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Chapter 115 Mr. Wei: Junior brother’s medical skills are eye-opening

 Mr. Wei and his son brought Duan Hongxuan to the Chinese medicine clinic. The Chinese doctors who wanted to learn from him learned that this young and handsome young man, who was not even a minor, turned out to be the uncle of his director and a national master of Chinese medicine.

, the younger brother of the vice president of his own hospital, was so shocked by this series of information that he no longer knew how to react.

Soon, a patient came in.

The first patient who came in was an old lady in her 60s, accompanied by a middle-aged man who seemed to be the old lady's son.

When the patients and their families came in, they were startled to see a room full of doctors. They thought it was a meeting of doctors and they thought they had gone to the wrong door.

After the introduction by the doctor next to me, I realized that these doctors were all here to study.

Among the three people sitting now, one is the vice president and the other is the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The patient and family members sighed that they were lucky today, and quickly said hello politely, and then the middle-aged man helped the old lady sit down.

Seeing the patient sitting down, Duan Hongxuan motioned to Director Wei to come first.

Director Wei was not polite. He checked the old lady's pulse in detail, looked at her face carefully, and asked carefully what was wrong with her body.

After Director Wei completed the diagnosis, he quickly recorded the conclusions of his own inspection, questioning and pulse diagnosis.

While Director Wei was recording, Duan Hongxuan smiled and was polite and said to the old lady: "Grandma, our director just diagnosed you, can you let me help you diagnose your pulse now?

It also gives our young people a learning process, do you like it?"

The old lady looked at the young man in front of her and felt that his smile was very friendly and his words were very polite, so she nodded in agreement.

Duan Hongxuan thanked the old lady first, and then began to diagnose the old lady's pulse.

During the whole process, Duan Hongxuan did not ask the old lady any questions, but just glanced at the old lady's face.

Director Wei handed the written diagnosis to Duan Hongxuan respectfully, "Uncle, this is my pulse diagnosis and diagnostic conclusion. Please take a look at it!"

Director Wei's words "Master's Uncle" startled the patients and their families. They looked up in surprise at the 30-year-old Director and the young and outrageous young man in front of them, who was called "Master's Uncle".

Duan Hongxuan's face was calm, and he was diagnosing the pulse with his right hand. He took the record sheet handed over by Director Wei with his left hand, looked at it carefully, and then smiled and said to the old lady: "Grandma, let our director check your pulse again."

Is it good?"

The old lady was a little confused by this battle and could only nod.

Duan Hongxuan then turned his head and said to Director Wei: "What you heard about Shenmai is not wrong, but you missed a little bit. Please feel it carefully again and see what the difference is about this Shenmai!"

Director Wei heard what Duan Hongxuan said and began to diagnose the old lady's pulse seriously again.

This time, after Duan Hongxuan specially reminded him, Director Wei did feel a slight difference. Apart from being ashamed, he couldn't help but admire himself for being such a young and excessive junior uncle.

Finally, Duan Hongxuan gave his own conclusion and carefully explained why he came to such a conclusion.

Duan Hongxuan asked Director Wei to write a prescription for the patient, and then added or subtracted several herbs on the prescription, and explained the reasons in detail.

Through the diagnosis of this patient, not only Mr. Wei and his son, but also the doctors standing next to him began to look at the young and shameless Duan Hongxuan with admiration, and felt that they had learned a lot from just one patient.

I secretly admired him in my heart. He was worthy of being Director Wei’s junior uncle, and the junior brother that Mr. Wei was willing to bow down to.

Duan Hongxuan thought for a while and then said to Director Wei: "I will give you a small suggestion during the entire diagnosis process you just made!"

"Uncle, please tell me!" Director Wei quickly replied respectfully.

"Generally speaking, when most doctors diagnose patients, they like to first ask the patient where he feels uncomfortable.

I can’t say this wrong, but I don’t think it’s entirely right.

If you want to be an ordinary doctor with good medical skills, then there is no problem with diagnosis like this.

But if you want to become a real master of traditional Chinese medicine in the future, this diagnostic process will be problematic.

First of all, listen to the patient's description of what makes him uncomfortable. As a doctor, he is easily affected. During the diagnosis process, he will subconsciously make associations and diagnoses according to the physical symptoms described by the patient!

However, many patients often have some diseases that do not show obvious symptoms, and they do not feel any obvious discomfort, which is easy to be ignored.

As a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, if you are confident, you will not ask the patient first, but first diagnose the pulse yourself, and then ask the patient after drawing a preliminary conclusion. Combining the two, you can find out and fill in the gaps!

In this way, it is not easy to miss some problems that are ignored by patients!

Strictly speaking, accurate and experienced pulse diagnosis can even diagnose early symptoms that cannot be detected by medical instruments.

Therefore, nephew, if you want to become a master of traditional Chinese medicine like Mr. Wei in the future, you should be stricter with yourself and adjust the order of diagnosis slightly as I said.

This will be very beneficial to the progress of your medical skills!"

After hearing this, Mr. Wei nodded happily.

Director Wei immediately stood up, saluted Duan Hongxuan seriously, and said thank you: "Thank you, uncle, for your advice. My nephew has taken note of it!"

Duan Hongxuan nodded happily, and then said to Mr. Wei: "Brother, I just said that my face is too young, and it is difficult to be convincing when seeing patients in the outpatient clinic.

Why don't we go to the inpatient department and take a look around."

Mr. Wei nodded: "I just saw my junior brother's medical skills. It was eye-opening!

But junior brother is right, let’s go to the ward!"

Then the three of them got up, greeted the doctors in the room, and went out to the ward.

Duan Hongxuan diagnosed the patients in the traditional Chinese medicine ward one by one, explained the diagnosis process of each patient in detail, and finally made new additions and subtractions to the medication.

Director Wei kept recording beside him, as if he had found a treasure. He felt that the study in these few hours even exceeded what he had learned in the past few years.

I believe that after I fully digest what I have learned this time, my medical skills will be able to reach a higher level.

Mr. Wei was also thoughtful beside him, and he always gained something.

I felt that my medical skills, which had been stagnant for a long time, were beginning to improve, and I couldn't help but feel happy. Fortunately, I agreed to Director Zhao's request, and then I had the opportunity to get to know this junior brother.

If I had rejected Director Zhao out of a single thought, I would be terrified to think about the consequences.

It's almost time to leave the ward, and Father Wei and his son must ask Duan Hongxuan to finish lunch before leaving.

Duan Hongxuan couldn't resist, so he readily agreed.

At the dinner table, Mr. Wei suddenly had a new idea.

He wants to hire Duan Hongxuan as an expert in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the Second Hospital. He does not need to sit in for consultations at ordinary times. He will only ask Duan Hongxuan to take action if he encounters a difficult disease.

I hope Duan Hongxuan can spare two days every month, like today, to diagnose patients in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and hope that all the doctors in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine can follow suit.

Duan Hongxuan thought about it seriously, then nodded and agreed. Boss Wei was overjoyed and said bluntly that after one year, the level of doctors in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Second Hospital will be greatly improved, and once again expressed his gratitude to Duan Hongxuan.

After the meal, before saying goodbye, Duan Hongxuan told Mr. Wei and his son to go back and memorize all the breathing and breathing techniques recorded on the piece of paper. Of course, Mr. Wei's daughter also had a share, and then burned the piece of paper.
In the future, please pass it on by word of mouth and do not leave any written records.

Come to your home on Sunday and give them detailed instructions.

At the gate of the Second Hospital, Duan Hongxuan picked up his bicycle and said goodbye to Mr. Wei and his son.

On the way back, I thought about it and decided to find a photo studio today and spend more money. It would be best to take the photos and give them to Mr. Wei on Sunday.

After taking the photos, Duan Hongxuan finally got a reply after some hard talking and extra money, and he could get the photos before noon on Sunday.

Returning to the small courtyard, I briefly told He Yuyu about today's recruitment of apprentices in the second courtyard, and told her that someone would come to visit this Sunday and introduce her to him then.

Although He Yuyu didn't know Mr. Wei's status in Chinese medicine, after all, Duan Hongxuan suddenly had a senior brother who was the vice president and a nephew who was the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He Yuyu couldn't help but look at Duan Hongxuan's medical skills with admiration again.<


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