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Chapter 187 Luo Fu: If you cause trouble in the future, dont tell Master!

A week before Christmas, students had the last chance to go to Hogsmeade this semester.

In addition to the third-year students at Hogwarts and above, the wizards from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are also out in force.

The reason why everyone is so motivated is to go to Hogsmeade to purchase some necessities, such as dresses and tiaras, to prepare for the upcoming Yule Ball.

Therefore, even if the wind was biting and snowflakes were flying in the sky, it could not stop the enthusiasm of the little wizard, so much so that a long queue formed in front of the castle early.

Filch saw that there were too many students and the snow was falling heavier and heavier, so he planned to divide the team into two lines to speed up the pass.

The selected students will undoubtedly significantly reduce their queuing time and suffer less cold spots.

Now was the time to show off his popularity. After all, it was Filch who decided who to start with.

So, Rolf, who was in the middle, was picked by Filch, and the students after him started a new line.

Seeing Rolf move to the first row, Harry and Ron who were standing in front of him were speechless.

Filch would have died if he chose two more people, but now it's better. They were originally in the middle and suddenly became the last two.

Although the time spent has not changed, I feel very unbalanced.

Rove came to the first row, handed over the consent form, and said with a smile: "Mr. Filch, Mrs. Norris seems to be in good condition recently."

"Yes," Filch said with a smile on his wrinkled face, "I weighed her last time and she was seven pounds fatter than before."

"That's good." Rolf glanced at Mrs. Norris who was sitting in the snow licking her fur and said:

"The coat is still a little gray, so it's best to give her some seaweed powder. You can come to me at the Hufflepuff table to get it during dinner."

"Mr. Scamander, I really don't know how to thank you." Filch didn't even look at Rove's signature form and bowed:

"Hurry up and get to the carriage. It's too cold here."

"Well, see you later."

Many students were confused when they saw this scene. The Filch they usually encountered was grumpy and vicious.

But while chatting with Scamander, Filch spoke so softly, with obvious respect in his tone... How did he do it?

The next scene made a group of boys go crazy with jealousy:

Rolf picked a carriage and got in, followed closely by the four girls, Shirley, Hermione, Fleur and Gabrielle.

As the carriage drove away, many students subconsciously sighed and muttered: "You are so handsome and amazing?!"

Gabrielle's cheeks were flushed by the cold wind, and hazy mist spewed out of her nostrils. She wrapped the thick cloak tightly around her body and said:

"I thought it would be warmer in the car, but I didn't expect it to be so cold. Rove, aren't you cold?"

Not only was Luo Fe not cold, he was only wearing a very thin robe. The little girl put her hand on his cheek, felt the warmth of his body, and said in surprise:

"It's so hot, do you have a fever?!"

Everyone looked at Luo Fe, he shook his head and said: "No, it's just a kind of magic."

As he spoke, Luofu took out a small piece of something from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

After a moment, the boy's whole body turned red as fire, shining like a red star, and a few wisps of smoke hissed out of his nostrils.

The four girls could clearly feel a wave of heat rising from Luofu's body, as if they were facing a hot fireplace.

The temperature inside the carriage also increased rapidly, and soon it was so hot that they were sweating profusely and had to take off their clothes.

Gabrielle even took off her clothes until she was left with only a set of underwear. She stared with shining eyes and asked:

"Rolf, how did you do it?"

"Convert it into molten metal." Luo Fei said with a smile as he stood a black stone on his fingertips, "and then release the heat from the body."

Hermione recognized the thing at a glance and asked doubtfully: "Dragon crystal?"

"Yes." Luo Fu smiled and said: "After the lava dragon swallows the dragon crystal, it can turn the dragon crystal into molten lava. I learned this magic from the lava dragon."

Shirley and Hermione knew that Rolf had this ability for a long time, so they were very confused.

Furong, who had heard this statement for the first time, was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She stared at the young man blankly, and after a moment, she was dumbfounded and said:

"Learning magic from the lava dragon...how...is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. Many wizards are born with very strange powers, such as Legilimency, Snake Tone, Disguise Magus, Third Eye..." Luofu said quickly:

"Our Scamander family, or myself, also have special powers. We can communicate with magical animals and learn their special magic."

A wizard noticed Rolf's anomaly very early on. The explanation he gave was magic talent. Otherwise, how else could he say... System?

"It's really amazing." Gabrielle said with envy: "I'm most afraid of the cold. I wish I could know magic like yours."

"The fireplace in our carriage always feels like it's not getting warmer, so I have to cover myself with a thick quilt when sleeping at night." Gabrielle's eyes flickered, and she said brightly:

"Rolf, it would be great if you could come and sleep with me and my sister at night, and help us warm our beds."

Shirley raised her eyebrows slightly. Hermione was writing in a notebook with a pen. She didn't know if the carriage was jolting, so she drew a long line on the paper.

Fleur almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Her face turned red and she angrily tipped a chestnut down, "Gabriel, stop talking nonsense!"

The little girl covered her head and looked at her sister aggrievedly.

"Gabriel, didn't I give you a salamander?" Rolf changed the subject and asked, "That one can also be used to warm the bed."

"But the salamander can't leave the fire for a long time. It has to return to the fire every once in a while." Gabrielle said sadly:

"Perhaps... we can mate salamanders with other magical creatures in the future to develop a magical creature that can live outside the flames for a long time and can also warm the bed."

Luofu coughed and reminded:

"Gabriel, this behavior violates the "Prohibition of Animal Breeding Experiments" law. If the Ministry of Magic finds out, you may be put in jail, so don't think like this."

The little girl puffed up her cheeks and asked doubtfully: "But didn't you say that it would be fine if you didn't get caught? It's just like your box."


"I have many other ideas." Gabrielle continued: "The Muggle genetic engineering you mentioned last time, the cloning technology, and genetic modification, I also want to use it for wizards and magical creatures..."

Luo Fu felt confused for a while, why did this little girl have so many dangerous thoughts? He sighed softly and said:

"Gabriel, if you cause trouble when you grow up, please don't tell others that I am your teacher of magical animals."

"Why?" Gabrielle tilted her head and asked, "Are you afraid that I will harm you?"

"No." Luo Fu shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that others won't dare to arrest you."


This chapter has been completed!
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