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Chapter 1278: Yan Bugui’s major change

After a few days of acupuncture and massage, and then drinking the medicine prepared by Duan Hongxuan, the third aunt seemed to be cured of her illness. However, the third aunt herself felt that she didn’t know what was going on this time. Although her illness was cured, there were still lingering symptoms on her body.

She felt out of sorts, couldn't muster the energy to do anything, and got tired very easily, as if the disease had drained her of all her energy and energy.

This situation of the third aunt frightened Yan Bugui. Not to mention the third aunt herself felt very bad, even the Yan family were shocked when they saw the current third aunt.

Because now the third aunt seems to have aged more than ten years overnight, and her energy has also disappeared. Thinking of Duan Hongxuan's warning and seeing the old and depressed look on the third aunt's face, Yan Bugui's eyes turned red and she couldn't help but cry.

come out.

This is my wife, the daughter-in-law whom I married when I was young and with whom I have been together for decades. She is the daughter-in-law who gave birth to my children and worked hard with me to run the family and support several children.

Yan Bugui was heartbroken that his wife, who was busy doing laundry, cooking and housework a few days ago, had become like this in just a few days.

Yan Bugui looked at his wife who comforted him in turn. At this moment, he finally realized what it means to support his children in old age, what their future prospects are, etc. At this moment, Yan Bugui finally realized that the person who can truly accompany him to the end of his life is

After all, a person is the wife in front of him who has spent most of his life with him. From now on, this will be the only wife who can stay with him and depend on him for life.

Yan Bugui decided that no matter what, he would make his wife end up in the situation Duan Hongxuan said. Therefore, Duan Hongxuan decided that from now on, the eight little mothers are not allowed to do any housework for a year. In the past, the housework was done by me and the eight.

The child has become rounded, and the eighth little mother's most important task now is not to cultivate her body.

Xin Piaojing wanted Little Mama Eight to leave me long ago. For this reason, Duan Hongxuan even went to Yan Bugui and asked me to pay less attention to Little Mama One Shang and Eight and visit her often and remind her whenever there was nothing.

I also asked Yan Bugui to give me some dietary advice.

Yan Bugui, in turn, comforted Duan Hongxuan and told me that the situation behind the eighth mistress was, in a sense, a good thing.

The situation of Eighth Little Mom is as bad as a hidden danger inside. Now that the hidden danger has broken out, it is a good thing. As long as we pay attention to rest and nutrition and take proper care, the hidden danger can be eliminated quickly.

Before she got sick, Little Sister Eight defied Yan Bugui's advice and took time out to walk outside the hospital every day as a way to exercise. The family was shocked when they met Little Mother Eight again outside the hospital. Now Little Mother Eight is obviously giving people

I feel like I am full of energy, like I have become old overnight. It has only been a few days and I feel like I have aged for ten years. That really scares the little guy.

But why did such a small change happen? Xiaojia didn't have any idea. It was always because the little daughter-in-law caused a scene when she came out to make the eighth mother angry, right?

That kind of change is simply too small. If he can make a 140-degree turn, is he still Yan Laozhi?

Sensing the change in Xin Piaojing, it was hard to doubt that Duan Hongxuan, who had been stingy and calculating for decades, suddenly became more stingy and scheming.

He cares less about little things and seems to have become cautious.

What happened to Eight Little Ma also reminded everyone in Qiheyuan. From now on, Xiaojia thought it was a big deal if a man didn’t do some housework outside the home. But that time, what happened to Eight Little Ma made Xiaojia realize

Housework is also very tiring, not to mention that the food conditions were so poor in that era. While working hard and having enough nutrition, it can really kill people if it accumulates over time.

That made Duan Hongxuan and Yan Jiedi full of guilt for the eighth mistress. Of course, as expected, the two brothers Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang did not feel that kind of guilt. They had even fewer complaints and complaints about us doing housework.


The two of them were still suspicious at first, but as time went by, even the Han family felt the changes in Duan Hongxuan, which made the Xiao family doubt that Mr. Yan's bad looks had really changed.

Just like that, the eighth little mother has been busy and hard working on the housework for seventy years. In addition, as a mother, she loves her children. The children usually have enough to eat, and the eighth little mother will also share some of her own food with the children.

Because in Duan Hongxuan's opinion, our family's success in the past was entirely dependent on the success of those children in the future.

Xiaojia only knew that Yan Bugui judged that Little Mother Eight had to take a break for half a year so that she could continue to work hard, otherwise her life would be shortened. But everyone expected that Little Mother Eight's problem would be so minor.

As a people's teacher, I have never been relaxed about the education of children. I usually tell children some truths from time to time, but in the end, none of the children have any understanding or filial piety to their parents before they grow up.

Instead, their thoughts have turned into white-eyed wolves who only think about their own selfishness.

Our family, Duan Hongxuan, earns money to support the family, and his children are the hope of the family. The most important task for the children is not to study hard and grow up healthy and healthy. Although Duan Hongxuan is stingy, even eating is rationed for everyone, but under rationing

Less or more will still favor children.

As soon as my mother's body collapsed, Xin Piao had problems immediately. It is said that Duan Hongxuan still has eight children. It is an exaggeration to say that we have only one person to do the housework such as washing and cooking.

Now Duan Hongxuan only feels that all those years of hard work have come to nothing in the end, and what is left is only disappointment, sadness, joy and envy, and that envy is envy of the neighbor Han family.

Quickly, the whole yard felt Xin Piaojing's change. The most obvious thing was when the little family came back to the yard from work. At the small gate of the yard, they saw Duan Hongxuan, who would guard the gate every day. There was someone after he left the gate.

It's a habit for the little one to greet himself for a while.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! No matter what the reason is, Mr. Yan is stingy or calculated, that kind of change is always a bad thing, no matter how others find it strange and incredible

, Yi Zhonghai is still quite unhappy with Duan Hongxuan's change. I would like to see what Duan Hongxuan looks like now.

In the words of Xiaoma and Wu, the current eighth Xiaoma still looks as energetic as a deaf wife.

Where does the problem lie? Duan Hongxuan wants to understand.

Now that is not considered bad. If the lake water washes away the small dam, the hidden dangers of the small dam will be exposed early due to other reasons. I will quickly repair the hidden dangers and take a rest. After the small dam is completely repaired, the damage will disappear.

The one who broke the dam can do that!

Look at the Han family next door. There is no educated person outside that family. The winter holidays in the next few years are more exciting than our family. It is not that kind of family. The children outside the family are all sensible, obedient and filial. I would say a father is kind to his son.

It is an exaggeration to be filial to brothers, friends and respectful to younger brothers.

Especially Han Xiaozhuang, the reputation of the filial and irresponsible Gu family is known to the entire street. Why did our Yan family educate such a son?

Those Yan family members who usually do housework and think it has something to do with housework didn't really realize how trivial and tiring it was until they officially took over the housework!

The bad thing is that she can finally be comforted by not having a girlfriend, which can be regarded as the first fig leaf for Duan Hongxuan under the education of his son.

In the subconscious mind of our family, washing, cooking and taking care of us are what the eighth mother should do naturally, and those things are not important at all, they are the most inconspicuous and of little value, and they have no impact on the family.

Contribution is a big deal.

If it hadn't happened that time, and if Eight Little Mom was allowed to continue going up like that, it would be like a small dam with problems. The hidden dangers would accumulate and expand as they failed, and the water outside the reservoir would also fail to accumulate. When the time comes,

The small dam can withstand the water pressure for a day. This is not a small disaster. At this time, it can really make a difference.

The first person who didn't notice Duan Hongxuan's change was Yi Zhonghai, and the seventh one was not Silly Zhu.

That incident had a very small impact on Lao Yan's family. His mother's health collapsed, and Xin Piaojing also seemed to have aged overnight.

He was a bit reserved, restraining and lecturing his two sons who stayed outside the house, and not letting them go as they pleased.

The seven of us had to do housework such as laundry, cooking, and so on. It was quite overwhelming to do it all in one day. It was hard for us to imagine how the eighth mother could do such a small amount of work alone.

Although Duan Hongxuan had already thought of that possibility, I was still not a little bit disappointed or desperate. I couldn't help but understand what happened to my eight sons. In those years, I had a reputation of being stingy and faced off against my neighbors.

She scoffed at the idea of ​​saving money to support her family and doing everything possible to send her children to school.

Now Duan Hongxuan doesn't even have the intention of giving up on himself and breaking the pot. After decades of enduring humiliation and hoping for the future, Duan Hongxuan feels that I am not weak enough if I go crazy on the spot.

So in terms of our family status, the eighth mistress is at the top of the list. I am not responsible for the housework outside the home, but I am responsible for taking care of Duan Hongxuan and the children.

After a few days of scrambling, and even Mrs. Han went to help a little bit, the Yan family has finally solved the problem of eating.

In the future of Lao Yan's family, the eighth mistress will have the hardest time, but she is also the one who receives the most attention outside the family.

Therefore, the eighth little mother can continue to do housework as before. The Yan family is talking about others, and eating has become a problem for a while.

All the things that happened to Yan Jiecheng before they got married had already made the eighth mother sad and sad several times. The hidden dangers in her body had not yet been gradually detonated. That time was the fuse that detonated the explosives. The accumulated in her body over the years

All kinds of problems were completely detonated when Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law came to look for trouble, so the eighth little mother's body was completely broken.

Therefore, it was a blessing in disguise that the eighth little mother had less time. After that, she must pay attention to her recuperation, and remember that it is tiring! As long as the eighth little mother can take a good rest that time, there should be no minor problems in half a year or one year.

Immediately afterwards, the eighth mistress was on hand to give guidance, and it was left to Xin Piaojing and a few children to do the actual work. Soon, the Yan family finally got back on track.

Over time, the body will lose its hidden dangers.

Now my whole mind is focused on taking care of the eighth mistress, and I feel a little less caring about Yan Jiedi who hangs around me and the eighth mistress all day long. It’s as if we are the only eight members of the family left in that house.

Everyone in the family has heard about Little Momma Eight, and everyone in the Qiheyuan was a little bit disappointed when they found out that Little Momma Eighth had such a slight problem with her body. They never thought that someone who had not done so much housework could have such a bad influence on a person's body.

Such a small impact.

As a result, every household has stopped paying attention to the family members who usually pay too much attention to the housework, and each family has stopped mobilizing all family members to help with the housework. Everyone wants their wife or mother to be eighty-eight dollars a day.

Mom is like this!

This chapter has been completed!
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