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Chapter 186 Hesitant Hermione

After George and Fred borrowed the owl, they hurriedly left the Gryffindor common room.

Ron didn't even notice the two of them leaving. He was still immersed in the fantasy of the black, straight, cold and gentle big sister, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Harry frowned slightly and said softly: "Ron, do you really believe what they said? Ron... Ron?!"

Ron finally came to his senses, he nodded and said: "Harry, Fred and George don't dare to lie to me."

"During the summer vacation, my mother once cleaned their room and found a stack of order forms and several pages of long price lists for the prank toys they invented.

After my mother read it, she went crazy. Not only did she burn the order form, but she also warned them not to do this kind of thing again, otherwise she would take them home."

"If I write a letter to mom now, George and Fred will be doomed." Ron said confidently, "I have the leverage between them and they don't dare to lie to me!"

"But they are not making and selling prank products, they are just bringing goods..."

"Harry, in the eyes of my mother, making prank products and selling goods are both the same as not doing your job properly!" Ron explained:

"If the grades were good, maybe forget it, but George and Fred's O. W. Ls last school year were not ideal.

Therefore, whether they are making prank toys or bringing goods, they will not be allowed. As long as their mother finds out, they will be finished."

The more Ron thought about it, the more excited he became. He rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "I caught George and Fred this time. They must obey me from now on... Hehe."

Harry raised his eyebrows suspiciously. He didn't think the twins were the kind of beings who would accept threats from others.

He didn't know why, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He always felt that Ron might be in bad luck this time.

After he expressed his worries, Ron laughed and said nonchalantly:

"Don't worry, Harry, I'm not a fool. I will definitely invite someone else to be my dance partner first. If that doesn't work, I will consider George and Fred's suggestions.

But it feels good to have a spare tire, which is very reassuring.

By the way, Harry, have you thought about who you want to invite as your dance partner?"

Harry hesitated for a long time, and then said coyly: "I plan to invite Ravenclaw... Qiu Zhang."

"Qiu Zhang?" Ron thought for a moment and said, "The Seeker from Ravenclaw College?"

"Yes." Harry nodded with a sad face, "But I'm worried that she will reject me. She is so beautiful, she is also a very good Quidditch player, and she is also very popular."

"No, Harry, you are a warrior. You also got the golden egg and dragon crystal, the same score as Krum." Ron encouraged:

"I dare say you are as popular as Luo Fu. As long as you ask, Qiu Zhang will definitely agree immediately."

"I hope so, but Qiu Zhang always moves in groups with her classmates, and there are too many people for me to talk about." Harry sighed.

"I'm going to Hogsmeade in a few days." Ron thought for a while and suggested:

"There will be fewer people there then. You can invite her there and go on a date together."

"Good idea." Harry nodded excitedly.

inside the library,

Rolf was busy writing his potions homework. Occasionally he looked up and saw Hermione not reading, but staring at him in a daze.

Luofu thought the girl was still thinking about the shouting letter, so he stopped writing and said innocently:

"Hermione, I really didn't write that snarling letter."

"Letter?" Hermione came back to her senses, "Oh, you said the roaring letter, of course I know it was not written by you."

"If you want to play a trick on Professor Snape, send it to someone else's Potions class, not to yourself."

"Then what were you looking at just now?" Rolf asked curiously.

Hermione took a deep breath and was about to speak out when she saw Shirley also raised her head. She blushed for the first time, swallowed the words back and lied:

"I was wondering... who sent the howler letter."

"It's very simple, just use the process of elimination." Rove said with a smile: "Our college and Ravenclaw College were deducted 100 points. They are both victims. It is impossible to do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself.

Slytherin students would never humiliate their dean like this...then there is only one truth."

Rolf and Shirley looked at Hermione in tacit understanding. She was stunned and said in astonishment: "What can the students of our college do?"

"What else?" Rolf shrugged, "It's most likely George and Fred. They are the only two who have the courage and energy to do such a prank."

Of course, it might not be a prank, but he really wanted to invite Snape as his dance partner... but the probability was too low, and Rove didn't believe that such a thing would happen!

At this moment, a group of female students came over. They sat down at the next table and looked expectantly at them.

When Luofu heard the movement, he raised his eyes and glanced over. There were whispers one after another, blurred eyes, expressions of joy, and some even screamed.

Shirley glanced at the group of girls, smiled calmly, then picked up the quill and started writing on the parchment.

Hermione curled her lips and said inexplicably upset: "They are so noisy...Rolf, I must be here to find you again."

"I can't help it." Luo Fu spread his hands. "I can't ban them from coming to the library."

"Look at me." Shirley raised her wand and pointed it at the parchment on which the words were written. It turned into a paper crane and flew away into the distance.

Hermione looked at the paper crane, suddenly remembered something, and reminded:

"Rolf, you have to be careful. I went to the bathroom yesterday and heard a group of girls chatting, all discussing how to get you to drink a love potion.

They hope to be taken to the Christmas ball by you, and they all seem to have bought love potions."

"Oh, I know about this. George and Fred reminded me." Rolf said, taking out the potion from his pocket and saying:

"Here is the antidote to the love potion. You should also take it with you and be careful.

Don't take other people's food. If the opened water is out of sight, you can't drink it."

Shirley and Hermione both nodded.

At this time, the Paper Crane flew back, followed by Mrs. Pinsi who looked like a vulture.

She waved the feather duster in her hand and angrily drove out the group of noisy female students.

"Well done, this is the first time I like Mrs. Pince so much." Hermione grinned.

Shirley also winked at Luo Fu, and the three of them chatted for a while and continued to do their homework.

Hermione flipped through the magic book absentmindedly, but couldn't help but look at Rolf. She wanted to extend an invitation...invite him to be her dance partner.

But she didn't know why, she didn't dare to say it.

This chapter has been completed!
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