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Chapter 54 Trolls

Harry and Ron were obviously plotting something.

The questions they asked also reminded Luo Fu of the consultation posts he had seen before:

I killed a pig at home, weighing about 60 kilograms, and blood spurted all over the wall. What should I do now that the pig bones cannot be flushed down the toilet?

what to do?

Of course it is recommended to surrender.

Therefore, Luofu will definitely not participate in the conspiracy between the two of them, nor will he give any opinions.

After class, Rolf, Hermione and Neville walked towards the auditorium, but were blocked by Malfoy.

"You go to the auditorium first, I'll be back in a moment." Rove followed Malfoy alone and walked towards the corner.

After Malfoy paid off the last "arrears", he said excitedly: "Mr. Scamander, what do you think about us joining forces?"

"No." Luof sighed with a look of regret on his face: "Someone reported me to Professor McGonagall, slandering me for traveling at night, and Professor McGonagall has been watching me.

Haven’t you seen that I’ve been very honest lately?”

Malfoy thought for a moment. Rove seemed to have kept a low profile recently. It turned out to be this reason.

He immediately said angrily: "Who reported it? I will immediately take Goyle and Crabbe to warn him and ask him to be honest and shut his mouth!"

"This person's background is a bit thick. I'm afraid you won't be able to move him." Luo Fu looked embarrassed.

"My father is the school director, and there is something I can't handle?" Malfoy showed his unruly face again.

"Professor Snape."

"..." The expression on Malfoy's face froze instantly.

"It was Professor Snape who reported me to Professor McGonagall. If you can deal with him, I will immediately return all the Galleons you gave me..." Rolf patted Malfoy on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"I'll give you more money!"

Seeing that Malfoy remained silent, Rove continued: "Isn't your father a school director? Can Professor Snape be expelled from Hogwarts?"


When Rolf left in "disappointment", Malfoy still stood there with an ugly expression on his face. He didn't expect that his dean would become the obstacle for him to become the talker of Hogwarts.

He moved his steps and was about to walk towards the auditorium when he suddenly saw a familiar figure that he could only dream about at night.

Harry Potter ran towards a certain corridor, and he cautiously turned his head and glanced behind him, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

Malfoy tricked Potter into a duel last time, resulting in him and Weasley being deducted fifty points each... This feud is dead.

And after that delicious tongue kiss, the two sides became even more tense and would not stop until they stabbed each other to death!

Whenever they meet now, they will repeat the situation in the penalty area that night and engage in passionate fighting...beating them to death.

Seeing Potter's sneaky look, Malfoy followed him without a second thought. If he found anything unusual, of course he would not go directly, but would go to the auditorium to find Professor Snape.

Deducting points for Porter now is the biggest torture for him!

Seeing Potter turning into the corridor, Malfoy followed him on tiptoe, leaned against the corner, blocked his field of vision, and carefully poked his head, as if he was a born spy.

Malfoy saw Potter entering a bathroom. He remembered that it was the women's bathroom?

Peeping in the women's bathroom?

Playing in such a perverted way?!

Malfoy was excited. This was big news, terrible news!

What would happen if he rushed over, locked the door of the women's bathroom, and then went to the auditorium to ask everyone to come over?!

Malfoy became more and more excited as he thought about it. He walked over quietly, trying to keep his footsteps as low as possible, like a seasoned hunter.

While passing through an intersection, a figure suddenly jumped out from another corridor. The figure held a large hollowed pumpkin in his hand and smashed it towards Malfoy's head.

Malfoy knew he had been fooled, and he yelled: "Who? What bastard!"

Harry ran out of the bathroom and said softly in a deliberately hoarse voice: "Malfoy, I am Bloody Barrow. I don't like you lately. Let Peeves teach you a lesson."

"Pretending to be a ghost, I know it's you Potter! Is the other one Weasley?"

Harry and Ron ignored him. After the last night out, they had been looking for opportunities to teach Malfoy a lesson.

I couldn't find a method after asking Rove, but the twins gave me a strategy. I didn't expect it to be so effective and effective.

The two of them grabbed Malfoy's arms, dragged him into the women's bathroom, and then locked the door.

"I'll let you out after the dinner. Don't scream now. No one will come to save you if you scream." Harry said.

Malfoy tore off the big pumpkin and turned the door handle, but it couldn't be opened. It was locked from the outside.

His wand was gone, so he had to bang on the door and shouted: "Potter! You will be dead when I get out!"

But no one could hear Malfoy shouting, all the students went to the Great Hall.

The Halloween party is about to begin.

Groups of low dark clouds were densely covered on the ceiling, and countless bats flew over the little wizard's head, causing the flames of the pumpkin's candles to flicker.

Dumbledore stood up and told a joke about how he almost ended up in the urn after pressing it for half a century. Not only the professor and the little wizard, but also the ghosts shuddered.

The principal's speech ended, and the dinner finally officially began, with delicacies appearing on golden plates.

Pansy discovered that Draco was missing. She couldn't find him anywhere, and even went to the Hufflepuff table to ask Rolf.

"Scamander, have you seen Draco? Goyle said he was coming to find you?"

"We chatted at the door for a while, and then I came to the auditorium. Didn't he come?"

Rolf raised his eyebrows and subconsciously glanced in the direction of the Gryffindor table, seeming to realize something.

At this moment, the door of the auditorium opened, and Professor Quirrell, disheveled and with a flushed face, rushed in.

With a look of horror on his face, he trotted to Professor Dumbledore's chair, leaned on the table, and gasped:

"The troll...is in the underground classroom...I thought you should know."

After Professor Quirrell finished speaking, he fell to the floor and seemed to have passed out.

The restaurant suddenly became a mess. Professor Dumbledore raised his wand and sent out several piercing fireworks explosions in mid-air before everyone became quiet.

Professor Snape took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and secretly kicked Professor Quirrell hard on the back of the head twice, trying to see if he was pretending to be unconscious.

But Quirrell didn't move at all, as if he wasn't pretending, and then...he kicked him twice more.

"Prefect," Dumbledore said in a low voice, "bring the students of your house back to the common room immediately!"

"The professors followed me to the basement classrooms to look for trolls."

The little Hufflepuff wizard stood up and chirped behind the prefect. Some students were discussing whether the troll was tonight's special program. It would be better if it could be replaced by a fire dragon.

Luo Fu walked at the back, and he soon spotted two figures in the crowd who shouldn't be there.

He walked over, put his hand on Harry and Ron's shoulders, and whispered: "Why are you two in the Hufflepuff team?"

Harry's face was full of horror. He turned around and found that it was Rolf, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He hesitated for a moment, looked at the blond boy, his eyes turned to pleading, and said:

"Rolf, I have something to tell you...but please don't tell anyone else..."

"You two locked up Malfoy?" Rolf said softly.

"How do you know?" Ron looked surprised.

Rolf was a little speechless. Harry asked those questions in Charms class, and Pansy said that Malfoy was missing... Only fools don't know!

"Where are the people? Release them quickly." Rolf said, "There is a troll wandering around the castle now."

"That's why we both came here." Ron said quickly.

Harry pointed to the corridor in the distance and said, "It's over there."

It's okay that Rolf didn't see them. Now that he had seen them, it was impossible to let the two of them wander around the castle alone, so he had no choice but to follow them.

As they turned the corner, they heard rapid footsteps not far away, and the three of them hid behind a stone sculpture of a griffon.

Snape didn't see the three of them. He ran through the corridor and hurriedly ran upstairs.

"Snape is walking towards the third floor." Harry asked curiously: "Why is he staying in the underground classroom with other professors?"

Rove didn't pay attention. He knew that Professor Snape was going to the restricted area to stop Quirrell.

"Hurry up and lead the way. After releasing Malfoy, you two should go back to the common room immediately." Rolf urged.

Several people walked into a corridor and suddenly smelled a foul smell. It was the smell of an exploded septic tank, which made people gag and feel sick.

At the end of the corridor, a behemoth was moving slowly. It was four meters tall, with dull skin. Its huge and stupid body was like a pile of huge gravel, with a small head like a cocoa bean on top.

In the troll's hand, he was also holding a thick wooden stick. Because its arms were so long, the stick was dragging on the ground.

Luofu looked at the giant monster, and his brain suddenly made a "ding" sound:

[A lost wild giant monster was detected, triggering a side mission:]

Capture the troll, reward magic:

【The huge stick】

This chapter has been completed!
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