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Chapter 224 Sister Qin, even if you need help now, don’t underestimate yourself

 Duan Hongxuan is quite satisfied with the current situation of the courtyard.

After all, he has changed the fate of many people in the original drama and helped many people avoid the original pit. Isn’t this great!

Duan Hongxuan didn't go to the courtyard in the afternoon. He made some meat dumplings for dinner, one meat and one vegetarian dishes, and simply ordered some noodles.

I left some meat dumplings for dinner for Qin Huairu and her daughter in the evening.

Duan Hongxuan and He Yuyu finished their dinner and sat for a while. Before Qin Huairu came over, Duan Hongxuan told He Yuyu that he was going to give the first man and aunt acupuncture and massage, and asked He Yuyu to greet Qin Huairu and his daughter, and then he got up.

Went to the Siheyuan.

After briefly greeting Yan Bugui, the third doorkeeper, at the gate, Duan Hongxuan went straight to the backyard.

Passing by the middle courtyard, I saw that Shazhu's house was very lively. From the sounds, it was workers rushing to work. It seemed that Shazhu was very energetic.

Duan Hongxuan did not bother Silly Zhu, but went directly to the deaf old lady's house and chatted with the old lady for a few words.

It can be seen that the deaf old lady is in a happy mood and is in good spirits.

When the deaf old lady learned that Duan Hongxuan was here to give Yi Zhonghai and his wife acupuncture and massage, she stopped letting him sit any longer and kept urging Duan Hongxuan to go to Yi Zhonghai's house.

"Treating the Zhonghai couple is a serious matter. You can chat with my old lady anytime.

Stop hanging around with me and go find your uncle quickly.

I guess they are all waiting impatiently in the house!"

Duan Hongxuan was speechless and was driven out of the house by the deaf old lady. Before going out, he deliberately joked with the deaf old lady: "I was driven away by you. If you don't coax me back later, I won't come to see you!"

The deaf old lady raised the crutch in her hand and shouted: "Hurry up!

If you still want my old lady to coax you, go ahead and dream!

Whether you will love me in the future or not, who cares about you so much!"

Duan Hongxuan retreated.

When I first arrived at the middle courtyard, I met Qin Huairu and Xiao Dang who were heading to Duan Hongxuan's small courtyard.

"Hello, Sister Qin, it's time to finish eating!

This is taking Xiaodang to study!"

"Hongxuan, why are you here now? Xiaodang, call someone!" Qin Huairu asked casually.

"Hello, Uncle Xiucai!" Xiaodang was very obedient and greeted Duan Hongxuan sweetly.

The little girl has learned a little bit about things. She knows that this beautiful scholar uncle often gives her delicious food. Every day when she and her mother go to the scholar uncle's courtyard, she can fill her stomach with meat and fruits, so she doesn't have to go hungry anymore.


So the little girl is very happy every time she sees Duan Hongxuan, and she also likes Duan Hongxuan very much.

"Hey! Xiao Dang is so good!

I went to study with my mother again. What a good boy.

Sister Qin, I just said hello to the old lady and am about to go and show my body to the uncle.

No, I just happened to run into you.

You take this girl with you every time you study. Over time, under the influence of noise and noise, this girl will definitely like to study in the future.

This is the most typical example of teaching by words and deeds. You are such a good mother!

The rain is in the house, please go there quickly!"

"I understand what you're talking about! I'm bringing this girl with you just because you pity Sister Qin, and with your help, I can give this girl some oil.

This can only be regarded as a mistake!" Although Qin Huairu was very happy in her heart, she was still very polite.

"Sister Qin, don't say anything pitiful or pitiful!

Life is not easy for everyone these days, so it is natural for neighbors to help each other.

Besides, there are so many people in this courtyard, why don’t I help others, just a few of you?

As the saying goes, God helps those who help themselves, and don’t take care of things. Whether it’s Aunt Wu, Aunt Han, or you, Sister Qin, first of all, you have to do what you do to make others feel that you are worthy of help.

Never say that again in the future, and don’t have such thoughts in your heart. Even if you accept help from others, you are not inferior to others.

At least the old lady, the first uncle and the first aunt, Brother Zhuzi, Yu Yu and I don’t have this idea.

We are helping you now, but you may be asked to help someday!"

Qin Huairu's face was full of gratitude, "Okay, it's Sister Qin who said the wrong thing, and she won't do it again in the future.

You are so serious, I just said that casually, but you said several words at once!

But Sister Qin still wants to thank you for your words today.

I won’t hold you back anymore, I’m waiting for you.

The rain is waiting for me over there too! I’m going there!”

Duan Hongxuan nodded, "Okay, Sister Qin!"

"Xiao Dang, say goodbye to your scholarly uncle."

"Goodbye, Uncle Xiucai!" Xiao Dang waved to Duan Hongxuan.

"Goodbye, little one! Stay with your mother well!"

Xiaodang nodded vigorously: "Yeah! I study with my mother, and I have meat to eat!"

As she spoke, the little girl held her mother's hand with one hand, and put the fingers of the other hand in her mouth involuntarily.

"Hahaha! This greedy girl!"

Duan Hongxuan was amused by Xiao Dang's greediness.

No matter how you look at it, this little girl is so cute and silly now, and she doesn’t even look like she did in the original drama.

How could such a cute little girl become like that when she grows up?

It is estimated that she was scolded by her grandma Jia Zhang all day long for losing money. She has heard it since she was a child. After hearing it a lot and being treated differently in life, the little girl slowly came up with ideas.

If you are exposed to too many negative things and have too many thoughts, you will become less and less cute and selfish when you grow up, and you will slowly turn into a white-eyed wolf!

It seems that the environment has a great impact on people, especially children!

Duan Hongxuan came to the door of Yi Zhonghai's house, knocked on the door, and when he heard a response from the house, he opened the door and went in.

"Hongxuan is here, come and sit down!

Your uncle has already made tea and is waiting for you!"

The aunt warmly welcomed Duan Hongxuan into the house.

"Hello, eldest mother, hello, first lord." While saying hello to Yi Zhonghai and eldest mother, I smelled a strong smell of Chinese medicine.

"Hongxuan is here, come sit down and have a sip of tea. You brought this tea.

The master is borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha, don’t take it personally!" Yi Zhonghai looked a little excited when he saw Duan Hongxuan.

"Master, it seems that you have already drank the medicine."

"Yes, since you got the medicine back, let's take it early and drink it. Your aunt got up early in the morning to make the medicine!"

"I just came over from the old lady. I just chatted with the old lady for a few words, and the old lady rushed out and asked me to come and give you acupuncture and massage!

Alas! In the eyes of the old lady, I am still not as good as you and auntie. Now I have become a tool to treat your two illnesses!

So sad!"

Duan Hongxuan exaggeratedly looked sad.

When the eldest mother saw it, she was stunned. She looked at Yi Zhonghai and didn't know what to say.

As soon as Yi Zhonghai saw it, he knew that Duan Hongxuan was playing tricks again.

So he pretended to be surprised, "Really? Oh, it seems that we have not taken care of the old lady for so long in vain. The old lady really has nothing to say to us!

Hongxuan, don’t be discouraged, keep working hard!

In addition, as long as you flatter me and your aunt, we can say a few nice words to you in front of the old lady, and the old lady will be kind to you in the future!

Next, it depends on whether you know how to behave!"

As he said that, Yi Zhonghai also took out his airs.

"Ah! Oh, I understand!" Duan Hongxuan looked like he suddenly realized something, and then ran up behind Yi Zhonghai like a loser, "Master, please, I will start to behave well now!"

Yi Zhonghai slowly picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and asked in a serious tone: "How are you going to behave?"

"Let me massage your shoulders first. Can you feel it?" Duan Hongxuan asked cautiously and tentatively.

"Well, since you are so filial, well, let me give it a try!"

The eldest mother was watching the two people beside her, and she didn't turn around for a long time.

How come Duan Hongxuan has been careful with his old man, but his old man is making a show of himself. Is this the opposite?

This chapter has been completed!
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