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Chapter 58 You will regret it, Dumbledore!

Rove walked along the dark corridor and came to Professor Snape's office. He raised his hand and was about to knock on the door when he heard a creak and the door was opened.

Professor Snape's sallow face poked out from inside. He glanced at Rove and said nothing. He just made some room for the young man to pass through, and then he closed the door hard again.

Holding his breath, Rove moved away from Professor Snape before breathing heavily. He smelled a strong smell of formalin.

The boy looked up and saw that the decoration style here was very similar to that of a potions classroom. There were many large glass jars on the shelves along the wall, with various animals suspended in the jars.

Professor Dumbledore was sitting on a chair and drinking tea. After seeing Rolf, he said hello and conjured a chair and a cup of tea for him.

Luofu sat down on the chair and whispered: "Professor, what do you want from me?"

Dumbledore made an appointment for tonight's meeting in Snape's office, otherwise Rolf would definitely not come alone.

"I heard from Mr. Filch that you opened a Celia magical animal shop." Dumbledore took a sip of tea and said, "Specializes in treating illnesses for students' pets?"

Luofu nodded hesitantly, thinking to himself, he couldn't be illegally banned, right?

"Don't be nervous, Rolf." Dumbledore gestured to the young man to drink tea. He smiled and said, "I came here to ask you to help with the treatment."

"Who should be treated?" Rowe picked up the tea cup and asked curiously: "Are the animals raised by Professor Snape sick?"

"No, it's to treat Professor Snape."

Luo Fu, who had just taken a sip of tea, almost spit it out when he heard these words.

He swallowed hard, coughed a few times, and grinned: "Professor Dumbledore, I am a veterinarian. Professor Snape is sick. Shouldn't he call Mrs. Pomfrey?"


Rolf did treat witches and wizards, but they were all witches at Hogwarts, dealing with gynecological diseases like Penelope in Ravenclaw.

He can't see men's medicine. It's useless to go to him early to see if he has any impotence.

Professor Snape's face instantly darkened. Just as he was about to say a few sarcastic words as usual and deduct two points, Dumbledore looked at him and urged:

"Hurry up and unbutton your pants. Why are you so shy, Professor Snape?"

Professor Snape's face became darker, as if his black oily hair was distorted.

This situation reminded Luof of when he was taken to the hospital for an injection in his previous life as a child and asked to take off his pants in front of a large group of nurses.

He is also so coy.

Professor Snape acted stiffly and glared at Rolf fiercely. After a moment, he lifted his robe to above his knees, revealing his big white legs.

Unexpectedly, Professor Snape was so unkempt that his hair could produce two kilograms of bio-oil, but his legs were unexpectedly white and slender.

But one leg was tightly wrapped with a bandage. After he took off the bandage, he revealed a bloody and bloody leg.

That worldly desire disappeared instantly.

"The wound bitten by the three-headed dog?" Rolf observed for a moment and asked knowingly: "Professor Snape, did you disobey Dumbledore's order and go to the restricted area?"

Snape was a little angry when he mentioned this matter. On Halloween night, he heard the troll invasion, and he realized that someone wanted to go to the restricted area, and then he went to stop it.

Unexpectedly, he was bitten by Hagrid's big stupid dog as soon as he entered. If he hadn't run so fast, he would have received a disability certificate and started to use a wheelchair.

"Professor Snape used white blood, but it couldn't heal the wound." Dumbledore said softly:

"Rolf, since you are a veterinarian and have learned a lot from Newt, can you treat the wound bitten by the three-headed dog?"

"There is a special kind of venom in the teeth of the three-headed dog, which will prevent the wound from healing. A special antidote must be brewed." Rolf said a little puzzled: "But what about Fox, can't we use its tears?"

"Fox has sent a message and won't be back soon," Dumbledore said.

Fox is going to deliver two letters, one to Newt who is still in Albania, and the other to...Nurmengard.

It's not a short journey.

Luofu also sighed, it was really hard work for Fox, as a Phoenix, he had to do the work of an owl all day long.

If you are willing to come to his place, you can eat and wait for death every day!

Sure enough, those who cannot get it are always in commotion, and those who are favored are confident!

"What did Madam Pomfrey say?"

"Mrs. Pomfrey is not a veterinarian. She has never been exposed to three-headed dog bite cases. Her suggestion is to go to St. Mungo's Hospital of Magic for hospitalization." Dumbledore said:

"But now Hogwarts cannot do without Professor Snape."

Luofu took a pair of tweezers from the workbench and poked at the wound, which was very similar to the scene where he used the goblin to pound the moonshizu's feces.

At this moment, there was a sudden "ding" sound in the young man's brain.

[An adult wild wizard is detected, triggering side mission 1]

Help Severus Snape heal his leg injury, reward:

[Snape’s potion talent, valid for two months]

[Side mission 2]

Complete Snape's hair cleaning work, reward:

[Snape’s potion talent, valid for one year]

【Side mission 3】

Complete Snape's 100% domestication, reward:

[Snape’s potion talent, permanent]

(Task not completed)]


Seeing the boy's silence, Dumbledore asked softly: "Is it difficult?"

Rolf shook his head. He had studied the venom of the three-headed dog Luwei when he took him back to the box to clean his teeth.

The three-headed dog is an extremely rare magical creature, but what is Rolf's last name?

Scamander, there have been so many masters of magical animals for generations, and there is always someone who has raised a three-headed dog.

Therefore, if you ask the portraits in the black suitcase, someone will soon give you the recipe for the antidote.

The only problem is...

"I do know how to prepare antidote potions, but with my current ability, I definitely cannot brew some of them." Luo Fe spread his hands.

He seems to have mastered the secrets of martial arts, but his internal strength is not enough and he cannot show his unique skills at all.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "You can tell me and I will cook it." Professor Snape finally said.

He is a master of potions. As long as you give him the formula, he can successfully brew potions of any level and difficulty.

In fact, given enough time, he could also develop the antidote for the three-headed dog, but within that time, Fox was back, and the injury on his leg did not wait for anyone.

"This...Professor Snape, these are all old secret recipes passed down from our ancestors." Rolf looked 'embarrassed' on his face.

"Then what do you think we should do?!" Snape said angrily.

"Okay, that's it. You can brew the most difficult potions, but I'll brew the simpler ones myself. This way I can treat you without leaking the antidote formula."

Snape's lips curled up, and he showed a disdainful smile. As long as he was given the potion, he could quickly analyze the ingredients. It didn't matter whether it was kept secret or not.

He agreed immediately.

Luofu also laughed and said, "But I don't have the ingredients to make the potion. You have to give me some."


Rolf touched from his arms and took out a piece of parchment. This was a purchase list that needed to be purchased in Diagon Alley. He erased the "Purchase List" and added a lot of magic materials at the back.

For example, the lidocaine potion used to treat Moon Crazy Beast.

Rove also changed many one-ounce weights into ten-ounce weights based on the original ones.

Unlike when he was prescribing medicine to students, the boy seemed worried that Professor Snape would not be able to recognize it, and this time his handwriting was also very neat.

Professor Snape took the parchment and looked at the contents. His nose almost became angry... Are you here to purchase goods?!

"The skin of the African tree snake is used to brew the polyjuice potion. Do you also need the horn of the poison horn? Even I don't have it! You want too much!!"

"Professor Snape, can I, a veterinarian, give you a fake prescription?" Rolf pursed his lips and said:

"You think it's too much, but I think it's too much. I'm treating you for free and there's a risk of the old secret recipe being leaked..."


"Professor Dumbledore, is it difficult to solve?" Rove asked.

"It's not difficult." Dumbledore looked at Snape and said, "Get it from your private medicine store. If it's not enough, report it to Professor McGonagall and let her purchase it."


After the boy left, Snape immediately said impatiently: "The antidote doesn't require these materials at all."

"It's okay. When I report it to the school director at the end of the year, it will be used as teaching supplies." Dumbledore said without changing his expression: "It's just spending the school director's money anyway."

"When I asked you to purchase potion ingredients last semester, you were not so easy to talk to." Snape said dissatisfied.

Dumbledore glanced at Snape, "If you want to purchase a whole fire dragon, of course you will be rejected!"

"Did you hear what Scamander said? Then you took a look at the injury and realized that I had been to the restricted area, which means he must have been there." Snape thought for a while and said:

"And that giant monster is not something that a first-year wizard can deal with, but he beat the giant monster like that. I suspect that Scamander is secretly learning black magic."

"He is greedy, violent, violates school rules, and has a box containing dangerous magical creatures..." Snape said seriously: "Aren't you worried that he will become the next Dark Lord?"

"What you saw is what you expected to see, Severus." Dumbledore picked up the cup and said calmly:

"Other teachers said that this child was humble, easy-going, and willing to help others. He helped poor classmates and stepped forward regardless of his own safety after Malfoy was in danger.

After defeating the troll, he helped with the treatment. I haven't seen this kind of kindness in a long time.

He met an annoying professor and was injured. Although he wanted a lot of things, he was willing to help with treatment..."

Snape narrowed his eyes, thinking about who the "annoying professor" was.

"You will regret it!" Snape snorted coldly: "Are you soft-hearted because you are older?"

"It has nothing to do with age, Severus, oh... maybe it's because I'm old. Woolen socks are never enough, and people only give me books." Dumbledore said with a smile:

"Anyway, I like this kid."

(Thanks to "The Most Immortal Realm Can't Stay", "Book Friends", and "Just Love Wading in Langshui" for their rewards)

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