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Chapter 40 The inside is bigger than the outside

Shirley felt as if her feet were empty and her body seemed to be sucked into the sewer. When she opened her eyes again, she came to a strange room.

The room is not big and the facilities are simple, with only one bed, one table, one chair and one cabinet.

On one wall are hung various tools for taming magical animals: fishing rods, fishing nets, ropes, chains, whips, breast suckers, midwifery forceps, massage sticks...

On the other wall, there are photos of various magical animals in action, and underneath there are notes with training and domestication plans, as well as precautions when contacting them.

There is a long pear wood table with a wall cabinet above the table filled with various books related to magical animals:

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", "Fantastic Beasts in the Pot", "Fantastic Beasts in the Stomach", "Two or Three Things About Fire Dragon Mating", "Postpartum Care of Sows", "How to Help Unicorns Recover from Postpartum Depression

"Confidence", "What to do if Xiu Xiu doesn't want to have a second child"...

On the table are a thick notebook, a pointed wizard hat and a pile of manuscripts.

On the shelf in the corner, there are tablets, pills, potions and potion bottles forming a medicine cabinet, as well as several large bags of feed.

Shirley was so shocked that she opened her mouth wide and couldn't say a word. After a while, she asked in a low voice: "Is this inside the box?"

"Yes, do you have anything to say?" Luo Fei sat on the chair and looked at the confused girl with a smile.

Shirley's eyes widened and she blurted out: "It's much bigger inside than outside!"

"Is it much bigger?" Luofu laughed and said proudly: "I didn't notice it, I thought it was just a little bit."


"Let me tidy up the table, it's a bit messy." Luo Fu turned around and said softly: "You can find a place to sit, don't just stand around."

Shirley looked left and right, only to see a stool, still under Luo Fu's buttocks, so she had to sit on the bed carefully.

But I didn't dare to touch the quilt, for fear of seeing something I shouldn't see or touching something I shouldn't touch on the bed.

When she was in the monastery, she heard from the nuns that boys her age were very strange.

Shirley's attention was quickly drawn to the two photos on the bedside. One was a family photo, including Rolf's grandparents and parents.

Shirley looked at the family portrait, and she was very envious. The girl carefully looked at each of Rolf's family members, and finally came to a conclusion:

Luo Fu inherited her mother's good looks to be so good-looking.

Shirley glanced at the photo next to her. There was only one beautiful witch in it. She was active. She reached out and hooked her hand in the direction of the bed, then licked her lips, made a seductive gesture of blowing a kiss, and finally laughed loudly.


Shirley asked curiously:

"Rolf, who is this witch?"

"My sister Margaery, she goes to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Rolf said with some embarrassment: "She cast a permanent sticking spell on the back of the photo, and I can't remove it."

This crazy woman wanted to tattoo a picture of her face on Luofu's chest last time. In comparison, just using a permanent sticking spell to stick the photo on the bedside was considered normal behavior.

Rove put away the notebook and put a few phoenix tail feathers into the cabinet. These were tail feathers from Fox. He was making them into quills and preparing to give them out as Christmas gifts.

After cleaning up, Rolf stood up, followed by Shirley, and stood in front of a wooden door. There was a brass door knocker in the shape of a griffon on the door.

Compared with the door knocker in the principal's office, the workmanship of the griffin in Luo Fu's box was much worse. He touched his own door knocker, thinking about other people's door knockers.

However, relying on this broken door knocker, many magical animals are protected and cannot escape at will.

Just as Luo Fe was about to open the door, he suddenly remembered something. He turned around and reminded, "You don't have anything shiny on you, do you? Like galleons or something like that?"

Shirley shook her head, but she quickly remembered something, stretched out her slender fingers, carefully grabbed a silver chain from her neck, and lifted it gently.

At the end of the silver chain, there was a special cross hanging. The girl shook it slightly and asked, "Does this count?"

Luofu looked at it intently and stretched out his hand to hold the distinctive cross.

So beautiful...it's especially warm when I get it...

what is the material?

Luo Fu rubbed the cross and suddenly remembered that the girl had just taken it out from under her neck. Of course it was warm. He quickly let go, coughed and said, "Hide it."

Shirley's face was red, her ears and neck were red. If it weren't for the salary of thirty galleons per month offered by Rolf, she would have beaten someone by now.

Well, she also forgot to bring her baseball bat. She will have to take it with her when she comes to work in the future!

Luofu turned the door handle and opened the door cautiously. A creature covered in black fur ejected and hit him directly.

Luofu quickly closed the door, only to hear a banging sound, and the creature hit the door and let out a scream.

"What's that?" Shirley shouted.

"Sniff, they like shiny things. Hide your cross well so they don't find it."

Rolf underestimated the Sniff's ability to escape from prison. Although one Sniff bumped into the door, another one slipped in at some point.

It hung from the chandelier on the ceiling, trying to steal the light bulb used for lighting. The lights in the room suddenly flickered on and off.

Luofu snapped his fingers and said softly:

"The vines grow!"

The vines placed on the bookshelf rolled up into the air like snakes, entangled Xiu Xiu, and then threw them towards Luo Fu.

The young man stretched out his hand to catch the Sniff, made a couple of fancy moves on the ground, and then made a step-back throw, but he didn't throw it out, and stuffed the dizzy Sniff into his pocket.

Luofu looked at Shirley and smiled: "A group of very naughty guys, they will also be your main trouble in your future work."


Xiu Xiu is indeed very naughty, and it is difficult to completely tame it.

At the age of ten, every Scamander can choose one of the magical animals from the Royal Family as a companion.

The first choice that Rolf chose was Sniff, and the system also released a magic reward for completing 100% domestication called [The Thief].

It's a pity that the Nifflers are not obedient at all. Rolf has successfully tamed the Bowtruckle and Salamander, but he has not yet finished taming the Nifflers.

All I can say is... Xiu Xiu will never be a slave!

Even if you take care of food, housing and treasury!!

Luo Fu opened the wooden door and walked out first. Shirley followed cautiously. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

She originally thought that the black leather box was as big as a small house, which was an exaggeration enough, but what she saw in front of her was

An area larger than a Quidditch pitch.

This is more like a small safari park, where each animal has its own perfect, magical habitat.

The girl was stunned for a long time, then suddenly she laughed out of nowhere, so much so that she had to purse her lips to prevent herself from looking so stupid.

She smiled happily, as if she heard Professor McGonagall telling her that day that she was a wizard and could leave the monastery and be as free as a bird.

(Thanks to the "Give me a bottle of wine and a cigarette" boss for the tip.

Please vote for me at the beginning of the month, thank you all.)

This chapter has been completed!
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