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Chapter 1263: The appearance of Director Li

Next, Duan Hongxuan really started to get busy. He had to go to the rolling mill every day and summarize and organize the information with everyone in the office of the machine tool workshop. Duan Hongxuan was also responsible for explaining to everyone that explanation is standardization. Standards have the advantage of explanation. Why?

Standardization etc.

Then there are the basic characteristics and various advantages of the assembly line, as well as how to establish the assembly line, matters that should be paid attention to when establishing the assembly line production process, etc.

Duan Hongxuan attaches great importance to the expert survey organized by the ministry to promote standardized and assembly line production models in the entire industry, because he knows that this can help the country reduce costs and increase efficiency, improve production efficiency, and boost the country's industrial development.

A very important and essential step.

If the country can start to pay attention to and promote standardization and assembly lines in the past sixty years, it will be decades earlier than the original time and space, and it will have a very significant role in promoting the country's industrial development. Therefore, Duan Hongxuan attaches so much importance to it this time because he

Know what this means for the country's industrial development.

Duan Hongxuan attached so much importance to it that he almost came to the steel rolling mill after breakfast early in the morning and ate in the canteen of the steel rolling mill for lunch. It was not until the rolling mill got off work in the afternoon that he went home from get off work with everyone, almost like an employee of the steel rolling mill.

In this way, he could no longer take care of Huahua and Xiaodang, so he had to leave it to He Yueyue and the others, so He Yuyu and the others could no longer sleep in.

The only way to prevent He Yuyu and the others from sleeping in is to not let them play in the space at night, so that they can go to bed early and get up early the next day.

He Yuyu and the other two people had a lot of objections to this. The magic of the space made them wish they could live in it and not be able to get out. Now they are suddenly not allowed to go back. Can they agree to it?

However, Duan Hongxuan knew the importance of this inspection and promotion of standardization and assembly lines, so Duan Hongxuan and He Yuyu had a serious conversation.

Seeing Duan Hongxuan's serious attitude, the three of them knew that there was no need to discuss this matter.

The three of them are not messy people. In addition, Duan Hongxuan told them the importance of what he was busy with this time to the country. In the hearts of people in this era, collective honor and collective interests are above all else, especially people like He Yuyu.

A passionate young student like Haitang.

Therefore, the three of them agreed to Duan Hongxuan's request in a reasonable manner, but they also asked for a lot of compensation from Duan Hongxuan, and made Duan Hongxuan sign a number of unequal and even humiliating treaties in black and white. The three of them happily took a few pieces of paper with the ink still wet.

Paper hurriedly ran to find a place to hide.

Duan Hongxuan was really serious this time. He took several technicians from the research institute and several people from the machine tool workshop and spent the whole day in the machine tool workshop. This moved Director Yang to death.

In the past, Duan Hongxuan gave them machine tools and steel formulas, taught them how to produce and assemble machine tools, how to establish standardized assembly line production processes, etc. At that time, they were busy for several months, but Duan Hongxuan was so busy with such a huge workload.

Spend the whole day in the steel rolling mill every day.

At most, I would come to the rolling mill for three to five days in a row, and then I would have a day off in between. Then I would come to the rolling mill every other day for two days, and then come to the rolling mill every other day for another three to five days.

Even when he comes to the steel rolling mill, Duan Hongxuan comes early in the morning, teaches what needs to be taught, talks about what needs to be taught, and then leaves when he gets off work at almost noon, leaving the people in their machine tool shop to work on what he explained to them in the morning.

Some work, and then Duan Hongxuan will come back the next day or the next day to check their work results, and then point out what is wrong and how to improve it, and then talk about something new. In the afternoon, they will do it by themselves again, waiting for Duan Hongxuan to check again.

This time Duan Hongxuan stayed at the steel rolling mill for a full half a month. During this half month, he came to the machine tool workshop on time every morning before work, and was busy until the bell rang in the afternoon, and then he went home with the workers.

Duan Hongxuan was so serious this time. In the opinion of Factory Director Yang, Duan Hongxuan knew that the ministry was going to send a team of experts to their factory for investigation and inspection. Their steel rolling factory could take this opportunity to show its face in the country, and he, the factory director, could not only gain recognition in the industry.

Superiors, even well-known in the industry, can get huge political achievements out of thin air, so Duan Hongxuan is so serious this time.

Director Yang felt that Duan Hongxuan was helping their steel rolling mill and himself, or that he was trying his best to help.

What else is there to say? Director Yang waved his hand and asked all leaders and related parties in the factory to fully cooperate with Duan Hongxuan. If anyone does not cooperate or is passive and slow in work, the factory will not be polite this time.

Of course, the leaders in the factory couldn't ask for it. So the biggest credit for this incident will ultimately fall on Director Yang, but they, the factory leaders, can more or less share some of the credit. It is also a resume to a certain extent, and it will be useful for the future.

The promotion will definitely play a big role.

Therefore, none of the leaders in the factory failed to cooperate, and they also carefully supervised the lower-level departments.

For this reason, Director Lin specially called Xiao Du from the factory office to follow Duan Hongxuan. On the one hand, their factory office was originally doing nanny work. Letting Xiao Du follow Duan Hongxuan was also convenient for Duan Hongxuan to ask Xiao Du at any time if anything happened.


On the other hand, looking at Duan Hongxuan's work enthusiasm this time, and the enthusiasm of the several technicians from the research institutes and machine tool workshops who followed Duan Hongxuan to study hard, Director Yang and the others were afraid that if they didn't have someone to remind them,

, these guys might have even forgotten to eat lunch. Having Xiao Du by their side can remind them that they should drink water and eat. Don’t look back. These guys fell down from exhaustion first without waiting for the expert team to come.

That's troublesome.

Finally, after more than half a month of busy work, Duan Hongxuan broke up the relevant knowledge and fed it to them. Two days before the ministry notified the inspection team that the inspection team was coming to the steel rolling mill, the research institute of the steel rolling mill

and the machine tool shop finally thoroughly mastered and digested the relevant knowledge of standardization and assembly lines.

After truly understanding and mastering the relevant knowledge of standardization and assembly lines, the group of people who followed Duan Hongxuan became extremely excited, as if they were enlightened, giving them a new understanding of industrial production and seeing a new world.

Now looking back at the traditional production methods in the factory, they feel that it is a bit miserable. Not only is the production efficiency low, but it is also a huge waste of raw materials and energy. The key is that the parts of the product have extremely poor versatility.

They didn't think there was any problem before, because everyone was like this, but now looking back, they feel that there is a big problem here.

When the teaching work came to an end, Duan Hongxuan, based on the situation, suggested to Factory Director Yang to form a special group of several people this time. This group will be responsible for the review and supervision of standardization and assembly line production methods as well as further research.


Factory Director Yang now obeys Duan Hongxuan's words and accepts Duan Hongxuan's suggestions. He takes action immediately and sets up a new department with its office in the factory office building.

On the day Duan Hongxuan's teaching work was completed, Director Yang specially called the main leaders in the factory and asked the cafeteria to prepare a sumptuous banquet for Duan Hongxuan.

At the wine table, all the leaders sincerely toasted to Duan Hongxuan and expressed their sincere gratitude to Duan Hongxuan for helping their steel rolling mill! This time, the thanks to all the leaders came from the bottom of their hearts. It was at this wine table that Duan Hongxuan finally met

The deputy director Li who was beaten by Si Zhu, then tortured Si Zhu, blackmailed Qin Lan to be his lover, and had a crush on Qin Huairu.

However, Deputy Director Li is not the deputy director at this moment. He is now just the director responsible for the logistics work of the entire steel rolling mill.

According to Director Lin's introduction, Director Li had been transferred to the steel rolling mill for less than a year. Privately, Director Lin told Duan Hongxuan that Director Li had a backstage. The steel rolling mill had been prosperous in the past two years. Director Li was transferred here.

Gilded fruit pickers.

Director Li has no experience or talent in production management, but his father-in-law is the deputy minister. He is one of Minister Lu's deputies, so when he was transferred to the steel rolling mill, although he did not know how to manage, he was still

Became the logistics director of the entire steel rolling mill.

He, the logistics director, is one level higher than the logistics director of Shazhu's cafeteria, because the logistics director of the cafeteria is only in charge of the logistics work related to the cafeteria, while Director Li, the logistics director, is in charge of the entire factory's logistics, and the cafeteria is just his subordinate.

One of the departments.

However, although logistics work is also important in the eyes of Director Yang and Director Lin, a logistics director cannot threaten them, leaders who manage production, so although they look down upon Director Li, they do not

Taking him seriously, everyone was still in harmony on the surface.

When Duan Hongxuan heard this, he couldn't help but shake his head secretly. You don't take him seriously, but he is a smiling tiger. When the situation changes, he will take office immediately. Although he is also the director, the director will have great power by then.

After that, even Director Yang was punished and sent to sweep the streets. At that time, Director Li was very powerful, but at the same time, the steel rolling mill was also in a mess.

In the past, it was just a matter of paying off, but now the steel rolling mill is in such a good situation. If Director Li is allowed to make the steel rolling mill into a mess like in the original drama, then the steel rolling mill will really be ruined. Duan Hongxuan and these cadres of the steel rolling mill

The work results that the employees have worked hard for so long will be ruined. Maybe even these advanced machine tool drawings and steel formulas will be leaked. Duan Hongxuan will not allow such a thing to happen under any circumstances.

But how to avoid it? Duan Hongxuan thought about it, thinking about the various actions of Director Li in that special decade in the original play, and the director Li resigned and went to work to engage in some illegal fraud. Duan Hongxuan felt that he should find an opportunity to think about it.

We must solve this scourge as soon as possible!

This chapter has been completed!
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