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Chapter 64: Horseman

Luofu searched for more than half an hour before finding all the equipment.

It has not been used for more than half a year, and many things have been stolen by the sniffers and hidden in various small corners where they feel safe.

So, Rolf added another half hour to Sniff's punishment station... and let the invisible beast supervise it!

Everything is ready and ready to go.

At night, Rolf left the Hufflepuff lounge, took out his broomstick, hung the black suitcase on the broom, and flew towards the sky.

When flying over Hagrid's hut, Rolf saw that the lights in the room had gone out. He did not stop and continued flying towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

The weather was good tonight and the moonlight was bright, but when Luo Fei fell in the woods, he felt that the surroundings were slightly dark.

Huge trees covered the sky and blocked the moonlight. The raised tree roots on the ground were covered with moss. Everything as far as the eye could see was covered in green, and mist-like spores were flying in the air.

The group of spores seemed to be aware of Luolf and swept towards him.

The teenager covered his face with a gas mask hanging from his waist. These are spores spit out by the pinkfold mushroom. When inhaled, the body will be infected, and then the mushroom's hyphae will grow in the lungs.

Why is the Forbidden Forest so dangerous?

Not only is it easy to get lost in the deep forest, but there are also countless dangerous magical creatures and poisonous plants... Ordinary wizards can't distinguish them at all, and they don't have qualified equipment.

Rowe sat on his broomstick, floating in the air, and took out a map from his arms.

This is a hand-drawn map of the Forbidden Forest, marking the distribution locations of precious wild herbs, including many magical plants that have grown for hundreds of years.

The map also shows the territory of dangerous magical creatures.

This map has been circulated in the Scamander family for many centuries. Every Scamander who is engaged in the field of magical animals will enter the Forbidden Forest to explore.

Then, draw what you find on a map.

As time goes by, the landscape of the Forbidden Forest and the territory of magical creatures are slowly changing, and this map will be modified accordingly.

The last revision was Rolf's father, and before that it was Newt.

Rolf will also go deep into the Forbidden Forest in the next few years to revise this map and pass it on to his children one day in the future.

While passing by a large camphor tree, Rolf found a shining golden beetle. He put it in his pocket and prepared to use it as a toy for the sniffers.

According to the location on the map, Luofu walked towards a canyon, which was the habitat of the dazzling bird.

Dazzling birds are beautiful magical creatures. They have a special flash film that can emit dazzling flashes of light. This is also Rove's first target tonight.

Before entering the canyon, he found a lone dizzy bird under a tree, and his brain suddenly rang:

[A wild female dazzle bird was detected, triggering a side mission:]

100% domestication of the dizzy bird, bonus magic:

[dazzling flash]

[The eyes release a dazzling light, and magical creatures that see the light will most likely be temporarily blinded]

If you want to tame the dizzy bird 100%, you must first catch it.

However, dazzling birds are very difficult to catch. They are extremely timid and will release a flash of light at the slightest disturbance, temporarily blinding the enemy, and then run away immediately, and at a very fast speed.

If you want to catch this guy, you can't rely on violence, you have to rely on wisdom.

Luofu took out a small brown bottle. The bottle contained the urine secreted by the male dildo. The smell was very pungent, but in the nose of the female dildo, it was the most fragrant smell.

The young man opened the cap of the bottle, wiped the liquid on his wrist, raised his buttocks, and formed an S-shape with his body, swaying extremely stretched.

Fortunately, there was only one bird around, otherwise Rolf wouldn't have been able to do such a shameful move.

The magic wand in his hand also emitted a dazzling light.

The female dazzle bird was attracted by the smell and light, looked at Rolf in fascination, and she squawked excitedly.

That's right, Rolf is imitating the way a male dazzle bird looks when courting, to seduce the female dazzle bird. The stronger your scent and the brighter the light, the more beautiful she thinks you are.

"Come on, little girl, come and play... get into my box... the inside is bigger than the outside... you will like it..."

Luofu hunched forward, moving little by little towards the female dazzling bird, and he also put on his goggles.

The female dazzle bird is also emitting dazzling light, which is a sign of agreeing to the courtship request, and she is preparing for a sweet midnight encounter.

When Luofu was only two or three meters away from the dizzy bird, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the distance.

The shy dizzy bird didn't like to be disturbed when mating. She was frightened and flapped her wings in panic, preparing to fly into the sky.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Luofu hurriedly threw out the box, and Dazzled Bird hit the entrance of the box with his head, his body got in, and then he heard a banging sound.

Luofu jumped forward, fell to the ground with a snap, caught the box, then slammed the lid shut and fastened the latch.

The young man stood up, picked up the box, patted the dust on his body, turned around and looked at the uninvited guest who had disturbed him.

It was a black centaur, floating in the air, like a dog's tail growing out of place.

"You almost scared away my dazzling bird." Rolf looked at the centaur.

"Wizard hunter?" The centaur was carrying a quiver and holding a fully drawn wooden bow. The tip of the arrow was pointed directly at Rolf's head.

"Have you ever seen an eleven-year-old wizard hunter?" Rolf pulled down his gas mask and goggles, put his wand on his waist, and spread his hands:

"Relax, I'm just a first-year wizard, there's no danger."

Wizard hunters are those who hunt magical creatures as a profession. A large part of them are poachers. Centaurs hate such wizards extremely.

"But your outfit looks a lot like..."

"Dressing up doesn't mean anything. Just like if you centaurs don't wear clothes, it would be strange in the eyes of wizards, but I respect your dressing up." Rolf smiled and said again:

"Also, wizards will not point their wands at others casually. Centaurs, please let go of your bows and arrows."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The centaur did not let go, and still kept his bow full. He looked around and said in a cold voice: "You are really the only little wizard here? I saw a golden

Are you a hairy centaur?"

"Let go of the bow and arrow first, and then I will answer your question!"

Luo Fu seemed to be chatting calmly with Ma Ren, but in fact, his whole body was like a tight bow.

"I have warned you three times, centaur, if you continue to point your bow and arrow at me and make dangerous moves, I will regard it as a provocation..."

"The Forbidden Forest is our centaurs' territory, and it's not your turn to dictate to me here!" The centaur hated the wizard, and he shouted: "Answer my question, little wizard!"

"It's a pity..." Luofu shook his head.

His five fingers suddenly clenched, and under his control, the moving vines on the ground entangled the four legs of the centaur and pulled the centaur to one side.

The unexpected attack shocked the centaur. Under the cover of night, he didn't pay attention to the vines under his feet, and...

The little wizard doesn't have a wand in his hand. How does this guy cast magic?

The centaur, who almost fell, loosened his bow string and fired the arrow hastily, but his accuracy was already poor, and Luofu easily dodged it.

The young man bent over slightly, his legs suddenly exerted force, and he rushed forward as fast as a galloping horse.

The magic "function excitement" from the three-headed dog can consume magic power and greatly improve body functions, making Rolf faster.

The boy stepped on the broomstick with one foot. The broom instantly bent and straightened. With the huge rebound force, he jumped towards the centaur's back.

The centaur stared in horror, and drew his bow and arrow, aiming at Rolf in mid-air, but the boy had already drawn out his wand and used the magic taught by Professor Snape to deal with Cabba.

The centaur felt a force pressing hard on his head. Coupled with the pull of the vines, he instantly knelt down and hit his forehead heavily on the ground.

Luofu landed on the horseman's back. He stabilized his body and raised his left hand. Unknown to him, he held a dagger in his hand and stabbed the horseman's head straight.

With a wand in his right hand and a dagger in his left hand, he said in a cold voice:

"Can you put down your bow now, little pony?"

"You kid..." the black centaur roared. Of course he was not a colt, but an adult centaur. To be called such a man, the contempt in his words was self-evident.

"If you move your head again, it will be gone." Luofu waved his dagger and cut off the sexy little black hair on the centaur's head.

"This is a dagger made by goblins, you have to be careful."

The dagger was on the tip of Luo Fu's finger, and the back of his hand turned like flying. He licked his teeth, thinking about giving the centaur a bite to let him feel Lu Wei's venom.

But Luo Fu still gave up. If it were a female centaur, he would indeed be able to talk about it, but a male centaur...

The sound of horse hooves was heard again in the distance, and a group of horsemen came running wildly, holding bows and arrows in their hands. The one at the front was a red horseman, who said loudly:

"Everyone stop it, put down your weapons!"

(Thanks to "Give me a bottle of wine and give me a cigarette", "Black Hand Chief Xianyuwei", "I just love to wade in the water", "One of the First Emperor's fans" for their rewards.

Thanks to QQ reading friend "Chun Lai Hua Tu" for the tip.

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