficulty, trying to hold the boy's ankle, his eyes full of pity and pleading, his face full of tears, and he murmured repeatedly:

"I have regretted it...I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

Luofu shook his head, "You just know that you are going to die."

"Peter, I said... you will regret that you didn't stay in Azkaban, because in that way, you could still save a small life." Rolf said with indifferent eyes:

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"I gave you a chance to live, but you didn't cherish it... I will personally organize your funeral."

Peter's eyes became extremely frightened. He wanted to curse Rolf, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't come out, only a meaningless "ho ho" sound.

Rolf finally asked: "Before you die...tell me who saved you?"

Peter's watery little eyes like a mouse were widened, full of fear, and he said tremblingly:


Before Peter could finish speaking, his right hand suddenly raised and moved to his throat.

It was a silver arm that tightly held Peter's throat. His eyes rolled upwards, his face turned purple and he said, "Help me..."

Rove immediately took out a dagger and cut off his arm. Peter screamed in pain and blood flowed out.

But the silver arm did not let go. Like a living creature, it continued to grasp Peter's throat and lift him into the air.

Luofu raised his wand and said: "The strength is loose and the strength is exhausted!"

The silver hand still held Peter's throat tightly. He waved his arms, kicked his legs and struggled, trying to pry the silver hand open, but all in vain.

There was a dull bang, and Peter's neck was crushed by silver hands. His head fell to the ground and rolled several times, with blood and dust mixed together.

This chapter has been completed!
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