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Chapter 20 Deaths Guidance

Listening to Grigovitch's words, Rolf was extremely surprised. He never thought that the saints who did not even have a Deathly Hallows would actually possess such... high-end goods as the relics of the God of Death.

Karin looked even more disbelieving and questioned: "Grandpa, could it be a fake, specially made to deceive old people like you?

Just like you were deceived into buying a bunch of health products last year...it's all IQ tax."

When this matter was brought up, Grigovitch became extremely angry. He shouted angrily:

"I was deceived because I trusted my acquaintances too much! Besides, when I joined the Saints, I was only in my early thirties, so I am not an old person."

"You're still young, you don't have enough experience." Karin crossed her arms and tutted, "It's more normal to be fooled."

"Shut up!" Grigovitch glared at the granddaughter who was trying to undermine him, and said, "Of course I can't be deceived. In fact, that relic showed me extraordinary power."

"What power?" the girl asked. Jhin

"While the saints were praying to the relic, we entered a trance-like world," the old man recalled.

Luo Fei rarely showed a shocked look, "Have you ever entered a trance?"

Karin said almost at the same time: "What is trance?"

"A place between life and death." Luofu looked at the girl and explained softly: "You can think of it as the final resting place before death."

Grigovitch looked at Rolf in surprise. He didn't expect that he even knew the secrets of the trance. It was really not simple.

"Yes, I wandered there for a long time and even saw the God of Death."

Karin's eyes widened with a look of bewilderment on her face, and she said in a more serious tone: "The God of Death in the story of the three brothers?" Jhin

"Yes." Gregovich said seriously: "The scene in the trance is a projection of the memory of the person who enters it."

"I appeared on the street under the lime trees at that time. There was not a single wizard in the whole street. After I sat in front of the wand shop for a long time, a hooded customer came."

The old man lowered his voice and said: "He has no face, is tall, says he is the God of Death, and asks me what I want."

Both Rolf and Karin held their breath and listened to Grigovitch's story attentively. The old man said in a hoarse voice:

"I was crazy obsessed with the Elder Wand, so I asked Death to tell me its location."

"The God of Death guided me." The old man said with a look of reminiscence: "Later, I left the trance and illusion and found out that all the saints had entered the trance and illusion, but I was the only one who saw the God of Death."

Rolf and Karin looked at each other, but neither spoke.

"I didn't tell anyone about this, but I left the Saints organization and went to find the Elder Wand alone." Grigovic continued:

"At that time, the Elder Wand had been missing from the magical world for nearly fifty years."

"It last appeared in the hands of the infamous Loxias, who killed the terrible wizard Barnabas and obtained the Elder Wand from him.

But who killed Losias is unknown, and many people claim to have taken his life, including his biological mother."

"I was dubious at the time, but I still followed the instructions of the God of Death and found the wizard Arkus. He was already old at that time and wanted to take the Elder Wand into the tomb."

The old man's tone suddenly became excited, "So, I easily took the Elder Wand from him."

"I have studied the Elder Wand for a long time. It taught me a lot about wandology, and my wandmaking skills began to improve by leaps and bounds. Jhin

The wands I make are always much more powerful than others, even Ollivander is far inferior to me in this aspect."

Grigovitch recounted the details while Karin was stunned. She had no idea that her grandfather had ever obtained the Elder Wand.

"Do you still have that wand in your hand?" Karin asked hurriedly.

"No more." The old man looked gloomy and laughed at himself: "I made a very stupid mistake at that time. I went everywhere to advertise that I owned the Elder Wand."

"Grandpa, why did you tell the truth?" Karin puzzled, "instead of hiding the wand?"

"I was carried away by the Elder Wand." The old man sighed:

"You have never held the Elder Wand, so you don't know its terrifying power. I am holding it in my hand, and the wizard who was originally much more powerful than me is no match for me. Jhin

I didn't think any wizard could take it from me!"

Grigovitch paused for a moment and continued: "Moreover, I wanted to be the best stick maker in the eyes of the world.

I want others to know that I am researching and replicating the properties of the Elder Wand and applying them to the wands I make."

"Sure enough, my reputation became so great that wizards from all over Europe came to buy my wand, even Britain with Ollivander."

"Then what happened?" Karin asked curiously, "How did it get lost?"

"One day, when I was working, a blond boy sneaked into my room and stole my wand." Grigovitch sighed:

"When I chased him, he hit me with a stun spell, and I lost the Elder Wand." Jhin

"Blonde boy?" Karin asked curiously: "Have you ever looked for the thief?"

"No." Gregovich gave an unexpected answer.

"When I started, I really wanted to know who that person was and wanted to take my wand back."

Grigovitch returned to the chair and sat down. He looked outside the room and said:

"Just when I was about to leave, looking at the room full of wands, I suddenly calmed down and thought that losing the Elder Wand might be a good thing."

"A good thing?" Karin was a little confused.

"It is indeed a good thing." Rolf took over the words, "As a coveted artifact, the Elder Wand has a bloody history, and murder is usually used to change its owner." Jhin.

"As the owner of the Elder Wand, Mr. Grigovitch lost it, but it is safe and sound. Isn't this a good thing?"

"Yes." The old man looked at the young man with admiration and said, "That's what I thought at the time."

"That's indeed a good thing." Karin patted her chest happily.

"But you still have to pay attention." Rove looked at Grigovitch and reminded:

"You once revealed that you had obtained the Elder Wand, but others did not know that you had lost it.

If anyone is looking for the Elder Wand, they may still find you."

Grigovitch nodded, he stroked the chair, his weathered face was full of memories.

Seeing that the old man was a little tired, Rolf interrupted Karin who wanted to continue asking, stood up and said:

"That's all for today, Karin... just take me to my room."

Karin saw the boy's expression and stood up. After bidding farewell to the old man, she led him along the stairs and walked upstairs.

Karin whispered: "Rolph, do you believe what my grandfather said?"

"What, don't you believe it?" Rove asked.

"I don't believe in saints. I always feel that my grandfather was deceived by them." Karin shook her head.

"Why do you say that?" Jhin

"Do you think... the God of Death can still die?" Karin raised her eyebrows and said, "It shows that it is definitely not the corpse of the God of Death."

Rove was speechless for a moment, but suddenly he remembered the ancient wizard Hufflepuff had told him.

The ancient wizard could not be killed, so his body was cut into five parts and hidden by five pure-blood wizards.

The relics of the God of Death...can't be related to the ancient wizard, right?


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