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Chapter 298 Westminster Abbey

Every pure-blood family has its own coat of arms and clan language, which is a family symbol and symbol.

The famous Lestrange family, their coat of arms is a crow, and their motto is - A crow will not peck another crow's eye.

As for the MacFasty family, which has lived in the Hebridean Islands for generations, their coat of arms is a three-headed dragon, and their clan motto is - Raging Prairie.

Another example is the Ravenclaw family. Their coat of arms is a crowned sky-blue eagle, and their clan motto is - Let me fly.

So here comes the question, 'mountain-shaped symbol, a shield with two five-pointed stars and a short sword, with two leaping greyhounds on both sides of the shield'...which family's coat of arms is it?

Black family!

The motto of their family is a French saying: Forever pure.

Therefore, through Harry's description, Rove was very sure that Voldemort's hiding place was in the Black family mausoleum.

Although he didn't know why Tom chose to hide there, he knew... that the Dark Lord would be resurrected tonight.

Harry looked at the solemn-faced Rolf and asked, "Rolf, do you know where the cemetery is?"

Rolf did not answer, but whispered: "Harry, stay here and don't run around."

After saying that, he flew towards the sky, and Harry shouted:

"Rolf, are you going to find Voldemort? Take me with you!"

But Luofu ignored him. He flew farther and farther, and his figure quickly disappeared into the vast night.

In the auditorium, the students were all staring at the magic curtain. There were only pictures on it, but no voices of the two people.

"Scamander should have used magic to block the sound. He did this in the first project." Ludo pondered:

"I don't know what he and Potter were talking about. They need such privacy."

"Potter just covered the scar on his forehead, looking very painful...Does he have some illness that he can't let everyone know about?"

The students all whispered, thinking that the mysterious person might have left hidden wounds on Harry Potter when he attacked him.

Malfoy also suddenly realized that no wonder Potter became friends with Ron Weasley but was unwilling to get along with him. It turned out that his eyes were injured by the Dark Lord... and he was blind!

Just when everyone was talking about it, Lu Duo suddenly made a sound and shouted:

"Scamander flew into the sky. This is against the rules. Has he forgotten?"

Everyone stared at the magic curtain, watching Rolf walking through the air. He took out the Hogtswar map from his arms, found Sirius's location, and flew towards him.

"Scamander flew to the center of the maze. Below is the Triwizard Cup." Ludo said loudly in an incomprehensible voice:

"But he didn't slow down and flew directly over. What on earth was he going to do?!"

A whistling sound suddenly sounded above the maze. Many warriors inside looked up and looked horrified when they saw that figure.

Shirley, who had knocked down the electric eel, also looked up and saw Rolf flying from south to north through the dim moonlight.

"Huh?" the girl with the ponytail said in surprise. She waved her hand and shouted: "Rolf!"

But he didn't seem to hear it, and the speed continued unabated as it passed through the sky.

Just when Shirley thought she was going to miss it, the boy suddenly stopped, lowered his head and looked down at the maze, looked around in all directions, and then rushed down.

In an instant, he landed in front of the ponytailed girl with a sound of wind and thunder roaring through the sky.

"Did something happen?" Shirley asked.

Rolf nodded, waved his wand, blocked the sound, and explained: "Voldemort... I already know where he is."

He briefly and concisely told what had just happened, and then said softly:

"I'm going to find Sirius now and ask about the location of the Black family mausoleum."

"Then I'll go find Professor Dumbledore." Shirley said nervously, "Let him go with you."

"I just looked at the map of Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore and grandpa are not in school." Rove said, "They must have gone out to look for the Dursleys."

"So, Sirius and I will go to the mausoleum first, and I will ask Lupine to find them both."

"But it's just you and Sirius..."

Luofu looked at the uneasy ponytail girl, gently flicked her smooth forehead, and comforted her in a warm voice:

"Shirley, you don't have to worry about me. Voldemort hasn't been resurrected yet. Even if he is resurrected, I have ways to deal with him... I will be fine.

You stay in the maze and compete peacefully, and win the Triwizard Tournament for me!"

Shirley was silent for a moment. She stretched out her arms and hugged Rolf's neck tightly. Then she gently bit his earlobe and said softly:

"Please be safe, I will wait for you to come back with the Triwizard Cup!"

Luofu laughed, turned his head and kissed the girl with the ponytail hard on the cheek, and said, "Let's go."

Shirley blushed, let go of the boy, and stood obediently, staring at each other from afar.

The male and female students in the audience saw this scene through the magic curtain, and they seemed to be crazy. They stood up and started shouting.

Six months ago, Shirley Swinton confessed her love to Scamander in public in the auditorium and invited him to be her dance partner, which was enough to make people jealous.

But whether they confess their love or attend a dance together, the two of them usually behave in the eyes of everyone and don't behave overly intimately. They don't even hold hands when walking on the road.

Whether it is the witch who admires Rove or the wizard who has a crush on Shirley, they will comfort themselves and have the illusion that they are not together, but just friends.

But tonight...hugs and kisses on the cheek.

Ahh...that's simply unforgivable!

The students in the audience were so jealous that they wanted to rush into the maze and kill the guy who had defiled their male god or goddess.

Ludo heard the deafening screams from the audience and had to raise his voice and said loudly:

"They are two talented men and a beautiful woman. Is it your turn to oppose me?"

As soon as he said this, he was attacked by water bottles and shoes from the audience. Ludo had to summon the Iron Armor Curse, and then continued to explain dedicatedly:

"Scamander took off again. He left the scope of the maze. Is he giving up the game? He is currently the number one! Where is he going?"

But no one knew it soon, because Luofu grabbed the monitor and turned it off, and the magic curtain where he was was darkened.

Standing in front of a tent, Sirius and Lupine were discussing where Rolf was going, when the young man fell down unexpectedly and appeared in front of them.

"Rolph, what happened?" Sirius asked.

"I found Voldemort." Rolf said.

Sirius and Lupine were both shocked.

"Remus." Rolf said solemnly: "Go find Dumbledore immediately. Just say that Voldemort is hiding in the Black family mausoleum...let him go now."

Lu Ping hesitated for a moment, and without asking any further questions, said directly: "I know!"

He turned around and ran away, while Sirius said in shock: "Voldemort...how could he be in my mausoleum?"

"I don't know either." Rolf said, "Sirius, take me there now... do you know the location?"

"I know." Sirius nodded and said solemnly:

"The Blake family tomb is located in London... at Westminster Abbey."

This chapter has been completed!
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