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Chapter 1039. Silly Zhu and his wifes trust in Duan Hongxuan

Ever since Yu Li knew that her family could earn such a large amount of money at once, even though she had repeated comfort and assurances from Sha Zhu, she was still worried and frightened, fearing that something would happen to Sha Zhu. Yu Li spent several days because of this.

A day of fear.

In the next few days, Duan Hongxuan found a small open space next to a small forest in the suburbs, and took Sha Zhu to see it in person. He asked Sha Zhu to remember the place, and then divided it three times, all in the darkening sky.

At that time, let Shazhu lead the convoy of the steel rolling mill to pull the New Year's goods back to the steel rolling mill.

As soon as this batch of new year's goods was brought back to the steel rolling mill, the entire steel rolling mill was in a sensation.

In previous years, the steel rolling mill distributed at most some labor protection supplies and some radish, cabbage, and the like. If you were lucky, each person could get a few taels of pork. If you were unlucky, the most you could do was to add a few extra portions of meat to everyone in the factory canteen.

Like this year, there are thirty big fat pigs alone, as well as seafood such as hairtail. It is best to distribute it to each employee. Each person can still get half a catty of meat and a few hairtail fish.

The key is that there are apples, which are so rare. It is not easy to have so many apples at one time in the middle of winter.

Not to mention winter, most of the cadres and workers in the steel rolling mill are not willing to spend money to buy apples for their families even during the season when apples are on the market. If you have no money to buy apples, it is better to buy a few taels of meat for your family.

There are so many apples this time that each head can almost weigh one or two pounds. This is a rare product!

Director Yang knew that the steel rolling mill had brought in a large number of new year's goods, and he went to check it out in person. When he saw such a large number of new year's goods, he was very happy.

If this batch of New Year's goods are distributed to cadres and workers during the Chinese New Year this year, the cadres and workers in the factory will go crazy with joy!

As far as the quantity and quality of the new year's goods are concerned, no other unit around the steel rolling mill can compare with them. Their steel rolling plant is the only one. As the director of the steel rolling mill, he can speak in a loud voice when he meets the directors of other units.

a bit.

Director Yang was happy, and Director Huo was naturally highly praised, which finally made Director Huo feel relieved.

Since this batch of new year's goods entered the steel rolling mill, whenever Director Huo meets any factory leader while walking in the steel rolling mill, the factory leader will take the initiative to nod and smile at Director Huo. Ordinary cadres and workers in the steel rolling mill will also take the initiative to say hello to Director Huo.

A thumbs up, a thumbs up, made Director Huo crazy.

Director Huo was so proud that he could not forget his biggest hero, Silly Zhu. For this reason, Director Huo even gave Silly a bottle of sesame oil in private.

It’s time to hand over the New Year’s goods and settle the money.

The New Year's goods were handed over three times, and the money was settled three times. The New Year's goods were brought back to the rolling mill the night before. Director Huo unloaded the trucks overnight, weighed them, and then calculated the money. The next day, he gave the money and the list to Si Zhu, who hired him temporarily.

On a holiday, I took my money, rode my bicycle, and rushed to Duan Hongxuan's house to give the money and the list to Duan Hongxuan.

In this way, after all the money was settled, Duan Hongxuan calculated the money he should keep according to the price and weight he gave, and then wrapped the remaining money in a newspaper.

On this day, Duan Hongxuan greeted Si Zhu in advance, and after dinner, Si Zhu took Li and Li to hold their children and returned home early to wait for Duan Hongxuan.

It didn't take long for Duanon to come after thinking about it. Silly Zhu and his wife quickly welcomed Duan Hongxuan in and closed the door.

Duan Hongxuan sat down at the table, casually threw the newspaper bag in his hand on the table and said to Silly Zhu: "Brother Zhuzi, here you go to share the money, this is yours!

I roughly counted it, don’t tell me, it’s a lot! A total of four thousand eight hundred and seventy-two! Brother Zhuzhu, Sister-in-law Yu Li, you are rich!"

Yu Li's head buzzed as soon as she heard this, and then she felt a little dizzy. She quickly stretched out her hands to support the table and sat down.

Upon hearing this, Shazhu excitedly stretched out his hand to open the newspaper, and saw several stacks of neatly arranged pieces. Shazhu stared at it blankly and was speechless!

As soon as Yu Li came back to her senses, she saw a large group of people in front of her. She seemed to have been cast a restraining spell on her whole body, just staring at the money on the table without moving.

It wasn't until Duan Hongxuan shouted several times that the couple came back to their senses. Yu Li tremblingly reached out and touched the money and asked Silly Zhu: "Zhu, Zhu Zhu, is this the money you earned this time? So much money is all

Is it ours?"

Silly Zhu had never seen such a large amount of money at one time. When he heard Yu Li's question, he just nodded and kept feeling silly!

When Duan Hongxuan saw this, he waved his hands in front of the two of them: "I said, I've been sitting here for a long time and you haven't asked me to pour me a glass of water. Fortunately, I am now the God of Wealth. This is how you entertain the God of Wealth!"


Upon hearing this, Yu Li quickly stood up and hurriedly got a cup to make tea for Duan Hongxuan.

Silly Zhu picked up the two stacks of dough, patted them in his hands, and said to Duan Hongxuan with a smile: "Hongxuan, are these all for my buddy?"

Duan Hongxuan looked at Silly Zhu and said with a smile: "If you think it's too much, just give me some, I don't mind!"

Silly Zhu chuckled: "Okay, if you want it, you can take a look at these anyway!"

Duan Hongxuan looked at Shazhu and said, "Brother Zhuzhu, you are so generous, do you really let me take it as I please?"

Silly Zhu waved his hand: "What I said is obvious, it is true, how can it be false!

To be honest, Hongxuan, I have never seen such a large amount of money at once since I was a child. Although this money is mine, it is very hot for me to hold it!

I know where this money came from. Without you, I would have been able to save so much money. So I think you should have a share of the money, and you should even get the majority!"

At this time, Yu Li came over with a tea cup, and happened to hear what Sha Zhu said. She handed the tea cup to Duan Hongxuan, and then said to Duan Hongxuan: "Hong Xuan, I think Zhu Zhu is right, you should take the bulk of the money!

You were doing favors and working hard for a long time, and then let us take all the money you earned this time. What did you do with it!

Hongxuan, just listen to Zhu Zhu. I think you should take at least 80% of the money. I think 20% is too much for us! Zhu Zhu, what do you think?"

Silly Zhu nodded: "My wife is right! Hongxuan, speaking of this business, we should do it together, and you should be the main one. Or you contacted me, I will

I just sent a message to our director, and then led the people to bring the goods back to our factory. I didn’t do much inside or outside, but even if I was given 20%, I would be very satisfied!”

Duan Hongxuan smiled and shook his head: "I didn't expect you two to be so open-minded!

But Brother Zhuzi, I told you to find opportunities to make money. Don’t say you didn’t put in much effort. You were the one who contacted the steel rolling mill. Just take the money. Stop being pretentious!

To be honest, I really don’t pay attention to this little money. I received the money from the Second Hospital, and the steel rolling mill also gave me a lot of bonuses. Although they didn’t give me the money later, they gave me some food and drink from time to time.

Yes, this is not the same as giving me money!

Besides, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and many units, including the steel rolling mill, are thinking about preparing New Year’s goods for me. Now I basically have no place to spend money from the beginning to the end of the year. I just keep the money I receive at home.

It's getting moldy!

So don’t show off this little money in front of me, just keep it!

Brother Zhuzhu, I almost want to laugh at you. After all, you have been working for so many years and you are still a good cook. I am still a student. Even if I receive my salary from the second college, I only received it last year. As a result, I have saved more than

You have more, why don’t you say you’re embarrassed!”

"Hey, you kid, you're still arranging for me while you're talking! Come on, wife, this guy will definitely not want the money like this, so let's just keep the money.

I’ve never seen such a person, and I’m not happy to give him money!”

"By the way, Brother Zhuzhu, when talking about this money, I suddenly remembered something. How does your family usually collect money?"

"Why, I'm generously giving you money but you don't want it, so you have to worry about the money our family has hidden in private?"

"No Brother Zhuzhu, let me tell you something serious. Sister-in-law, how do you usually keep your money?"

Seeing Duan Hongxuan's serious face, Sha Zhu and his wife stopped joking. Sha Zhu replied: "I usually give money to Yu Li. You have to ask her why it exists!"

"Hongxuan, I always put my money in a small box and put it in the cabinet. What's wrong?"

"You don't have any money in the bank?"

"Hi! In the past, I didn't have much money to deposit in any bank. If I wanted to deposit some money in the bank, I would have to go to the bank to withdraw it. It's troublesome. It's not worth it for such a small amount of money.

But what you said, Hongxuan, reminds us that we can’t leave such a large amount of money at home this time. Wife, I’ll leave a hundred or so yuan at home, and I’ll find a bank for the rest tomorrow.

Save it!"

Yu Li nodded: "Such a large amount of money has to be deposited in the bank. If I leave it at home, I won't feel safe at work!"

Duan Hongxuan hesitated and said, "Brother Zhuzi, is it okay if you suddenly took out such a large amount of money and deposited it in the bank?"

Silly Zhu was startled: "It's true what you said! How can I, a cook, get such a huge sum of money? This money can't be deposited in the bank, but I can't rest assured if I keep it at home!"

Duan Hongxuan thought for a while: "Otherwise, if you can trust me, you can keep a hundred or so dollars in your hand for daily life, and you can count the rest and give it to me. Brother Zhuzhu will go back and get three or five dollars."

Go to the bank to open a passbook for a hundred yuan, and then every month I will give you one, two, two, or three hundred to save!"

Silly Zhu thought for a while and nodded: "That's a good idea, hey, it's so troublesome to save some money!

OK, let’s do it this way. We can rest assured that the money is in your hands, and it’s easy to come to you for the money! I still can’t trust you. If I can’t even trust you, then we have no one we can trust!

Wife, please set aside a hundred or so yuan for what you need at home, and give the rest to Hongxuan and let him keep it for us."

Yu Li nodded without hesitation, turned around and went into the back room. She quickly came out with a wad of money and handed it to Sha Zhu. Then the couple counted all the money on the table. After counting, Sha Zhu put all the money in his hand.

Qian Yong used a packet of newspapers on the table and pushed it to Duan Hongxuan.

"That's all. See, without your help, our family would have only saved a few hundred yuan. Isn't it poor enough compared to you?"

"Haha! You are poor enough and shameful enough! You, Chef He, are also a well-known chef after all, but your family has a lot of savings! Compare me to me? Even if you count the more than 4,000 yuan this time, you and I

Bi is also poor!

Okay, now you are rich, these are your family’s savings, you two have a good dream today, I’m going home!”

This chapter has been completed!
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