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Chapter 262 The Thief Gryffindor

After the judges' scoring session, the second event of the Triwizard Tournament finally came to an end.

For warriors, some are happy and some are sad.

This kind of emotional differentiation is positively correlated with the score. The higher the score, the better the mood, and vice versa.

Hermione was an exception. She obviously got a high score of eighty-six and was ranked fourth, but she looked annoyed... Those who didn't know better thought she was fourth from the bottom!

This behavior undoubtedly made those warriors with lower scores than Hermione feel even worse, wishing they could give her an Avatar to chew on.

In comparison, the students were generally happy. Although the second project only lasted two hours, the content of the competition was still exciting and exciting.

Whether it's the attack by Death Eaters, the appearance of the two-tailed golden mermaid, or the one-time deal between Harry and Ron and the mermaid from the Black Lake... it's all worthy of repeated discussion by the little wizards.

Of course, everyone is still more amazed by Rove's 107 points, which means that in two rounds of competition, he scored 201 points, one point more than the full score!

As expected of Scamander, even the score limit cannot limit him!

As for those warriors at the bottom, their total scores in the two rounds were still in single digits. They are also students. Why is the gap bigger than that of humans and dogs?

Rolf didn't care much about the discussions of the little wizards. After the game, he returned to the Black Lake, found Myrcella, and brought her back to the box.

He also took away the injured horse-headed fish-tailed sea monster and placed it in a lake in the box.

The injury of the horse-headed and fish-tailed sea monster is not serious. The only trouble is that it has a very bad temper and will continue to attack Rove during the treatment process.

Fortunately, Myrcella is here, and her singing is enough to put the sea monster into sleep.

At this time, standing on top of the horse-headed, fish-tailed sea monster, Luof took the white essence from Shirley and sprinkled the magic potion on the sea monster's wound.

He poured a bottle of medicinal solution. This dosage would be enough to cause calluses for a wizard, but it was just right for a horse-headed, fish-tailed sea monster.

I saw green smoke billowing up. When it dissipated, the bleeding on the sea monster's body had stopped. The wound looked as if it had been growing for several days, and the flesh and blood that had just been exposed was covered with a layer of new skin.

Not far away, Myrcella was floating on the lake, chatting with Hermione, Fleur and Gabrielle on the shore.

That year, Rolf rescued Myrcella on the May, and the Fleur sisters were also on the ship. They had all known each other for a long time.

Myrcella took out several huge pearls from her pocket and said, "This is a gift for you."

Those pearls were the size of pebbles, emitting a soft light, and looked extremely precious, so several little girls shook their heads and were embarrassed to accept them.

Luofu hugged Shirley, left the horse-headed, mermaid-tailed sea monster, and flew back to the shore. He smiled and said, "Take it, these are mermaid beads."

"What are mermaid beads?" Gabrielle asked curiously.

As a "know-it-all", Hermione quickly explained:

"There are two types of pearls, one is produced by molluscs, such as clams.

When foreign objects enter the body of clams and are stimulated by pain and itching, they can secrete a substance called nacre in their shells to cover the harmful substances invading the body.

Over time, it will eventually form a complete pearl."

"There is also a kind of pearl. A mermaid turns her body into a clam and secretes special mucus to grow the pearl. This kind of pearl is a hundred times more precious than ordinary pearls."

"That's right." Luo Fu nodded and said, "Mermaid beads are as bright as the moon because they absorb the magic power from the mermaid. The pearl powder they grind out also has magical effects on skin care and beauty after taking it."

Hearing what Luo Fu said, several girls looked at each other and immediately took the pearl, including Gabrielle.

Even if she is still young and cannot use it for the time being, she will eventually turn into an eighteen-year-old aunt one day!

Luo Fu also accepted a pearl. He breathed lightly at the pearl, wiped it with a tissue, and said softly:

"By the way, Myrcella, I have something that I need you to help me take a look at."

"What?" Myrcella asked curiously.

Luofu gave Shirley a look, and the girl understood, turned around and left. After a while, he brought back a statue.

It was a golden mermaid statue. She had three heads, faces facing three directions, and six arms, but she shared one body.

The six arms of the mermaid hold:

cross, box, sickle,

and three extinguished torches.

Last summer, Rolf took Shirley to Ravenclaw's tomb and discovered the statue in the tomb.

When they touched the mermaid statue, they followed it into a trance-like world.

Later, Rolf asked Dumbledore, and he said that the statue might be related to the three siren sisters.

And Myrcella, as a descendant of Palserope, one of the three Siren sisters, might know something.

As expected, Myrcella couldn't move her eyes away after seeing the statue. She stared at the statue and asked:

"Rolf, where did you get it?"

Rove did not mention the Ravenclaw Tomb, he just said softly: "It was found in Hogwarts, do you recognize it?"

"Know!" Myrcella nodded vigorously and said:

"This is a statue of the three siren sisters. The three heads are my ancestors Parserope, Siren and Scylla."

"According to the stories circulated in our tribe, the three sisters each hold a statue. When the three statues come together, they will become a large statue with three heads and six arms."

Luofu frowned and said, "Is the statue of Palserope still in your tribe?"

"Yes, but it's just an imitation." Myrcella said with a solemn expression:

"It is rumored that the real statue was stolen by Gryffindor a thousand years ago."


Standing by the Black Lake, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle each took gillyweed.

For the students, the second event of the Triwizard Tournament has ended, but for them and others, the competition has just begun.

Malfoy had already figured out the content of the game from Snape, so he was well prepared.

Malfoy glanced at Alecto Carlo who was not far away, and saw that her face was covered in blood and that she was seriously injured. He sneered and gloated:

"I have warned the brothers and sisters a long time ago not to provoke Scamander, but they just didn't listen... They are really stupid pigs."

Gower on the side said with a worried face:

"Lucius, those mermaids will capture the students as hostages and let the warriors rescue them.

Our hostage is probably our son. If we don’t rescue him, is it really okay?”

"What are you afraid of? Dumbledore can still let them die?" Malfoy said without caring.

"When we get into the water, we just need to hide safely until the time is up. Don't go to the building in the Mermaid Village to rescue the hostages."

Malfoy saw through the magic curtain that many dangerous magical creatures would be born in the building. With Dumbledore's character, the difficulty would definitely increase.

In short, if you go in, you will die!

At this moment, Sirius strode over.

Malfoy snorted coldly and asked, "Has the game started yet?"

Sirius nodded and said: "It's begun."

Malfoy was about to enter the water when Sirius stopped him and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I will take you directly to the building in the Mermaid Village. The content of your second event is to survive a day in it."


This chapter has been completed!
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