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Chapter 195 Final Exam

In order to hunt down Peter Pettigrew, Fudge placed a large number of dementors near Hogwarts.

One of the dementors was guarding the secret passage leading to Hogwarts from Honeydukes. Rolf had been coveting it for a long time, but he had never been able to capture it.

Shirley and Hermione knew about this, so they secretly captured it and gave it as a gift to Rolf after he returned from a long absence.

Both of them knew how to use the Patronus Charm, so it was not difficult to catch a dementor in a narrow secret passage.

Although the gifts Shirley and Hermione gave were slightly different from the "gifts" that Rove had imagined, they were indeed considered surprises.

Of course, as the jailers of Akazban, Dementors are officially employed by the Ministry of Magic.

If a Dementor is lost inexplicably, the Ministry of Magic will definitely track it down, but there are no cameras in the secret passage, so there is no way to trace Rolf, Shirley and Hermione.

Even if the box is traced one day... the box has been found, is there still the small crime of illegally imprisoning a dementor?

If you just take a look around the box, you'll probably see enough illegal activities to "further study" at the Azkaban Academy for a thousand years... He's already done a lot of evil!

With the new toy, Rolf immediately powered up the dementor and trained it in all aspects.

However, after only a few days of training, Rolf was dragged to the library by Shirley and Hermione for tutoring. He had been absent from school for two months and really needed the two girls to give him some serious tutoring.

In fact, Luofu took classes for more than a month a thousand years ago, but he only learned the magical effects of the Cruciatus Curse or the Soul-Impering Curse... The two sides did not share the same teaching system.

Soon, the final exam of this school year came.

The first test was Transfiguration, and the question was as difficult as ever.

During the transfiguration practical exam, Professor McGonagall also asked everyone to turn a hot teapot into a crawling turtle.

As soon as Neville cast the spell, the teapot exploded to pieces and hot water splashed everywhere.

He also successfully burned his arm and became the first student to enter the school hospital.

Hannah's teapot grew four claws, holding the teapot and crawling slowly on the ground.

Susan transformed into a turtle, but she couldn't move, and a lot of steam came out of her mouth. Those who didn't know it thought it was a steam turtle.

Luofu transformed into a turtle with complex and exquisite patterns on its shell, but the turtle looked a bit like an old turtle.

But Professor McGonagall still gave him full marks.

During the Charms exam, Professor Flitwick asked the students to cast a happy spell.

Rolf and Neville teamed up together, which made many students sweat for him.

During the Transfiguration Exam, Neville directly blew up the teapot. Who knows if his "Happiness Curse" also had an explosive effect!

Rolf is not afraid. He has spider sense and can sense danger in advance.

Fortunately, Neville succeeded, but he was not completely successful. His happiness spell could not make Rolf happy, but instead made him feel depressed.

Rove pretended to smile, but Professor Flitwick saw through it at a glance, and he was deducted another point from his original perfect score.

During the Care of Magical Creatures exam, Hagrid asked everyone to take care of a salamander and draw blood from it.

Salamander blood, which has healing and rejuvenating properties, can be used to create enhancers.

But they have a bad temper, will burn enemies, and cannot stay away from the flames for a long time, which will test students' skills.

Rove first gave the salamander cayenne pepper to ensure it could survive outside the flames, and then used a freezing spell to freeze it.

His operation techniques were very sophisticated and he completed the blood collection the fastest. Hagrid gave him full marks.

After Rove completed the assessment, Hagrid patted the young man on the shoulder and said excitedly:

"Rolf, I attended the hearing last week, and the Ministry of Magic's Education Bureau has declared that Buckbeak is not guilty."

"Well, I heard what Shirley said, and I also received a letter from Mrs. Gsilda Marchbain." Rolf smiled and said, "What have you been doing recently? I haven't seen you much?"

"An injured manticore appeared in the Forbidden Forest. I have been taking care of it recently," Hagrid explained.

"Is it a manticore?" Rolf suddenly became excited. That is a magical creature that originated in Greece and is difficult to see in the UK!

"Hagrid, I happen to have nothing to do during the summer vacation. Can I help you send it back to Greece?"

Shirley, who was taking blood from the salamander, heard Rove's words and wanted to laugh but didn't, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Last time, Rolf wanted to help Hagrid send the fire dragon Norbert to Romania, but in the end he sent it to his own box.

"It's really hard lately, Rolf." Hagrid lowered his voice and said, "The manticore is in heat. She has a bad temper. I have to help her solve her needs first."


Rolf glanced at Hagrid. His body could indeed help the manticore survive its estrus safely, but...

Is the taste too strong?!

During the Potions exam, Rolf ran into big trouble.

Snape was still holding grudge against Rolf for breaking his waist, so he stood next to him and stared at him while he was brewing the potion.

The potion that Rolf brewed was perfect, but Professor Snape still gave the boy a big zero mark.

This left Rolf speechless.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts exam is an exam similar to an obstacle course. During the process, a series of magical creatures will appear, and students are required to fight against them and successfully pass the level.

This was easy for Rove, and he completed the level in the shortest time.

"Perfect, full marks, Rolf." Sirius said happily: "And...long time no see, welcome back."

The two of them had indeed not seen each other for a long time. Even though Rolf had been back for a while, he had not seen Sirius.

During the Easter operation, Sirius was bitten by Voldemort and was poisoned by snake venom. Although Fox's tears could detoxify the poison, there was still dark magic on the wound.

He has been hospitalized at St. Mungo's to recuperate his health, and has only returned to school in the past two days.

"You have lost a lot of weight." Luo Fu asked with concern: "Is your health okay?"

"No problem, but Voldemort's magic is really powerful." Sirius sighed.

"Otherwise, how could he be the Dark Lord?" Luofu comforted:

"Sirius, I really don't blame you for the failure of the mission. You don't need to blame yourself too much. There is no need to resign directly, right?"

"It's not all because of this." Sirius shook his head and explained: "I found that I am not suitable to be a professor. I don't like restraint. Preparing lessons and correcting homework every day makes me very annoyed.

If you continue to stay in school, you will continue to have arguments with Snape, and they might start fighting one day and make everyone embarrassed."

"And...now that I know that Voldemort is not dead, I want to try to track him." Sirius said with firm eyes.

Luofu didn't say anything to comfort him. This is Sirius's character. He is not afraid of death, as long as he can get revenge.

Besides, because of Tom's curse, no wizard has ever been able to serve in Defense Against the Dark Arts for more than a year.

Sirius has saved a life now. If he continues to teach, he may be dead soon.

Therefore, his resignation is a good thing, but of course, it may not be good news for the next unlucky person Dumbledore targets.

After the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, Rove also ushered in the divination exam.

This is the last exam, and it is also the exam that Rove is most looking forward to. He will finally meet Trelawney again.

That's Cassandra's great-great-granddaughter!

After the old friend!!

This chapter has been completed!
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