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Chapter 117 Duan Hongxuan’s painting shocked everyone

 Duan Hongxuan was very moved by the advice of his godmother, Director Wang, and knew in his heart that he truly regarded himself as a family.

So he told all his plans to appease Director Wang and prevent her from worrying about him.

Director Wang felt relieved when he found out that Duan Hongxuan had something in his mind.

But suddenly, Director Wang asked again: "Xiaosi, since you are a consultant hired by their Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has your senior brother told you how much your salary is?"

Everyone was stunned by Director Wang's sudden question. Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be true. If a person is hired as a consultant by your Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he should be paid.

But it always feels weird to ask this question at this time!

Duan Hongxuan glanced at Director Wang strangely and replied: "I didn't bother to ask about salary at that time. I didn't think about it at all!"

Zhao Xingmin said at this time: "Why did you suddenly think of asking about salary?

It is already remarkable that Hongxuan can be recognized by Mr. Wei, a national expert in traditional Chinese medicine, and be hired as an expert consultant in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the Second Hospital at such a young age. What an honor is this?

What else do you care about salary at this time!"

Director Wang glared at his husband angrily: "You men think about honor and career all day long. It's not us women who have to worry about the food, rice, oil and salt at home, and all kinds of expenses!

If you don’t have money, go drink the northwest wind!

If Xiaosi works for them, of course he should get paid. This is a matter of course!

Xiao Si is still living off the subsidies from the state!

With a salary, life can be better, right?

Is it inappropriate for me to care about the salary of a junior?”

Director Zhao was scolded by Director Wang and combined with his rich experience accumulated in the past, he decisively shut his mouth.

When Duan Hongxuan saw this scene, he quickly said: "Godmother, I was so focused on talking about medical skills and apprenticeships that I didn't think about salary!

But my senior brother is the vice-dean after all, so since he wants to hire me, he will definitely consider the salary."

Then he winked at Zhao Xingmin in a deliberately exaggerated manner, and then said to Director Wang in a flattering manner: "So, godfather, the godmother has to be in charge of this family.

If there was no godmother, there would be so many things that we wouldn’t be able to think about.

It is said that sailing the sea depends on the helmsman. If our family wants to prosper, it cannot do without the leadership of the wise and capable Director Wang!

You say so, godfather!"

Director Zhao is currently holding a tea cup, watching Duan Hongxuan's performance and drinking tea with a smile.

Duan Hongxuan suddenly pointed the finger at him. Director Zhao hurriedly put down the teacup and nodded awkwardly: "Yes, Xiaosi, you are right.

If we didn't have your godmother, our family would have been in chaos long ago!"

After saying that, he glared at Duan Hongxuan with a slightly resentful look.

Duan Hongxuan returned a proud look and raised his eyebrows.

Suddenly there was a "puff" sound from the side.

Duan Hongxuan immediately looked at his sister-in-law who was covering her mouth in laughter with a dangerous expression: "Sister-in-law Shen Han, do you have any objections to what my godfather and I said?"

Sister-in-law Shen Han covered her mouth, tried her best to hold back her laughter, and shook her head vigorously.

"Godmother, look, my sister-in-law doesn't seem to recognize your leadership position in the family! This phenomenon is very dangerous!"

Duan Hongxuan turned to complain to Director Wang.

When Zhao Guowei saw that someone dared to bully his wife, it was quite remarkable.

He immediately looked at Duan Hongxuan with a dangerous look: "Xiaosi, I think you've been a little distracted recently."

Zhao Guoxing remembered what happened to him when he came to this yard the day before yesterday, and immediately added insult to injury: "That's right, brother, Xiaosi has been drifting a lot lately. I'll wait until your back heals, and you'll have to take care of him."

Duan Hongxuan complained aggrievedly to Director Wang: "Godmother, look at it, these two brothers have joined forces to bully me!"

Director Wang slapped Duan Hongxuan angrily: "You can't just calm down and act like a monster all day long when you get the chance.

As for you still trying to sow discord between our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, I think the boss is right, you have been a bit untied recently."

Duan Hongxuan repeatedly cried out for injustice.

Director Wang finally stopped Duan Hongxuan from continuing to act like a monster: "Today, Mr. Wei is here to officially become a disciple. You will be taking over as a disciple later. You don't look like a master of traditional Chinese medicine at all!"

After listening to Director Wang's words, Duan Hongxuan begged for mercy and stopped joking.

Everyone looked at Duan Hongxuan and couldn't connect him with Mr. Wei, a national master of traditional Chinese medicine.

Next, Director Wang asked them and Mr. Wei what they should be called.

Duan Hongxuan waved his hand indifferently: "Godmother, there's really no way to discuss this.

In my opinion, let’s just discuss it on its own terms.

I call Mr. Wei and his wife senior brother and sister-in-law, and I call Mr. Wei’s children and nephews.

If you want to be intimate, just call Mr. and Mrs. Wei, Brother Wei and Sister.

Otherwise it would really be a mess."

Everyone thought for a long time, but finally couldn't think of a good solution, so they agreed to Duan Hongxuan's suggestion.

While everyone was chatting, there was a knock on the door in the front yard.

Everyone was shocked, knowing that it was Mr. Wei and the others who were here, and quickly sat down. Duan Hongxuan ran to open the door.

Soon, Duan Hongxuan led the group into the backyard.

The first ones were Duan Hongxuan and Mr. Wei, followed by Mr. Wei's son, daughter, daughter-in-law and son-in-law, and finally three minor children, one girl, two boys.

Director Wang and Deputy Director Zhao had already warmly welcomed us. While saying hello, they led Mr. Wei and his family to sit down.

Considering that there were many people today, Duan Hongxuan set up three tables under the grape trellis in the yard.

Duan Hongxuan, Mr. and Mrs. Wei, and Mr. and Mrs. Wang sat at the same table.

Mr. Wei's son, daughter-in-law, daughter and son-in-law, and Zhao Guowei sat at the same table with little Miaomiao in their arms.

He Yuyu and Zhao Guoxing sat together with the three children of the Wei family.

Next, everyone introduced each other.

Through the introduction, I learned that Mr. Wei’s wife, whose surname is Lu, is a professor at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is not employed in the hospital and is simply responsible for teaching.

Mr. Wei's daughter-in-law, Director Wei's wife Liu Ying, is a doctor in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Second Hospital.

Mr. Wei's daughter Wei Wanqing is the deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the First Hospital, and her husband Zhang Yanhui is Mr. Wei's student and is now a traditional Chinese medicine doctor in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the First Hospital.

The three children are all from Director Wei's family. The two children, a boy and a girl, from Mr. Wei's daughter's family were taken to Jinmen by Mr. Wei's in-laws last week and went to play at the house of the children's grandparents.

After introducing each other to each other, Mr. Wei couldn't wait to complete the apprenticeship ceremony before even taking a few sips of tea.

Duan Hongxuan led everyone to the living room where he lived.

The living room has been decorated in advance.

On the wall opposite the door of the living room, there is a portrait of Mr. Duan in Tang suit painted by Duan Hongxuan himself in his previous life.

Thanks to Duan Hongxuan's superb painting skills, Mr. Duan in the painting has fair hair and a childish face, a long snow-white beard under his chin, stroking his beard with one hand, smiling, standing under a tall tea tree, against the backdrop of green mountains and green waters in the distance.

It gives people an ecstatic feeling.

In front of the painting is an Eight Immortals table, with a back chair on each side of the table. There is a small incense burner on the table, and a letter of incense is placed in front of the incense burner.

Mr. Wei looked at Mr. Duan's painting for a long time and admired: "Junior brother, could this painting be painted by Master himself?

Although I have studied medicine all my life, I also like calligraphy and painting.

Although the level of calligraphy and painting is not very high, my appreciation level is not low. I have seen a lot of calligraphy and painting works by everyone in the past, and I have several fine works in my collection.

But when I saw this painting today, just by virtue of this painting, Master, he is not inferior to the famous painting masters in history, and can even be said to be slightly better!

I think that even if the painting saint is still alive, he is still a little inferior!

It seems that the master is indeed a master from this world. It is a pity that I did not get to meet him and listen to his teachings in person."

This painting was made by Duan Hongxuan in his previous life in the world of high martial arts. At that time, Duan Hongxuan's martial art was already at a very high level and he understood some profound artistic conceptions.

When Duan Hongxuan painted this painting, he incorporated some artistic conception into it. Ordinary people can easily be affected by the artistic conception at a glance.

The painting now hanging has been sealed by Duan Hongxuan at the request of the smart butler. Otherwise, ordinary people will not be able to see it at all.

Even so, even people who don't understand painting will be slightly affected when they see this painting.

But now this influence is actually good for people.

When Duan Hongxuan heard Mr. Wei's question, he smiled and shook his head: "After the master passed away, I made this portrait myself to commemorate him!"

Mr. Wei and everyone were shocked again when they heard that this painting was actually painted by Duan Hongxuan himself.


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