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Chapter 1347: The police force’s big trouble turns into a big achievement

Under the guidance of Duan Hongxuan, Officer Henry and Duan Hongxuan unexpectedly discovered new clues - there were traces of ropes entangled on the big tree outside the villa, etc. This made Officer Henry admire Duan Hongxuan in admiration, and at the same time he was extremely happy.

After spending more than an hour, Duan Hongxuan and Henry checked several villas, recorded the new clues they found, and then returned to the villa where Director Robert and the others were.

When everyone heard that Duan Hongxuan and Henry had actually found a new clue, they cheered. Then Robert respectfully asked Duan Hongxuan for his opinion on the case. The other police officers pricked up their ears and listened attentively.

Duan Hongxuan thought for a while and said: "Judging from the preliminary clues so far, my preliminary conclusion is that this group of thieves comes from England."

"What, impossible!"

"Yes, how could he be British?"


The room exploded immediately. Everyone objected to Duan Hongxuan's conclusion. How could it be possible? How could they, the noble British people, trap him as a thief? This is absolutely a slander!

Duan Hongxuan smiled and clapped his hands vigorously: "Gentlemen, be quiet!"

Robert also yelled: "Quiet, everyone, listen to Mr. Duan!

"Mr. Duan, does that mean that they are some extreme right-wing elements in Hong Kong Island?"

No matter how willing those British people are to doubt, the facts are right in front of them.

That kind of professional climbing rope is not available in Hong Kong Island at present. Fortunately, you are very unfamiliar with that kind of rope. It is a long-established mountaineering brand produced in England. That kind of brand is not available now.

It has only opened stores in a few cities in the UK and has not yet launched business in any other countries.

Although the British police officers present were very good at solving crimes, each of them was more proficient than the last in the officialdom.

Everyone expressed their gratitude to Robert one after another, and each one made an appointment with Xi Zhuzheng to treat him.

So gentlemen, here comes the first conclusion: none of the thieves must have come from a big family with a good environment, received a bad education, and love adventure sports such as climbing and mountain climbing.

Robert continued: "You just mentioned the first piece of evidence.

The conclusion is not that the thieves did not go to England to buy the rope, but we are just used to using the kind of rope!

Gentlemen, you have never been out there today. All the clues and inferences about that case are the work of the smart and wise police officers present.

Of course, Xi Zhuzheng must be just a Chinese with a sweet temperament, so the British police officers present would recognize the favor.

Robert's words immediately made everyone understand that they clearly wanted to give the credit to our police force.

Robert nodded: "That's wrong, that is indeed a possibility!

Director Duan Hongxuan could clearly see that it was not a thank you. Those people clearly wanted to use the opportunity of gratitude to build a relationship with Robert.

That means that we finally and reasonably threw the hot potato to the people in the Military Intelligence Agency, leaving us with a headache.

So gentlemen, I want to talk about Hong Kong people who are proficient in English. I’m afraid Kazuko and the others usually write a lot of fancy calligraphy, right?”

That just eliminates the suspicion of the Chinese from Hong Kong Island.

That's fine. If you want to build relationships, it's your department director's turn to get them first.

Of course, with so few people on the scene, only one share of the credit can be given. It is possible that everyone can claim that share of credit.

Since they have not yet reached a preliminary conclusion on the case, they need to fix all the clues and evidence, then formulate rigorous evidence and inference into detailed written information, and finally report it to Hong Kong together with the evidence.

Where is Mr. Governor?

I have two theories here.

Robert's analysis just now sounds reasonable and unfounded, and all the evidence is completely consistent.

Henry explained: "Mr. Duan, is there nothing wrong with the note?"

Seeing this, Robert smiled and bowed slightly: "Gentlemen, you have nothing important to deal with yet, so I'm sorry to excuse you!

That small case happened outside. The conscientious police officers have not fulfilled their duties, and they have obtained shocking and important clues. You think, the villain Governor will definitely make suggestions for the work of the police force.

Low degree of harmony.

However, after Wazi and the others carefully observed the handwriting under the note, Wazi discovered that the English writing of the thieves was very unfamiliar, so unfamiliar that it was like our mother tongue.

"Haha, the problem is small!

"Oh maiga!"

Henry quickly took out the folder and opened it, and everyone gathered around Houhezi to observe the note.

Officer Henry, please show me the evidence you found!"

Officer Henry, please show me the note left by the thief!"

Those two letters can be clearly seen. The writer is usually used to writing beautiful fancy fonts!

Robert pointed to the words under the note: "Gentlemen, I'm sure their observation skills are sharp enough. They will find that those letters, yes, f and not u. Although the thief is concealing his independence, he has been hiding for a long time.

My writing habit allowed me to express myself freely.

If they take the fibers of those ropes for testing and comparison, they will find that they are professional ropes used for mountain climbing.

You and Officer Henry investigated the surrounding area, and you found traces of no ropes tied under several trees.

Henry quickly took out a transparent plastic bag, and Robert pointed to a trace of fiber outside the plastic bag: "Gentlemen, that is not the seventh piece of evidence you want to talk about!

So gentlemen, what kind of thief would travel thousands of miles to England just to buy a few ropes?

As for Mr. Duan, who obviously needed that share of credit, he generously gave that share of credit to the police force. There was one person present who wanted that share of credit, and no one immediately looked at Director Duan Hongxuan with eager eyes.

Everyone present knows where the credit comes from. Whether it is Director Xi Zhuzheng or the person who finally gets the pie from the sky, in the end, in order to keep his mouth shut, Mr. Director will definitely compensate everyone present.

Police officers who don't get their share of the credit.

But who is to say that Robert has no identity or background? Since Xiaojia has the same status, and even Xi Zhuzheng's status is lower than ours, we naturally have to recognize Robert's favor, and some people dare to recognize it.

If Hezi is still unconvincing, they will look at the English letters under the note with Hezi, and they will find that the thief who wrote the note deliberately concealed something when writing in English.

So now, it depends on Director Duan Hongxuan how to divide the credit and how to compensate others.

The content under the note was very vague, saying, "You claim that this group of thieves is robbing the rich and giving to the poor. We steal funds for independence and freedom, and to resist oppression!"

So where in the UK can people not be slightly separatist? Gentlemen, it is obvious that Ireland!"

Moreover, we are very unfamiliar with climbing ropes, grew up in England, and do not have Wakko's separatist ideas.

Goodbye gentlemen!"

Mr. Duan, please continue!"

Director Duan Hongxuan exclaimed and covered his forehead for no reason: "It must be those difficult guys. This or that case is something your police force can handle. It can only be handed over to the Political Department, between us and the Military Intelligence Department."

deal with!"

Next is point seven.

Otherwise, that person will be rejected and rejected by everyone.

First, haven’t any of you carefully observed the note left by the thief?"

Then all of us would owe Robert a huge favor.

When I went to Xiaojia, the way I looked at Robert became less friendly.

That level of unfamiliarity is something that other non-native English speakers can achieve!

Please remember gentlemen, you have never been there before today. Everything that happened there today is due to the keen vision and smart minds of all gentlemen!

"Oh my gosh, Mr. Duan, are you saying that there's no way those thieves are Irish separatists?

If they want to get rid of that little trouble, now they have to do a rigorous job.

But gentlemen, that is only one possibility!

Duan Hongxuan nodded: "The reason why I came to this conclusion is after careful analysis and reasoning, not just talking casually!

Now the least credit goes to the police force, but the trouble is left to the Political Department and the Military Intelligence Department.

Gentlemen, get rid of that little trouble as soon as possible. You can go back to the comfortable office and drink sweet coffee as soon as possible. It’s better than staying out there, right?”

The residents of Taiping Hill who were not robbed are now, even if they are not very angry, the blame is on our police force. If you want to find it, just go to the Military Intelligence Department. The police force has finally shouldered the responsibility.

No matter who gets that small contribution, it is unlikely that he will be promoted to a higher level. Even if he resigns and returns to England in the future, that contribution will be a very beautiful resume under the answer. It will be a good reference for his previous pursuit in England.

A satisfying job doesn't help much!

Oh my god, damn it! How could it be us?"

That was when Director Duan Hongxuan breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and all the police officers present also put stones on their hearts.

"Mr. Bad!"

And when Director Xi Zhuzheng spoke, Xi Zhuzheng shook his head: "Gentlemen, you think they all know that there is a lot of trouble in that case, and it's still time for them to reconcile.

Xi Zhuzheng smiled and said: "So gentlemen, he can tell you, except for those who are born and raised in England and received a bad education since childhood, how can special people master such beautiful fancy calligraphy?"

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly poked their heads and watched carefully. Under Robert's guidance, Xiaojia finally discovered that he was the same person. The scene was filled with exclamations of surprise.

"Mr. Duan, thank you so much for helping the police find clues!"

The young and handsome Chinese man was of low status and lacked real abilities, but he saved the family's future and even his political life.

It cannot be said that Xi Zhuzheng saved everyone present and everyone present.

Our police force is only responsible for public security. That case must have involved Scottish separatists. This has something to do with our police force, and the Military Intelligence Office on Hong Kong Island must be responsible for it.

Everyone was immediately happy. Although the good case was a small trouble, it was precisely because the trouble was so small that being able to find clues and draw a conclusion meant that it was a huge achievement.

This chapter has been completed!
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