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Chapter 135: Any kindness is cruelty to oneself

Hearing Susan's scream, everyone looked into the distance and saw a thin figure hidden in the dense bushes.

It was a huge one-eyed gray wolf, its tail held low, looking at them coldly with its pale yellow eyes.

On the ground, there was also the corpse of a monkey. Steam was coming out of its bitten open belly, filled with the rich smell of blood and meat.

A monkey head stared blankly at the sky, its cheek was torn open, revealing blood-red bones and empty eye sockets, and the end of its neck was bitten unevenly.

Underneath the body was a pool of coagulated blood, glowing red and black.

Apparently, this huge one-eyed gray wolf had just been eating, and its mouth was still full of blood from the prey's soft belly.

What frightened the students was that as the wolf roared, seven or eight more wolves came out of the bushes.

The smell of the wizard aroused the hunger of the wolves. Their eyes, under the dark trees, flashed with crazy light, staring at the prey in front of them.

The one-eyed gray wolf opened its mouth, red saliva dripped from its teeth, and roared toward the sky, letting out a terrifying wolf howl.

Immediately afterwards, at the command of the leader of the pack, the wolves roared and stepped over rocks, tree roots and rotten leaves, rushing towards the students.

The sudden situation frightened these little wizards:

Some people stood there stupidly; some people screamed loudly; some people stepped back and wanted to leave quickly, but slipped on the mud and fell to the ground.

Of course, some students raised their wands and wanted to use magic to attack the wolves.

But when the magic is originally very simple, when it is cast, either the spell is recited incorrectly, or there is a problem with the movement of casting the spell.

After finally releasing it, the spell either hit the tree trunk or fell to the ground, splashing up large chunks of soil, but it couldn't hit those nimble wild wolves.

Professor Moody did not help, he just stared at each student coldly. He occasionally took action and caught students who tried to escape.

Luofu also didn't move. There were just a few wolves. He didn't need to take action. The assistant alone was enough.

Shirley raised her wand and pointed the tip at a boulder. Under the transformation spell, it turned into a white wolf. It ran and pounced on an attacking gray wolf.

The two wolves just tore at each other with their teeth and claws. They sometimes separated, circled, and then rushed forward to fight again.

Shirley took the opportunity to wave her wand again, shooting out a red light, and the spell hit the other wolf's hind legs. It barked and limped away.

The girl with the ponytail attacked the other wolf again, trying to drive it away from her roommate.

Gabrielle stared at Shirley with wide eyes. She originally thought that the other party was weak, but she didn't expect him to be so powerful.

There were not many wild wolves, and after only a few minutes, the attack came to an end:

Four wolves ran away and disappeared into the bushes. Two more wolves were hit by the stun spell and were lying on the ground. One wolf groaned in pain as it lay on the ground with blood flowing from its abdomen. It looked like it was dying.

Professor Moody limped over and said in a low, hoarse voice:

"The performance of some of you surprised me. It seems that you have received professional training."

Moody's eyes lingered on Shirley for a moment, then he looked at the others and said filial piety: "But most of the students make me very dissatisfied!"

"It's just a few wolves, but you are so afraid that you don't even dare to raise your wand to attack them..."

"I often say that a wand is a weapon, and its power depends on the owner who holds it." Moody said in a rough voice:

"But this doesn't apply to some of you, because to you, the wand is just a ridiculous wooden toy!"

Many people lowered their heads and began to feel ashamed of their panic.

"Now, come three students and kill these wolves." Moody dropped the three daggers, looked at the crowd, and called them by name:

"Neville Longbottom, Lisa Dupin and Hannah Abbott."

Everyone turned to look at them. Hannah hesitated for a moment, then mustered up her courage and raised her arms.

"What's wrong, Miss Abbott?" Moody asked, "What's your problem?"

"Professor Moody," Hannah took a breath and said with a trembling voice:

"Then the three wolves have lost their ability to attack, why should we kill them?"

"Really?!" Moody sneered. He stepped on his prosthetic leg and walked towards an unconscious wolf. When he was approaching, the wolf stood up suddenly and lunged at him with a roar.

It turned out that the wolf was not unconscious, but was just pretending to sleep to lure the enemy.

Moody quickly pulled out the wand from his waist, and there was a clang, and the blue spell hit the wolf's abdomen.

It fell to the ground, a sharp gash appeared on its belly, and a large amount of blood immediately poured out.

Hannah stared at this scene blankly.

"This is the first knowledge I want to give you in this practical class!" Moody's voice was like two saws rubbing against each other.

"Wolves are very cunning, but dark wizards are ten thousand times more cunning than wolves. Never easily judge whether an enemy has lost its fighting ability...Always stay vigilant!"

Moody urged again: "You three, pick up the dagger quickly and kill the wolf!"

The three men picked up the daggers according to Moody's order. After confirming that they had all lost their ability to fight, they cautiously walked to the wolf.

But when killing the wolf, they showed varying degrees of hesitation, especially Neville. Looking at the wolf moaning in pain, he found that he couldn't do anything.

Moody did not urge this time, but said slowly:

"When I was an Auror, I had a friend who was strong, smart, and eager to learn. He was a hero on the training ground."

"We all believe that one day he will definitely become the most outstanding Auror.

Then, during the Wizarding War, while capturing a Death Eater, I watched with my own eyes as my friend forced his enemy to his knees and disarmed him, dropping his wand from his hand.

But when he was about to kill that dangerous Death Eater, he hesitated for a moment."

Everyone listened attentively, and Professor Moody said with a painful look on his face:

"On the battlefield, a moment is equal to a lifetime. I saw the Death Eater pulled out the second wand from his sleeve and hit my friend on the chest with the killing curse.

His magic, his strength, his bravery, all the skills acquired through hard training...are not as good as the shit on the ground.

All because he hesitated and cowered when it was time to kill him!"

Moody looked at all the students, his eyes were deep and cold, and he said in a hoarse voice:

"This is also the second piece of knowledge I impart to you. Kindness and compassion for any enemy is cruelty to yourself and your companions!"

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