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Chapter 208 Yi Zhonghai fell ill because of his anger.

 Duan Hongxuan was secretly wary of Banggeng. He knew that the child was hopeless, but he just thought about it in his heart and was not ready to tell anyone, especially Qin Huairu.

This dinner was very sumptuous, and everyone's mouths were full of oil, especially the stick stems. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they only chose meat.

The adults just smiled and said nothing. After all, they were still children.

Duan Hongxuan and Shazhu ate relatively quickly, filling their stomachs in three or two times. Then they said hello to everyone, went to the kitchen to load the meals prepared for the aunt and the uncle, and then they set off.

Yi Zhonghai was in a daze when he came out of the deaf old lady's house last night.

When I got home, my face was ugly, which made my aunt worry and ask a few questions. As a result, Yi Zhonghai, who was upset, yelled at my aunt impatiently.

Then, looking at his sad wife, Yi Zhonghai took a few deep breaths, suppressed the irritability in his heart, apologized to his aunt, comforted him, and went to bed.

Lying on the bed, Yi Zhonghai's mind was still in a mess. He felt like he was holding a breath and couldn't get out. He was so irritable that he couldn't sleep!

Yi Zhonghai's plans for more than ten years, his patience for more than ten years, and the image he had spent so much effort to build up in front of others were actually seen through by a teenager, which filled his heart.


Now, Duan Hongxuan, who has seen through him, not only did not expose him, but is still defending him for the time being. The reason for this is that the other party feels that Yi Zhonghai is not completely a bad person. There is still hope for him. He is waiting for Yi Zhonghai to change, waiting for Yi Zhonghai to give up on him.

After so many years of persistence, he was filled with unwillingness!

Yi Zhonghai is thoughtful, good at forbearance, and has made a plan that he thinks is seamless, but now a young man has seen through it, causing the tall image he has established in front of others to be in danger of collapsing at any time.

Yi Zhonghai is now completely passive and doesn't know how to break the situation, which fills him with fear!

Yi Zhonghai had this kind of anger, unwillingness and fear, plus he was holding a breath in his heart and kept thinking wildly in his mind, making it difficult to fall asleep no matter what.

Angry because Yi Zhonghai was actually seen through, unwilling because more than ten years of planning had been in vain, and then thinking about the fear caused by the collapse of his image after being exposed and the rejection of the people around him, Yi Zhonghai's entire mood,

As his thoughts kept changing like this.

Lying in bed, Yi Zhonghai became more and more dizzy the more he thought about it, until finally, he became more and more confused, and then he didn’t know anything anymore!

After Yi Zhonghai woke up, he felt that his head was still a little dazed, his whole body was a little dizzy, and he couldn't work hard.

Dimly, he seemed to hear his wife's voice. Yi Zhonghai tried his best to open his eyes. The first thing he saw was his wife's tearful eyes and anxious and surprised expression.

Before Yi Zhonghai could figure out the situation, he heard his wife shouting in surprise: "Doctor, doctor, I'm awake. Our old man is awake!"

"Thank God, I finally woke up!" The voice was very familiar. Yi Zhonghai thought hard, but soon gave up because his head was a little dizzy, his whole body was weak, and he felt very low energy.

Looking at the surroundings again, Yi Zhonghai finally understood that he was in the hospital!

Soon, a doctor came, conducted a simple examination on Yi Zhonghai, and then told the aunt that the patient had woken up and the fever had begun to subside. The condition was improving and the fever should be completely gone before noon, so the aunt did not need to


It's just that the patient has just woken up and is still relatively weak. Try to eat something light for lunch. After taking medicine at noon, he should be much better in the afternoon.

The aunt happily sent the doctor away and returned to the hospital bed. She held Yi Zhonghai's hand and cried with joy. The sister-in-law Wu next to her also had a face full of joy and kept comforting the aunt.

From his wife's words, Yi Zhonghai found out that he had a fever and that he had fainted from the fever.

Silly Zhu originally ran to find Duan Hongxuan, but he went to school early in the morning. In the end, Silly Zhu borrowed a trolley and took him to the hospital with his wife and Wu's wife.

When he mentioned Silly Zhu, he thought that Silly Zhu had married Yi Zhonghai behind his back. When he heard Duan Hongxuan's name again, Yi Zhonghai began to feel irritable again, and soon he fell asleep again.

When Yi Zhonghai woke up again, he felt much better, no longer in pain, and his mind was much clearer.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai woke up again, the aunt quickly shouted: "Zhonghai, you're awake!

Are you feeling better now?"

Yi Zhonghai looked at his worried wife and Li Xianghong, the daughter-in-law of the Wu family standing next to him, and said softly: "Don't worry, I feel much better now, I don't feel so uncomfortable anymore, my mind is much clearer, and I'm not so confused.

"Great! Are you thirsty now?"

Yi Zhonghai nodded.

Li Xianghong went to pour water, and a aunt came forward to help Yi Zhonghai sit up.

Next to her, Li Xianghong added some hot water to the cup on the bedside table and handed the cup of warm water to the aunt.

Under the care of his aunt, Yi Zhonghai drank a few mouthfuls of water, and then he didn't lie down again, just leaning half against the head of the bed.

"The old man looks much better now and his voice is louder.

Mom, I’m going to find a doctor to take the first man’s temperature again.”

"Excuse me, Xiang Hong!" Auntie nodded to Li Xianghong.

Li Xianghong went out to see the doctor, and Yi Zhonghai asked the aunt, "What time is it now? How long have I been asleep?"

"It's already noon, not long after 12 o'clock!"

Yi Zhonghai nodded, "I'm much better now. You don't have to keep watch anymore. You and Xiang Hong go to eat first, and bring me some back after you finish eating!"

"No, before coming to the hospital, the deaf old lady said that she would arrange for someone to bring meals over at noon!"

The doctor came in, gave Yi Zhonghai a thermometer, and said, "The patient looks much better now, and the fever should have subsided by hand. We will check again after taking the temperature."

Ask Yi Zhonghai to clip the thermometer, and the doctor will go out.

Yi Zhonghai looked at the daughter-in-law of the Wu family, squeezed out a smile and said, "Thank you, Xiang Hong, and I would like you to accompany your aunt to take care of me in the hospital."

"You are too polite, sir!

Thank God, you are finally feeling better now.

Early this morning, you scared everyone in the courtyard!

Auntie woke you up after making breakfast, only to find that you were so burned that you couldn’t even wake up!

The aunt was so frightened that she almost fainted. She hurriedly ran to shout Zhuzhu, which alarmed everyone in the yard!

At that time, everyone didn’t know what to do. In the end, the deaf old lady directed Zhu Zhu to find Hongxuan, and arranged for Qin Huairu and I to help Auntie wipe your forehead with a towel dipped in cold water to help you cool down.

The deaf old lady is still guarding the door to prevent everyone from entering in a mess, so as not to affect you!

Speaking of which, if our hospital encounters a big problem, we have to rely on the deaf old lady. Everyone else is in a hurry, but the deaf old lady is the real backbone.

The old lady is indeed the anchor of our hospital. She doesn't panic when things happen and arranges everything properly."

After hearing this, Yi Zhonghai nodded with a complicated expression, "Excuse me, Xiang Hong, wait until I'm discharged from the hospital. I have to thank the deaf old lady!

After a while, food will be delivered from the courtyard. After eating, you and your aunt should go back first. There is no need to guard me here.

I feel much better now, my fever has gone away, I feel strong again, and I don’t need anyone to take care of me anymore.”

"It's okay, sir. Let the doctor check your body temperature later!"

After hearing this, Yi Zhonghai didn’t insist anymore.

Just as he was talking, Aunt Han came in carrying a few lunch boxes.

As soon as she came in, she saw Yi Zhonghai half leaning on the bedside. Aunt Han shouted in surprise: "Oh, Zhonghai, are you okay?

You scared everyone this morning. My aunt almost died of you!

How do you feel now?"

Yi Zhonghai politely thanked Aunt Han: "Sorry to trouble you, Aunt Han!

I feel much better now and my fever has gone away."

"Thank God, that's good!

Come, let’s eat first, you’re all so hungry!”

Aunt Han said and put the lunch box on the bedside table. Li Xianghong helped Aunt Han open the lunch boxes one by one.

"You two eat first, I'll take your temperature before talking.

Just leave a little for me, I won’t have much appetite, I won’t be able to eat much!”

"I went to help the old lady cook at noon. The old lady asked me to cook some white rice porridge. I also took some white sugar that Hongxuan gave her and put it in the porridge. This is what the old lady specially prepared for you!

Zhonghai, look, the old lady is too nervous about you!"

Aunt Han said to Yi Zhonghai while holding chopsticks for Auntie and Li Xianghong.

"The first uncle and the first aunt have taken care of the deaf old lady for so many years, and the two families are so close that they are like one family.

Especially the aunt, the deaf old lady almost treats her as her own daughter.

The old man suddenly fell ill, so of course the deaf old lady was nervous!"

Listening to Aunt Han and Li Xianghong's words, Yi Zhonghai was thoughtful.

The doctor came in, picked up Yi Zhonghai's thermometer, looked at the light, and then said to Yi Zhonghai: "Well! Not bad, the fever is gone!

Eat something light for lunch, and remember to take your medicine. I will take your temperature again in the afternoon."

"Thank you, doctor!" the aunt happily thanked the doctor.

The doctor nodded, gave a few more instructions, turned around and went out.

Knowing that Yi Zhonghai's fever had completely subsided, everyone happily arranged for Yi Zhonghai to have dinner together.

Yi Zhonghai didn't have a very good appetite, so he drank some white rice porridge, ate some vegetables, and most of a steamed bun.

After Auntie and Li Xianghong had finished their meal, Auntie Han originally came to replace Li Xianghong, but after Yi Zhonghai's insistence, and because his fever had indeed subsided and he looked much better, only Auntie was left in the end.
Yi Zhonghai told Aunt Han to go back and tell the deaf old lady about his current condition, and not to worry about him. After he was discharged from the hospital, he could go alone to thank the deaf old lady.

This chapter has been completed!
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