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Chapter 35 In-depth communication in the bathroom

When hearing the voice of the opposite sex in the toilet, most people's first reaction is probably to suspect that they have gone to the wrong toilet.侉

But not Rolf.

Because... he has extensive experience of being blocked by witches in the men's bathroom.

Needless to say, Myrtle often went to toilets and men's bathrooms to spy openly, and Rolf was her main target of persecution in the past few years.

All I can say is that after dying for so long, there really is no one in this world that Myrtle cares about anymore.

Helena was not as free as Myrtle. She always remained aloof and reserved, but she also went to the bathroom to find Rolf.

But these two were just ghosts and dead people no matter what, so Luofu could barely accept it. It was really outrageous to be blocked in the toilet by a living person at this moment.

And the interview...the interview was just a piece of shit. Can you believe it, he shuddered and slapped her in the face?

Luofu turned around and saw a mature woman in her forties, standing behind him. She was dressed very colorfully:

Her hair is blond and wavy, she wears black-rimmed glasses with jewels on her face, and a pair of flaming red lips. Her somewhat thick legs are wrapped in purple stockings, and her feet are a pair of high-heeled leather short boots.

Rita Skeeter...a famous journalist in the British wizarding world.

She is well-informed and can always break major news that others don't know about immediately.

She also likes to spread rumors, distort the truth, instigate confrontation, coerce and manipulate public opinion, just to earn traffic.

This was the first time for Rolf to meet Rita, but it was not the first time for him to deal with her.

Two summers ago, Rove went to Nico's manor to attend the funeral, and was later exposed by Rita.侉

She spread rumors that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​a mysterious organization that spreads almost all over the world, trying to establish a new order in the wizarding world and control the world...

Luo Fe was also in the most conspicuous position in that group photo. To this day, many students believe that he really joined the mysterious organization.

Rolf looked at Rita, pursed his lips and said, "Ms. Skeeter, this is the men's bathroom."

"Sorry, Mr. Scamander, you can continue without paying any attention to me."

Rita reached into her crocodile leather handbag and took out a long, dazzling green quill.

She looked down hard, then stuck out her tongue and licked the tip of the pen, sucking it deliciously for a while. The quill pipe trembled slightly and sprayed out a ball of ink.

Luofu frowned and said, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"I'm giving you an exclusive interview." Rita took out another machine from her bag and explained with a smile:

"There is also a real-time broadcast. The conversation between the two of us will be broadcast through the wizard radio in a while, so that all the viewers standing in front of the radio can hear it."


When Rita Skeeter saw that Rolf was not going to the toilet, she turned on the machine, waited until the red light came on, and then took out a small piece of paper from her pocket.

She adjusted her thick glasses and said in the purest voice of a live reporter:

"This is the British Wizards Radio Network. I am reporter Rita Skeeter, reporting live for you at the International Federation of Wizards Conference."

"As I announced previously, the floating dragon boat on which representatives of the Ministry of Magic from various countries were transported suffered a terrorist attack.

Last year, Rolf Scamander, the genius boy who helped Sirius Black clear his wrongdoing, was also on this flight.

He successfully stopped the attack, saved a shipload of wizards, and attended the United Assembly.

At this moment, Mr. Rolf Scamander is standing next to me, Rolf...say hello to the domestic audience."

Luofu did not say hello, but said with a stern face:

"Ms. Rita Skeeter, do you have interview permission? I remember that the Ministry of Magic is not open to reporters today. How did you get in?"

"Of course I have my own special channel, which is absolutely legal. You don't have to worry about that."

Rita quickly covered the microphone and lowered her voice: "Rolf, stop talking nonsense. This is a broadcast for the whole UK, and everyone can hear it..."

"Can everyone hear it?"

Luofu smiled, he snapped his fingers, and saw a crackling blue arc instantly hitting the machine in Rita's hand, and it emitted bursts of blue smoke.

"Okay, no one can hear our conversation now."

Luofu raised his wand again and locked the bathroom door. A sarcastic smile appeared on his face and he said:

"Rita Skeeter, we can have an in-depth one-on-one interview without anyone interrupting us."



Ottery St. Catchpole Village,


The Weasley family gathered in front of the radio, listening to the British wizard radio broadcast.

"This is the British Wizarding Radio Network. I am reporter Rita Skeeter... At this moment, Mr. Rolf Scamander is standing next to me... Please say hello to the domestic audience."

"Sorry, Ms. Skeeter, do you have permission to interview..."

Ginny was sitting on a stool. When she heard the familiar voice coming from the small speaker, she immediately stood barefoot on the chair and shouted: 侉

"It's Luo Fu's voice. The wizard who saved the floating dragon ship doesn't have the same name, it's really him!"

"That's cool!" Ron envied, "But how did he go to Germany?"

"Maybe to join the International Confederation of Wizards?" said George, who was tinkering with Fat Tongue Toffee.

Fred on the side nodded and said: "The wizard who saved a ship of wizards, Rolf, is also a representative of various countries... I bet that he will get two Merlin medals at once..."

Percy looked regretful and said, "If I had known earlier, I would have given my report to Rove?"

"What report?" Ron asked.

"Write a report for the Department of International Magical Cooperation." Percy said proudly, "We are going to test the thickness of the crucible according to the standard.侉

The bottom of the crucible of some foreign imported products is too thin...the leakage rate is increasing at a rate of almost 3% per year..."

"If you give it to Rove, he can raise this serious issue at the International Federation of Wizards Conference."

"It's amazing. This report will change the world." Ron sneered. "I think the Daily Prophet will publish the headline on the front page: Crucible Leakage."

Percy's face turned pink and he said excitedly:

"You can be sarcastic, Ron. Sooner or later, I will make a report at the Federation just like Rove."

"You all should keep your voices down," Ginny shouted, "I can't even hear Rolf's voice."

Everyone stopped talking and listened intently to the radio, but the sound disappeared and the radio only made a beeping noise.侉

"Why is it gone?" Ginny took the radio, knocked it hard, and frowned: "The radio was damaged by your quarrel?"

"That radio is too old." Mrs. Weasley's voice came from the kitchen. "Your father bought me a gift when I got married."

Fortunately, the voice finally came back, but it was a strange announcer. She said in an apologetic voice:

"Sorry for our brief hiatus, there are some problems with the signal ahead, and this report can only be temporarily canceled... Next up is 'Magic Hour', performed by the famous witch singer Celestine Warbeck."

The group of people sighed in disappointment, and Ginny even cursed the wizarding radio network for closure sooner or later.

Not only the Weasley family, but all the British wizards listening to the radio at this time wanted to smash the radio.

It feels like reading a novel and suddenly seeing a broken chapter. You can imagine the discomfort. I wish I could send a razor blade to Rita.侉

This chapter has been completed!
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