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Chapter 263 Margerys Invitation

Standing at the door of the shell-shaped building, Sirius looked coldly at Malfoy and his party, while Lupine held his wand and stood vigilantly on the other side, ready to respond to possible attacks at any time.

This is the bottom of the Black Lake, and it is surrounded by a group of mermaids. Of course Malfoy will not attack, he is just killing time and does not want to go in.

Malfoy's original plan was to go into the water and find a place to lie down, determined not to come to the Mermaid Village, let alone enter the building in front of him.

But who would have thought that Sirius would not practice witchcraft, just skip the foreplay part, and bring them here. It was really despicable.

Malfoy greeted all the women in the Black family from the bottom of his heart, except his wife Narcissa.

Seeing that they were reluctant to go in, Sirius finally showed an impatient expression and said:

"You have to stay in there until this time tomorrow. What's the use of wasting this little time?"

Malfoy glared hard at Sirius, then swam into the room, followed closely by Goyle, Crabbe, little Ada Avery and Alecto Carrow.

The door was closed, and everyone entered a room decorated with murals of various magical creatures.

Through the magic curtain, Malfoy had long known that those murals would be "resurrected."

The next second, the mural indeed rippled, gently rippling, and the mermaid on the painting walked out of the mural.

According to the previous rules, a mermaid will appear for every person who comes in. There are five people in total, which means that five mermaids will appear.

But what made Malfoy stunned was that when the number of mermaids reached five, it didn't stop and the mermaids were still "resurrected".

When the whole room was filled with mermaids, they finally stopped appearing.

Malfoy looked at the fifty mermaids surrounding them, swallowed, and cursed:

"Sirius Black...Fake Squid!!"

The "Death Eater Group" competition of the Triwizard Tournament is still in progress, and after the "Student Group" competition is over, the students also have the opportunity to go to Hogsmeade.

Rolf had not planned to go originally. He planned to take Shirley and Hermione to the Ravenclaw Chamber of Secrets to carefully check whether there were any records about the mermaid statue.

Although Myrcella said that Gryffindor stole the statues from the Mermaid Village, but that was limited to the statues of Palserope. Where did the statues of the Sirens and Scylla come from?

Gryffindor also said that he would put the things taken away from the mermaid village in a place marked by mermaids. Why did it appear in Ravenclaw's tomb?

While Rolf was busy, he suddenly received a letter from Margaery, asking him to meet in Hogsmeade.

Ever since the Yule Ball, Margery had been stalking Rita Skeeter and hadn't heard from her for several months.

After receiving a letter from her, Rolf took Shirley and Hermione and took the Thestral carriage to Hogsmeade without hesitation.

At this time, Ron, who was walking on the noisy streets of Hogsmeade Village, looked gloomy and whispered:

"Harry, I will definitely pay you back the five galleons I lent you, but I'm afraid it will be in arrears for a while."

"Forget it." Harry waved his hand, "Just think of it as me buying you a Christmas present."

"But the panoramic telescope you gave me at the Quidditch World Cup last year has already exceeded my Christmas gifts for the next ten years!" Ron said with a blush.

Harry was speechless for a moment. He had already forgotten about it. He thought about it and said:

"Then I'll owe it to you first, and then pay it back to me after you graduate and work. Let's go to the Three Broomsticks Bar for a drink? I'll treat you."

Harry knew that Ron had always liked Mrs. Rosmerta, the proprietress of the Three Broomsticks, and going there to drink would make him happier.

Ron was really excited and said: "Go quickly."

The two came to the Three Broomsticks Bar and when they opened the door and entered the room, Ron couldn't wait to look for Mrs. Rosmerta.

However, he did not see Rosmerta, but was attracted by a young witch in the corner.

The witch was leaning against the window, revealing her pink arms like white lotus roots. Her thick blond hair fell naturally on her shoulders. She was wearing a white robe with exquisite and almost complicated patterns. She was extremely beautiful.

She also held a bloody lollipop in her mouth, but it didn't look childish. Instead, it complemented her scarlet lips, exuding a charming and huge aura.

The presence of the witch attracted the attention of the entire bar, making even Mrs. Rosmerta look eclipsed.

Harry and Ron immediately recognized that it was Rolf's sister, Margaery.

Next to Margaery sat Rita Skeeter. After Harry saw Rita, he was startled at first, then angrily, he strode over and shouted:

"Hey, look at the good thing you did!"

Rita Skeeter turned around, and after seeing the person clearly, the eyes behind her jeweled eyes suddenly widened.

"Harry!" She suddenly smiled, "Long time no see! Do you want to come over and have a drink with me?"

"I would rather be close to the fire dragon than to you!" Harry said angrily, "Why did you slander Hagrid like that in the article?

You made him lose his job, and now he doesn't dare to come back to class."

Rita raised her eyebrows and smiled:

"Slander? I didn't slander him. I was just reporting truthfully and telling my readers the truth. This is also my responsibility..."

"Seeking truth from facts?"

"Yeah, isn't Hagrid a hybrid giant?" Rita shrugged, "Where did I say something wrong?"

"Who cares if Hagrid is a half-giant?" Harry shouted, "We all like him, we don't hate him at all, but you describe him as abnormal!"

The whole bar suddenly became silent, and Mrs. Rosmerta looked over from behind the bar. She was pouring mead into the large wine jug, and the large wine jug was full to the point of overflowing, but she didn't even notice.

Rita Skeeter's smile flashed slightly, she quickly opened her crocodile leather handbag, took out her shorthand pen, and asked:

"Would you like to tell me what you know about Hagrid, Harry? Your puzzling and abnormal friendship, and the reasons behind it.

Did you regard Hagrid as your father because you lacked fatherly love in your childhood? We all know that giants mean cruelty. Has Hagrid ever hit you or threatened you with words?

Don’t be afraid, speak out bravely and I will help you get justice!”

Harry was shaking with anger. He took out his wand and wanted to teach Rita a lesson. Ron held Harry's arm tightly and dragged him out of the bar.

Rita wanted to chase her out, but she glanced at Margery who was calmly licking a lollipop beside her and didn't dare to move.

This woman is a complete devil!

The door was quickly pushed open again, and Rove walked into the bar with Shirley and Hermione.

Margery, who held her chin with one hand, waved to Rove and said, "Here!"

The three of them walked towards Margery and sat down on their chairs.

Rolf glanced at Rita, then looked at Margery in confusion, and asked, "Why is she here?"

"I asked her to come." Margaery said, took out a few pieces of parchment from her pocket, handed it to Rolf, winked and said:

"You guys take a look at this first."

Rolf took the parchment and glanced at the content. His pupils dilated instantly. He raised his head and looked at Rita with cold eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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