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Chapter 53 Harry, I advise you to go

Although Dumbledore said that night tours were allowed, Rolf decided to suspend this activity that was suitable for all ages and conveyed this spirit to Shirley and the three of them.

This fully reflects what is meant by layer-by-layer coding.

Dumbledore only asked not to go to restricted areas or dangerous places. Not only did Rolf stop his night walks, but he also specifically told Hermione:

Don't leave bed unless necessary, and preferably don't even go to the common room.

He definitely didn't write in the complaint letter that he wanted to transfer to Ilvermorny just to "retaliate" against this little bitch!

Rove is a vengeful person.

He is a vengeful person.

The temporary low-key is indeed necessary. Not only Professor Snape, but also Professor McGonagall seems to dislike Rove and has been trying to cause trouble for him in the Transfiguration class recently.

That look... was like Luo Fei had stolen the jade cabbage she had just planted.

Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore warned him and made Rolf mentally prepared so that he would not be too passive when faced with Professor McGonagall's aggression.

I can only say that the principal is a rare and loyal person among the Hogwarts professor team.

In order not to be picked on, Luofu stayed up late to learn the Transfiguration Technique, and asked Shirley if he didn't know what he was doing. He finally rode on the tail of the disappearance of the [Transfiguration Technique Talent] and completed the first-year Transfiguration Technique course ahead of schedule in one month.

All I can say is that Professor McGonagall’s talent is so terrifying!

Even Shirley was slightly surprised. Luofu's recent progress was so rapid... he was almost catching up with her.

Hermione was the happiest. After she wrote many letters of complaint, Professor Dumbledore finally wrote her a reply.

Dumbledore said that he could not solve the problem of Defense Against the Dark Arts for the time being because it was too difficult to find wizards who were willing to work generously.

But he was willing to spare two lessons a week to teach her Defense Against the Dark Arts. This made Hermione so happy that she stopped writing a letter of complaint. He praised Hogwarts for its good teaching quality.

Dumbledore once served as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration, and was definitely a good teacher.

Rolf took Shirley away as his assistant, and Professor Sprout lost free labor. Seeing that Neville was honest and friendly and liked herbal medicine, she asked him to come to the greenhouse every week to help.

So far, Shirley is learning Transfiguration from Professor McGonagall, Hermione is learning Defense Against the Dark Arts from Professor Dumbledore, and Neville is learning Herbal Medicine from Professor Sprout...

Only Rolf had no one to claim him, so he had no choice but to continue raising his group of harmless little animals in the box.

Of course, there is not no good news. Professor Sprout found Dumbledore and made Rolf a substitute for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

Although Rolf was, in Cedric's words, the youngest Quidditch player in a century, a substitute was a substitute.

He won't play for a while, maybe even for a year.

Hufflepuff has become stronger this year. The lineup has been working together for two years, and their cooperation has become even more tacit.

A mature team that aspires to win the championship cannot make a large number of rotations at the beginning of the season to train new players.

What they have to do is to win as many games as possible through cooperation and accumulate enough points advantages while other reorganized teams are still in the running-in period.

Therefore, after Rolf became a substitute, he did not even participate in Hufflepuff's training matches.

Halloween is coming, and the decorations at Hogwarts Castle have changed overnight:

The corridor is filled with the sweet and tempting smell of roasted pumpkins, and jack-o'-lanterns are hung in every corner. When students pass by, a bat will emerge to scare the passing students.

Groups of ghosts walked around the corridors, and when they met little wizards, they asked them to say a blessing.

On the way to class, Rove met the almost headless Nick, and wished him to cut off his head soon, become "Headless Nick", and successfully join the Headless Hunters team.

Nick was very happy, saying that this was the most touching and sincere blessing he had heard in hundreds of years, and wished Rolf good health forever.

In the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall taught everyone how to turn a mouse into a pumpkin.

Rolf was the fastest and completed the transformation first. Professor McGonagall smiled at him and gave Hufflepuff a point.

Shirley, who deliberately slowed down, looked at the young man who was chatting with Professor McGonagall, raised the corners of her mouth, and quietly arched her eyebrows.

In the herbal medicine class, Professor Sprout introduced a kind of pumpkin to everyone. When the wizard comes close to it, it will jump on top of the wizard's head and smash it down hard.

But these pumpkins don't live long because they often collide with each other and crush themselves to pieces.

Professor Snape didn't like Halloween. In fact, he didn't like any holiday. In order to prevent everyone from being unhappy during the holiday, he even deliberately delayed the class for twenty minutes.

In Charms class, Professor Flitwick showed everyone how to levitate a pumpkin.

"Don't forget that subtle wrist movement we've been training!" he said sharply, "remember, one wave and one shake!"

The pumpkin flew higher and higher, and finally hung on the ceiling. Everyone couldn't wait to try it, but unfortunately they could only start with the lightest feather.

Hermione rolled up her sleeves, waved her wand, and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Her feather rose from the table and hung four feet above her head.

"Oh, well done!" Professor Flitwick waved his hand and shouted, "Look, Miss Granger has succeeded! Two points for Gryffindor!"

Neville waved and shook over and over again, but the feather that should be floating still lay motionless on the table.

Hermione whispered: "Neville, it's Yuga-Dimlviosa, you should say the word 'plus' long and clear."

"But I can't always grasp the timing." Neville was a little troubled.

"Then look at the watch. If you stretch it for three seconds, you can basically succeed." Hermione introduced the tips she summarized.

Neville did it again and failed again. Hermione corrected two more mistakes for him and finally succeeded.

"Hermione, is there something wrong with my gesture?" Hannah asked hurriedly.

"The third movement, the range of the wrist is too small, look at me..." Hermione pinched the wand and shook it slightly.

Bones, who was sitting in front, turned around and said enthusiastically: "It's my turn Hermione..."

During this time, Hermione has made many friends, of course most of them are Hufflepuff students.

In a place like school where social relations are relatively simple, as long as a top student is willing to help a poor student, he will immediately gain a lot of friends.

This is especially true before the exam. As long as you share your academic notes and summarize the key points of the exam, you will immediately become the most popular student.

As long as a top student like Hermione is willing to change her attitude, it's weird that she can't make friends!

After explaining to the students around her, Hermione came back to her senses with excitement. She turned to look at the book in Rolf's hand.

"What is the purpose of the venom of the three-headed dog?"

"Yes, the venom of the three-headed dog is very precious." Rove said: "The magic potion made from it has antispasmodic, analgesic and other effects, and also has a good local anesthetic effect."

After cleaning Lu Wei's teeth, Luo Fe got the [Beast's Mouth]. He can now make venom and cannot waste it.

"Where did you get this book?" Hermione asked curiously.

"The forbidden book area." Rolf raised his eyebrows and said, "Professor Dumbledore said last time that if you want any books, write to him."

At this moment, Harry, who was sitting in the back row, poked Luo Fu on the back with a quill and whispered: "Rolf, I have a question for you."

Hearing Harry speak, Hermione snorted, turned her head and stopped talking.

Ever since the last time she persuaded Harry and Ron not to go out at night, it was a scam by Malfoy, and they were caught for refusing to listen, Hermione has never spoken to them again.

Harry was a little embarrassed, but still whispered:

"Rolf, if I want to catch an... animal and catch it silently, is there any way?"

"It would be best if no one else or the animal sees us!" Ron interjected.

Luo Fu was silent for a long time and said:

"Harry, I advise you to surrender."


(Thanks to the two big guys “Ji Ai Wa Lang Shui” and “Hague Moon” for their tips.)

This chapter has been completed!
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