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Chapter 59 Quidditch Match

Rolf made a long list of magic materials, and Professor Snape only took half a day to compile it.

It can be seen that the wound Lu Wei bit was really painful, otherwise he would not be so efficient.

As a veterinarian with a compassionate feeling, of course he could not leave the patient alone. Rove immediately gave Professor Snape the most important potion formulas needed to mix the antidote.

And he himself prepared some of the simplest potions and gave them to Snape. Without causing trouble for himself, he could also complete system tasks and obtain [Snape's Potion Talent] which was limited to two months.

Of course, Rove would like more of a year, so how to clean Professor Snape's hair is an important issue for him to think about next.

With the arrival of November, the much-anticipated Quidditch season has finally begun.

All the wizards were excited. There were not many entertainment projects in Hogwarts. Apart from the Gobstone Club, there was only Quidditch match.

But the Gobstone game is too niche and not very enjoyable to watch. Unlike Quidditch, which is a national sport, even if you don’t know how to play, you can still point out the world and make fun of the Chudley Cannons, which have been at the bottom for thousands of years.

Scolding the national team for not winning the World Cup.

As the runner-up last school year, Hufflepuff is a strong contender for the championship this year with strong troops and tacit cooperation.

In their first game against Ravenclaw, they made this clear... Hufflepuff only needed half an hour to reach three digits.

As the youngest...substitute in a century, although Rove did not play, he performed well.

He sat in the Hufflepuff viewing gallery, handed out water 25 times per game, waved towels 20 times, applauded 30 times, and won a triple-double debut that shocked the world!

The entire game was a one-sided game with no spectator experience. Everyone's attention was focused more on Rove. His mere celebrations of waving towels on the sidelines could be combined into a collection.

Even Lee Jordan, who served as the commentator for the game, praised Rove's action of waving the towel, which combines beauty and explosiveness and injects unlimited motivation into the Hufflepuff players.

Professor McGonagall also said after the game that Gryffindor lacks a substitute who can wave towels like this and boost morale, otherwise they would have won the championship long ago!

Professor Sprout also highly recognized Rolf's role and recognized him as the cornerstone of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team for the next seven years!

Professor Flitwick... I only watched the show for ten minutes, and I left early because my heart couldn't stand it.

Before leaving, his figure was stooped and his back was bleak. When he was about to walk into the castle, he couldn't help but look back at the sky and thought:

Maybe in parallel time and space, the Ravenclaw Quidditch team has established a dynasty under the leadership of a certain student and is invincible!

As the defending champion, Slytherin also showed strong "personal" competitive strength in the game against Gryffindor.

Slytherin's batter, Harrington, took the bat and hit Angelina hard on the chin, causing her to fall off the broom.

In the first game of the new semester, the two teams almost caused a scuffle.

After the game, Professor Snape said that Harrington didn't want to hurt anyone, he was just clumsy.

However, despite Professor McGonagall's angry protest, Harrington was still suspended for twenty-five games, and after the game, he was put in a bag and beaten hard by the twins.

But Slytherin did not restrain himself at all. In the second week's match against Ravenclaw, Flint "accidentally" kicked Davis in the crotch.

Davis had never practiced Iron Crotch Kung Fu, so he was still unable to withstand the force of this kick, so he was rushed to the school hospital.

Therefore, even the first-year students know the secret why the Slytherin Quidditch team always wins the game, and that is... the martial arts team!

When hitting someone, it's normal to bring a ball.

In the third week of the schedule, Slytherin and Hufflepuff will face off. This is a much-anticipated game between the defending champion and the runner-up.

Captain Truman began to train everyone on how to be careful about Slytherin's flagrant fouls. Rolf still did not participate in the training match because he could not play at all.

On Saturday morning, the students all had breakfast in the auditorium and prepared to go to the Quidditch pitch to watch the game after eating.

While Rolf was chatting with Neville, he saw Captain Truman striding over carrying a broomstick.

"Captain, good morning." Luofu greeted.

Truman sat down on the chair and said with a sad face: "Rolf, I came to you with good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Bad news."

"Cedric had food poisoning and had diarrhea all morning." Truman sighed:

"Madam Pomfrey gave him some medicine. Although he is fine, his hands and legs are so weak that he feels like a noodle while riding on the broom. He no longer has the physical strength to support the competition."

"It's really bad news. What about the good news?"

"The good news is that he waved the towel for you, so you don't have to be a substitute anymore." Truman patted Rove on the shoulder and smiled: "You will be on the field in ten minutes. Are you surprised or excited?"

"Captain, are you sure this is good news?" Rove slowly peeled open an egg, raised his eyebrows and said, "I have never played a training match."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Cedric's stomach is broken. It must be Slytherin's fault. They like this little trick. We only have you as a substitute."

"Come on." Truman encouraged: "Young people always have to experience the first time. If you are not prepared, it is called a surprise. If you are prepared, it is called a fright."

Luofu nodded lightly, it seemed that he had no choice but to fulfill his talent today.

"By the way, do you have a broomstick? Do you want to use Cedric's? His is the Nimbus 1500, but it's the latest model...the latest model from the year before last."

"I have a broom, but the speed is 'average'. I modified it myself, can it be used?" Luo Fe smiled low-key.

"Yes, many people are modifying old models, and there is no designated competition broomstick in the competition." Truman thought for a moment and said, "As long as your broom doesn't suddenly attack other wizards."

Captain Truman left soon, and he had to report to Mrs. Hooch.

Rolf continued to eat breakfast to replenish his strength, while Neville ran to the Gryffindor table and told Hermione about the incident.

Rolf's broomstick is still with Hermione. She and Shirley often practice riding on the edge of the school in the evening.

After Hermione heard this, she hurriedly ran back to the dormitory and took out the broom. She came to the Hufflepuff dining table, sat on a stool, picked up Rolf's cup, drank a few sips of water, and breathlessly confessed:


"Come on, if it doesn't work, surrender, don't hold on! Angelina's mouth was a little crooked from Slytherin's beating."

Rolf rolled his eyes at her and said, "Hermione, say something nice."

The girl tilted her head, thought hard and said: "Your tooth was knocked out, I asked my dad to fill it for free, with a lifetime warranty!"


Luofu picked up the broom and said speechlessly: "Then thank your father for me!"

"You're welcome!"

The girl grinned, showing a pair of big white teeth.

(Thanks to "This Is Fantasy", "Black Hand Chief Xianyuwei", and "Suyi Cuckoo" for their rewards.)

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