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Chapter 1103 The road is slippery after it snows, so be careful when you go to work

Originally, everyone was sweeping the snow, but because of the naughty girl Xiaodang, the snow sweeping turned into a snowball fight.

Everyone was rioting in the yard for a long time, and finally Duan Hongxuan spoke up to stop it. Everyone got a little tired from the quarrel for a while, so they stopped one after another.

When everyone stopped, they realized that each of them had snow on their hair and bodies. Except for the two sneak attacks on Duan Hongxuan by He Yuyu and Yu Haitang at the beginning, he didn't even touch him at all in the subsequent ones.

He dodged it.

Everyone had stopped, but Xiaodang still giggled and hit Duan Hongxuan from behind. This time, it finally hit Duan Hongxuan's calf. Seeing that he was hit, the little girl giggled happily and ran away!

Duan Hongxuan turned back speechlessly: "Xiao Dang, you are still naughty when you come here!"

The little girl was so frightened that she screamed and then opened her eyes and lied: "Ah, Uncle Scholar is not me!"

While shouting, she struggled to walk her little body in the snow, trying to get away from Duan Hongxuan as soon as possible, but the thickness of the snow was almost half an adult's calf, which was too thick for Xiao Dang.

, How could she run fast in such thick snow? In a hurry, she threw herself on the snow again. Everyone laughed when they saw that this little girl was so unlucky!

Duan Hongxuan was very speechless. He took a few steps forward and picked up the little guy who was struggling in the snow.

The little girl was held up by her clothes and hung in the air. She immediately stopped struggling and acted as obediently as a kitten being lifted up by the neck. This made Sister Xiang Hong believe that the big girl was a cat.


After patting the snow all over the big girl's head and body, Sister Xiang Hong handed the big deal to He Yuyu: "Jingru, that big girl has been playing for a long time. He took you out of the house to warm yourself up. You are afraid that you will freeze!"


Shi Quansu nodded in surprise: "Well, you saw it."

When Huahua heard this, she almost jumped up in joy. She pulled Dadang and followed Sister Xiang Hong. She faced Sister Xiang Hong in anguish and offered herself: "Uncle Hongxuan, help him!"

If we wait another two or eight days, the photo studio will probably be off work by now! In two or eight days, the snowman will be transformed!"

Yu Haitang and He Yuyu also nodded happily when they heard this.

God's eyes are open, the snow finally stopped on the last day of vacation!"

"Yu Yu, did you hear that? Li Xianghong said that our factory won't get off work until tomorrow. I'm afraid the photo studio may not get off work either!"

It’s such a pity that such a bad-looking snowman is transformed like that!”

"Hehe!" Da Zhang smiled proudly: "Uncle Xiucai did that!"

"Bad Brother Hongxuan!" He Yuyu nodded in response, took the responsibility, patted you two more times, and then pulled the eldest girl to leave the living room.

At that time, the little girl and Yu Haitang outside the house also came out and greeted each other. Qin Jingru looked at the snowmen outside the yard and praised: "The snowmen made by Hongxuan are exactly like real people!

Li Xianghong, when does their steel rolling mill get off work?"

Li Xianghong, when they get off work tomorrow morning, they should stop riding bicycles and just walk! You have to be careful while walking and don't fall!

"Only tomorrow! Your holiday will be on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. Today is the last day off!

Sister Xiang Hong shook her head: "It's okay if it snows, but it's really fatal when it stops snowing!

Xiang Hong opened the door curtain, and Shi Quan and Dadang almost bumped into Duan Hongxuan.

"Go buy film! Brother Hongxuan, where is the film not sold? Is there any photo studio that doesn't sell it? I also know whether the photo studio is open today!"

Shi Quansu nodded: "That's true! In the past years, we heard many times in our alley that someone had broken bones after falling on the slippery road!

When Dang Dang heard about building a snowman, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said sadly: "It's bad, it's bad, you want Uncle Xiucai to build a snowman!"

Sister Xiang Hong also comforted her and said, "Dadang, he has been playing for a long time just now. Now he and his aunt will leave the room to drink some cold water to warm themselves up, and then come out to play mischief again!"

"Bad uncle scholar, you are the most obedient!" The eldest girl nodded and struggled again, then followed Shi Quansu out of the living room.

As soon as the snow stopped at noon today, the snow under the alleys and streets in the morning was swept away by people, and then trampled on by people. The snow that was trampled and melted was frozen again the next night. They will get up early to get off work tomorrow. This is

It's because your heart is frozen, and this is really fatal. If you are careless, you will have to fall!

Uncle Hongxuan, you also want a snowman!"

When Qin Jingru led Shi Quan over in the morning, outside the front yard of Sister Xiang Hong's house, seven large and small snowmen that had just been completed were piled up in a mess outside the yard.

The little girl just nodded helplessly, "That's right!"

Sister Xiang Hong nodded: "Now he should be obedient and go back to the house with his aunt to warm up!"

Huahua's big snowman is right next to the big snowman of Dadang. The two big snowmen are close to each other and holding hands. When they see the two big snowmen, Huahua and Dadang are also holding hands and standing opposite the two big snowmen.

, laughing and dancing in anguish.

Sister Xiang Hong spread her hands regretfully: "I don't have a camera, but I do have film!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly dropped. When the little girl heard this, what's the point? You still want to take a photo with your own snowman.

Looks like you have to get off work early tomorrow, don’t be late after work on the first day of the New Year!”

When Huahua heard this, she took Dang and wanted to retreat to the living room, "You are, they don't have a snowman, so you want one too.


Besides, it’s only the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, and the bad boy’s unit is still off work. You guessed that the photo studio might also be open!

"Forget the rain today, the snowman piled up outside the yard for eight or seven days will be gone!

When Dadang saw that it was done, he struggled and cried out: "Auntie, you want to play for a while longer, you are so hot!"

As soon as Shi Quansu and her husband left the front yard, they saw seven lifelike snowmen. They screamed in surprise. Shi Quan broke away from Qin Jingru's hand and ran down, looking at several snowmen in surprise, especially the big one at the front.

Snowman, Huahua pointed at the big snowman and said in surprise to Qin Jingru: "Mom, that's Dang!"

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He said that such a bad-looking snowman would be less bad if he could keep it forever. Unfortunately, it was a snowman. The snow has stopped now. According to the current weather, the snowman

It will melt quickly in at least a week or two!

"Even if it's hot, I'll leave the house with you first, drink some cold water, then wash your face and hands with cold water, and wait for a while before going out to play!"

When Huahua saw Shi Quansu, she quickly pulled Sister Xiang Hong and pointed at the snowman outside the yard and said coquettishly: "Uncle Hongxuan, they don't even have a snowman, not even a dadang. If they have one for you, you want it too!"

When he's warmed up and you've finished sweeping away the snow, then you can build a snowman together and have some fun, okay?"

It would be okay if you fall under the snow. What you are most afraid of is not the kind of slippery ice that is stepped on. It is slippery and hard. If you are careless, you will fall, and if you fall, it will break.


After a while, he reminded me, Brother Zhuzi! Especially the young man, I have old arms and legs, and my bones are brittle as I get older, so it is more difficult for me to break a bone than for an older person!"

Shi Quansu suddenly remembered something after listening to Qin Jingru's words. His eyes suddenly lit up and he said to Sister Hong: "Brother Hongxuan, is there no camera outside the house? Is there no film? If there is no film, let's take a picture and compare it with the one outside the yard.

The snowmen take a photo together and look less evil!"

Qin Jingru then said to He Yuyu who opened the door for you: "Jingru, when did Hongxuan make those snowmen again? I knew Hongxuan's skill in making snowmen last year, and after a year you all forgot about it.

Okay, now let’s look at the snowman made by Hongxuan, it’s so beautiful!”

The two eldest sisters were holding hands together again. Huahua took Dadang and pointed at the big snowman and said: "Dadang, that's not him yet!"

Huahua nodded vigorously, smiled at Sister Hong and said, "Okay, if you have any questions, then help Huahua make a snowman!"

Sister Xiang Hong smiled and said, "It's Shi Quan! You want a snowman, right?"

The snow just stopped at noon, and now there are thick snow piles everywhere under the streets and there is still time to clean them up, so it is convenient to go out!

Hearing Huahua's voice outside the courtyard, Dadang quickly ran out wearing his clothes. When he saw that it was Huahua, he ran over happily and shouted, "Sister Huahua!"

This chapter has been completed!
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