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Chapter 41 The Standard Hufflepuff

In fact, Rolf's box is really not big.

Compared with Newt's suitcase, the small amount of space in Rolf's black leather suitcase is at most a hair on Fox's leg, not worth mentioning.

After all, Newt's box has been expanded by the invisible expansion spell for decades, and it has spread out into a vast space bit by bit, just like Foolish Old Man moving mountains.

After Rolf's box was made, Newt expanded the space to a certain extent and stopped the work.

You can continue, but it's not necessary.

Luofu is too young, has limited strength, and has very little skill in taming magical creatures.

The box had too much space and contained too many magical creatures for him to cope with. All it could do was cause the animals to go berserk, escape from prison collectively, and finally send him to Azkaban.

Newt is very experienced in this area. He is the man who once let a box of magical creatures run down Central Street in Manhattan, New York!

Rolf also understands this truth, so even though the space in the box is not large now, he still limits the number of creatures, leaving a lot of empty areas.

Luo Fu is like having an army of 3,000 beauties, but he can't really fill them up. Without that ability, he won't be favored!

Rolf didn't want to capture wild magical creatures, let them sneak out, and be tamed by other wizards.

Then the nature of his "Tauren system" has changed, from yellow hair to a suffering master!

But even so, the existing magical creatures alone were enough to dazzle Shirley. She had never seen so many animals in her life as she did now!

Colorful fairies, vixenids and seven-star ladybugs mixed together, making a buzzing sound.

A large group of cattails covered with soft cream-yellow hair bounced on the ground, chasing the tumbleweed.

There are also giant-winged dung beetles pushing round dung balls, ready to be sent home for a slow lunch.

Rolf and Shirley stood there, awkwardly and politely giving way to them.

The giant dung beetle is a magical creature that can be 100% tamed, but was given up by Rolf.

Because the magic rewarded by the system is [Scavenger], the effect is like a dung beetle, pushing the feces round and smooth.

It’s okay if you don’t want this magic!

There were also several swallow-tailed dogs with forked tails, chasing after the dung beetles excitedly. They seemed to want to pick up some of the food from the buffet, but they could not defeat the giant dung beetles, so they could only lick the traces on the ground to satisfy their greed.

Rolf has definitely never been hungry among these swallow-tailed dogs, but even if he can eat enough, which puppy can resist the test of a delicious snack like capybara excrement?

When passing by the guardian forest, a group of Bowtruckles were fighting with woodpeckers. In order to eat bugs, the woodpeckers pecked out hundreds of holes in a tree, so densely packed... that I even suffered from trypophobia.

Rolf's Groot did not participate in the battle. He was sleeping on a branch, curled up and covered with a leaf, but he was not sleeping very well, and most of the leaves were kicked off.

Rolf did not wake it up, but helped it drag the leaves upward.

While in a pool, Shirley unexpectedly saw Neville's Leif, which was lying on a lotus leaf and singing a chorus with a group of toads.

Leif doesn't want to go back to Neville now. It's great to eat and drink here every day, and there are many female toads waiting to make friends with him.

The only problem is that Luofu didn't know what medicine he had given it recently, and Luifu always feels that he has less and less worldly desires.

Not far away, there is a newly built greenhouse with a row of transplanted pitcher plants, which have become the favorite of many small animals.

An armadillo straightened up, lay on it, and licked the juice desperately.

When Rolf walked over, he patted its head hard and said sternly:

"You don't know you have diabetes? My classmate Malfoy thinks your urine is sweet, yet you still dare to drink it. Are you not afraid of death?"

Shirley: "..."

The armadillo shrank its head and rolled its body into a ball, like a ground drill, drilling a hole in the ground and then disappeared.

A row of footprints suddenly appeared on the ground, but no animals could be seen. Rove shouted: "Uduka, does your stomach still hurt?"

An animal with black eyes and long hair, which looked like a chimpanzee, slowly appeared. It was an invisible beast with a bulging belly. It was already very big.

Luofu walked over, leaned against the belly of the invisible beast and listened, before letting it leave.

"Uduka is going to give birth in the next few days." Rolf said to Shirley:

"But she is a single mother. There was an African black invisible beast with her before. When she found out that Uduka was pregnant, she ran away immediately."


Luo Fu is already very familiar with this invisible beast. When Uduka gives birth to the little invisible beast safely, he will be able to obtain the invisibility magic.

At this moment, a burst of music suddenly sounded in the sky. The sound was ethereal, ethereal and mysterious. A ball of flame burned brightly, and then a crimson bird appeared out of thin air.

"It's Professor Dumbledore's Phoenix Fawkes." Rolf looked at the time and said, "It's already twelve o'clock. Let's eat here instead of going back to the auditorium?"

Shirley nodded, looked up at the phoenix in the sky, and murmured: "It's so beautiful."

Rolf is blind and cannot tell whether Fox is good-looking or not, but he is a true foodie and the boy can still tell.

Ever since I brought some sea rabbits to Fox in the principal's office that day, he often came to Rove to eat and drink.

Of course, it is customary to exchange phoenix tail feathers, so that a certain area of ​​​​Fox's butt has become somewhat bald recently.

Since Fox is here, the ingredients cannot be low-end. This time, Rove made Night Bird Tenderloin Steak:

A piece of plump nightbird tenderloin, lightly beat into thin slices, sprinkle with pepper, then put mozzarella cheese and ham on the tenderloin, add the beaten grouse egg liquid, coat with bread crumbs, and finally add

Place in a frying pan, add butter and salad and heat until golden brown…

We found a small table and the two of us started eating as soon as possible.

Shirley held the knife and fork in hand, blew lightly on the plate of steaming nightbird tenderloin, then cut a small piece and began to chew it slowly.

Shirley finally showed some innocence appropriate to her age. She raised her head and said happily: "It's so delicious!"

Fox also picked up the tenderloin and swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

Luofu glanced at Fox's eating appearance and sighed secretly:

"Fox, you look like you have never seen the world. You have suffered with Dumbledore and are starving and bald. You might as well follow me."

Unexpectedly, Shirley finished the meal the fastest. After she finished eating, she looked at Luo Fu, blushed a little, and her eyelashes trembled slightly and said, "I'm not too full. Can I have another bowl?"

Luo Fu raised his head and smiled: "Night bird meat is very expensive."

"Deduct it from my salary!" Shirley waved her hand and said, "After deducting it this month, I will deduct it next month!"

But her voice quickly became quieter, and the arrogance she had just now disappeared, and she turned into a country girl who was calculating and prudent. She said slyly:

"I'm very poor, can it be cheaper, 30% off..."

After finishing the meal, Luofu carried the feed and started to feed the animals.

Shirley sat cross-legged on a raised hill, Fox was singing beside her, the breeze blew on her face, and the red hair on the girl's forehead and temples swayed.

Shirley, who was very full, burst into tears for no reason. Fox gently pecked the girl's ponytail, seeming to comfort her.

Shirley suddenly stood up and shouted to the figure in the distance: "Rolf, I accept this job, when will the contract be signed?"

Luofu raised his head and said blankly: "Contract?"

"Yes, if you don't sign the contract, I'm afraid you'll regret it and don't want me anymore!" Shirley shouted: "I don't know anything, I'm clumsy, I can't even use Professor Sprout's magic well!"

"It's okay, I'll teach you."

The girl looked at the figure entangled by a group of sniffers and smiled: "Thank you!"

Luofu grinned, scratched his head, said nothing, and continued to squat down, sniffing and shoveling the poop for those few.

The young man thought for a while and thought:

I am a kind-hearted person, and I am still a standard Hufflepuff.

This chapter has been completed!
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