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Chapter 218 Boss, I can’t explain the murderous intent, and you can’t understand it either.

As soon as Zhao Guowei came back, he asked Duan Hongxuan about murderous intent. This made Duan Hongxuan a little embarrassed. It was really hard to explain!

Looking at Zhao Guowei who was full of curiosity, Duan Hongxuan could only try his best to explain: "Guo Weiwei, I can't explain this murderous aura to you clearly.

How to put it? It's like, there is going to be an earthquake in a certain place. Before the earthquake, the local cats, dogs, and other animals will react, such as being restless, barking, etc.!

But we humans can’t feel it!

Another example is a butcher who often kills dogs. If he encounters a dog while walking on the road, the dog will become nervous and frightened when it sees him, barking incessantly!

You can also say that the dog can feel the murderous intention of killing the dog's kind from this person, but as us humans, if you stand next to this person, you won't feel it!

You can call murderous aura mysterious, it is indeed quite mysterious.

If he can feel it, he can feel it. In the eyes of people who can feel murderous intent, those who have killed people are like fireflies in the dark night.

If you can’t feel the murderous aura, then you can’t feel it, you can’t explain it, and it’s useless even if you say it!

As for me, it is entirely because I have practiced kung fu to a certain level that I can feel it. If you have not reached this level, you will not be able to understand it no matter how I explain it to you.

So don’t ask. Firstly, I can’t express it in words. Secondly, even if I tell you, you won’t understand!”

Zhao Guowei was stunned by Duan Hongxuan's words.

"Co-authoring means that if you don't understand it, I can't understand it either!

That means there is no way to learn how to distinguish murderous intent?"

Duan Hongxuan shook his head: "There's no way to teach, and there's no way to learn!"

When Zhao Guowei heard this, he was immediately discouraged.

"Okay, even though I feel dizzy listening to what you are saying, since Hongxuan said there is no way to teach or learn, Guowei, just give up!

Guowei, tell me how you went to the police station to convince your leaders to believe what you said?"

Next to them, young people like Wei Daosheng and others were sitting over at this time, with their ears pricked up, waiting to hear Zhao Guowei's story.

"Dad, let me tell you something.

On the way to the police station, I was thinking that the murderous intention Hongxuan said was a bit evil. I believed him, but our leaders may not believe it!

If I just ran to tell our leader, our fourth boy, the young man who caught the robber, could feel murderous intent from the other person, and could feel that there was a life in the other person's hand, so he was caught by us

That kid must have killed someone!

If I dare to go and tell our leader like this, I have to let our leader scold me like crazy!

So I went to the branch first and asked a comrade of mine who worked in the criminal investigation department of the branch to help me check. Is there any unsolved murder case from more than a month ago?

It turned out that we really found out that in the east of the city, the man was also a street kid, and his wife was a half-closed door.

Just over a month ago, these two people were murdered in the house, and the case has not been solved yet! The key is that this street kid knew Laisan!

Judging from the time, it didn’t take long before the two couples were killed. Lai San suddenly became bolder and started to rob frequently, and the time was right!

Then I hurried back to the institute and looked for our instructor first.

Because this case was first handled by our instructor, he has always been puzzled. Why did Lai San, who had always been a deceiver, kidnapper and petty thief, suddenly become bolder and dare to rob? And so often?

So I went to the instructor and didn’t mention that Xiaosi felt murderous intent in Lai San.

I just told the instructor whether it was because Lai San committed a major crime elsewhere and wanted to run away, but he had no money, so he suddenly became bolder and started to rob frequently.

Then he told our instructor that two couples were killed in the east of the city, and this man knew Lai San. It happened that not long after these two couples were killed, Lai San started to rob frequently.

Our instructor felt that my analysis made sense and took me to find the director.

Finally, after discussing it with the director, the instructor felt that this was just my personal guess and there was no evidence!

In the end, I really had no choice but to confess my mistress!

You haven’t seen it, but our director and instructor looked at me as if I were an idiot!

In the end, I swore the oath, and our director took me to the branch together with some hesitation.

Then I came to the truth and concluded that Xiao Si felt murderous intent in Lai San and concluded that he had killed someone. Then how could I judge from this that Lai San committed frequent robberies because he killed people and wanted to run away.

How could I find a murder case that had not been solved more than a month ago from my comrades in the branch, and then judge from this that these two people should have been killed by Lai San.

Don't tell me, this deputy director is different. After hearing this, he didn't stop believing me. He first asked about Xiao Si's situation in detail, and then decided to carefully examine Lai San and his group.

But this time, instead of interrogating Lai San, we will start with the other two people. Our deputy director will personally take action!

Didn't you see how exciting the scene was?

As soon as the deputy director opened his mouth, he directly asked one of Laisan's right-hand men why you wanted to kill the couple from Chengdong.

I asked the kid directly and was blinded. When I saw it, I thought we all knew it, so we all gave up immediately!

According to what this kid told me, let’s try the other two of them, hey! The murder case that has not been solved for more than a month has been solved!

Our deputy director was very happy now. He patted me on the shoulder and praised me. He also said that he would take some time to come and get to know Xiaosi!

Haha, our director was so proud at the time!

When I got back to the institute, our director and instructor were very happy. Fortunately, we were hesitant and asked the director to take me to the branch. Otherwise, I would have missed such a big credit!

Xiaosi, our director and instructor are very interested in you, and even said they would send you a letter of praise later!"

Duan Hongxuan thoughtfully said, "Boss, your director treats you well!

I didn’t go to the branch to report myself, but I still wanted to take you with me and ask you to kiss me and report to your deputy director. This is not easy!"

Zhao Guowei said proudly: "That is, when I first entered the institute, our director was the deputy director. He was in charge of public security at the time and took care of me personally. He was my master!"

Mr. Wei interjected from the side: "Yes, you yourself are flexible in thinking, bold and careful, dare to work hard, and you have a master who is the director, you have a bright future!

This time I have caught the eye of your deputy director again, haha, Guowei, not bad!"

When Director Zhao heard this, his calm demeanor disappeared and he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Everyone was also happy for Zhao Guowei and joked one after another, asking Zhao Guowei to find an opportunity to treat him.

Everyone laughed and congratulated Zhao Guowei. Finally, Zhao Guowei was happy to accept everyone's congratulations. Then, he patted Duan Hongxuan on the shoulder and said, "Xiaosi, the big brother can achieve this feat this time, all because of you!"

"Boss, one family doesn't speak the same language as the other. Besides, I'm not a police officer, so it's useless to ask for credit. I might as well give it to you.

When you become a senior official, won't you still be able to protect me?"

Zhao Guowei didn't say anything after hearing this, he just patted Duan Hongxuan twice more to express his gratitude, but Duan Hongxuan grinned deliberately, "Ah, my arm is about to be broken, boss, please repay a kindness with a hatred!"


Everyone was amused again by Duan Hongxuan's trick.

"Boss, I have a happy news for you!"

"What's going on?"

"Haha, boss, the second sister is pregnant, or twins!"

"Really?" Zhao Guowei was so happy when he heard this, and looked at his father again, "Dad, is it true what Xiaosi said?"

"Of course, Xiaosi personally checked Er Yatou's pulse!"

"Hahaha, Jiang Jianshe, please treat everyone to a drink later!

You have to treat me to this drink no matter what, you can't escape!" Zhao Guowei laughed happily.

Then he said to Wei Daosheng: "Director Wei, we will invite you to have a drink when the construction comes. Come with us!"

Mr. Wei agreed: "Well! You young people should socialize more in the future, and it won't hurt to know a few more friends from different industries!"

Wei Daosheng nodded and said: "Okay, I will definitely come when the time comes.

Don’t call me Director Wei from now on, just call me by your first name!”

"I think, boss, just call him Brother Daosheng!" Duan Hongxuan interrupted.

"Xiao Si's suggestion is good. Xiao Wei is older than you, so it's appropriate to call him Brother Sheng!" Director Zhao also spoke.

"Okay, Jianshe and I will call you Brother Daosheng from now on, and you can just call us by our names!

How about it, Brother Daosheng?"

"Okay, no problem, Guowei!"


The atmosphere at the dinner was very lively. First there was the good news that Zhao Yuejuan was pregnant with twins, and the younger generations of the two families got closer. There was constant laughter and laughter at the dinner table.

After dinner, everyone just sat for a while and agreed to move around more in the future, especially the younger generation. They agreed on a time for Jiang Jianshe to treat guests, and they had a lot of fun before leaving.

When leaving, the two families each took two jars of wine sent by Duan Hongxuan and grapes picked in the yard, and left amidst the laughter that finally brought back the rich.

After seeing off the two families, Duan Hongxuan and He Yuyu returned to the backyard.

The courtyard that was bustling just now has become quiet now.

He Yuyu also felt that he had a very happy day, especially because his relationship with Zhao Yuejuan and the other girls had taken a further step forward, and he had gained a few more close friends, which made He Yuyu very happy.

Now she finally had the opportunity to chirp to Duan Hongxuan and tell her joyful mood.

Duan Hongxuan listened quietly, with a smile on his face, nodding in agreement from time to time.

Finally venting his excitement, He Yuyu remembered to ask Duan Hongxuan: "Brother Hongxuan, you said there is something going on tonight, what is it?"

"Rain, the deaf old lady and the old man and his mother will come over soon.

Haven't you always wanted me to tell you something about Mr. Yi? Mr. Yi will come to talk about this later.

Please control your emotions for a while, listen first, don’t say anything!

If you really have any ideas, let’s talk about it later!”

He Yuyu was stunned, "Brother Hongxuan,..."

Halfway through the words, He Yuyu didn’t know what to say.

Duan Hongxuan patted He Yuyu and said, "You have grown up too. In terms of thought, I think you are more mature and stable than your brother.

So, I didn’t call you brother today, but I called you.

Just listen for a while!"

He Yuyu nodded blankly, holding the teacup in his hand and remaining silent.

The two of them didn't say anything anymore, they just sat quietly, waiting for the arrival of the first master and the others!

This chapter has been completed!
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