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Chapter 63 Night Tour in the Forbidden Forest

Professor Snape finally gets the job he wants... after Professor Quirrell is seriously injured.

All students can feel his excitement, and even the weirdness during class seems to be much less than usual.

In view of Professor Quirrell's refusal to seek medical treatment and his refusal to go to the school hospital for formal treatment, in Madam Pomfrey's words, his injury may recover very slowly or even worsen.

She also recommends:

The school is prepared in advance to lose an "excellent" Defense Against the Dark Arts professor again.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare for. For decades, one Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher has been lost every year. The professors have long been accustomed to it and are familiar with the whole process:

If the person dies abnormally, let the Ministry of Magic handle it; if the person dies normally, and no criminal record is found, and the person is identified as a "good person", the school will organize a small funeral.

Even Hagrid can be recruited to be the master of ceremony and conduct the funeral ceremony beautifully...nothing else, just familiarity.

Filch found the unused black armband from the warehouse when he held a memorial service for his previous professor. It was just a little moldy and had to be put in the sun to dry.

Mrs. Norris squatted aside to prevent owls from coming to poop, but she occasionally used the black armband as a cat scratching post, digging out big holes.

Everyone is ready, the only question is...when will Professor Quirrell die?

The atmosphere was so intense that everyone was waiting to eat, but Professor Quirrell still refused to die, which was really worrying.

The students had no choice but to continue to endure Snape's substitute teaching, and were unable to welcome a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Although Professor Snape is not a very good person and likes to be shady and suppress students from other colleges, he does not brag and is not evil. He teaches the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and he does have real talent and knowledge.

Compared with Professor Quirrell and Snape, they are like two pot-bellied witches, both claiming to be pregnant. Snape can give birth to twins and triplets, just like a hen laying eggs, in an endless stream.

But Quirrell could only be pregnant for ten months, twelve months, or three years... There was nothing in his belly, just the tip of a silver pewter spear.

In just a few lessons, the little wizards learned a lot of magic from Snape, and saw dark magical creatures such as Kabbah and Red Hat, which was very enjoyable for everyone.

Even Luo Fe remembered what Pan Qiaoyun said to Yang Xiong, and it was just right to apply it to Professor Quirrell and Snape:

The few months I spent with you Quirrell would have been more enjoyable than two lessons with Professor Snape!

However... several of the magic taught by Professor Snape are all related to the brain. They seem to have sinister intentions. It seems that they hope that after Quirrell recovers, some students can use these magic to put him back in the hospital.

After Luo Fu learned it, he also applied it to the giant monster. Its little head couldn't withstand heavy blows, so it was quite effective for domestication by force.

After a period of healing and domestication, Rolf finally decided to release the giant monster into the Forbidden Forest before Christmas.

black leather suitcase,


Shirley was sitting on a small bamboo stool that the Bowtruckle had made for her, holding a bandage and bandaging the injured arm of the little invisible beast.

The eldest daughter of the invisible beast Uduka was caught sniffing a hidden gold coin and received a good beating.

She cried and complained to the evil man Luo Fu first. When the young man ignored her, she ran to Shirley and pretended to be pitiful.

It can only be said that half-grown magical creatures, like seven- or eight-year-old human cubs, are both annoying to cats and dogs.

Shirley wrapped a bandage on the invisible beast and tied it with a bow. Seeing Rolf rummaging through the cabinet and taking out many magic items from the cabinet, she couldn't help but wonder:

"What are you looking for?"

"Equipment for a night tour." Luofu pulled out a fire dragon leather armor and placed it on the table. He wiped the dust and continued: "But it's not a night tour in the castle, but a trip to the Forbidden Forest."

"Are you going to release that giant monster?"

"Yes, let's go to the Forbidden Forest to explore the way." Luofu took out a series of professional equipment such as telescopes, goggles and projectors.

The invisible beast reached out and grabbed the telescope. Shirley extended her hand, but the little guy reluctantly handed it back to her.

The girl put the weird-looking hanging telescope in front of her eyes, and she could actually clearly see the scene at the end of the box. The view was really good.

"It also has night vision function." Luof pointed to the cabinet and said, "Pass that to me."

Shirley picked up a small cage and handed it over. Rove stuck the small cage on the shoulder strap of his clothes and introduced:

"This is an insect cage. There is a guide insect inside, which can smell the scent of animals and track them after finding the footprints left by the animals.

This insect cage also has a reflector added to it, which is fixed on the shoulder and can be used as a headlamp."

This is a magical equipment used by wizards who study magical animals. Of course, when entering the Forbidden Forest, Rolf must bring it with him.

He attaches a small projector to his arm and connects it to his mittens with a nylon rope, which can instantly launch magic items such as giant nets, flash bombs, and smoke bombs.

Magic wands are not omnipotent and may even be lost in many cases, so you should bring as much life-saving items as possible.

"Hey, where's my smoke bomb?" Luof looked for it and said strangely: "Shirley, did you see it? It's a small white bottle with a firing pin on it."

"I saw it in the Sniffers' nest, and I thought it was a toy." Shirley raised her eyebrows and said, "But I see they have chewed holes, so they probably can't be used anymore..."


Luofu took a deep breath and said, "Have you fed Xiu Xiu tonight?"

"Not yet."

"The food will be halved, no fruit will be given, and we will be forced to stand for half an hour."

"Okay, boss!"

Shirley went to sniff the nest and made them stand. When she came back, Rolf had changed his clothes and had a dagger made by goblins around his waist.

At this moment, Rove seemed not to be a wizard, but more like a hunter of magical animals.

Shirley looked at his outfit and thought it looked really good. The girl gently stood on her tiptoes and helped the boy hang the magic items on her body. She said softly: "Do you need me to come with you?"

"Next time." Luo Fu looked at the girl who had bought new clothes and said with a smile:

"When you grow older and have more skills in dealing with magical creatures, I will take you to hunt down magical creatures.

The two of us may not be enough, we have to bring Hermione and Neville."

Shirley looked forward to it and said excitedly: "What kind of magical creature needs so many people?"

"It's just a little more than ten meters long Charmander!"


"In Romania, you can often see a dozen wizards riding broomsticks chasing fire dragons. I also chased a fire dragon, but it was swept away by a tail and stayed in the hospital for several days."

Luofu grinned, his cheerful face seemed to light up the whole room.

"When it's time for vacation, I'll take you guys to the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary."

Shirley sat back on the small bamboo stool. She held her chin in her hands, looked at her dreamily, and murmured in a low voice:

"Traveling abroad costs a lot of money, right?"

"It's okay, I'll help you pay it, and it will be deducted from your salary in the future!"

The girl bit her lip and sighed, but she was also in high spirits and said with a smile at the corner of her mouth:

"I really can't take any more deductions. If I do, I'll have to work for you for free for the rest of my life!"

This chapter has been completed!
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