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Chapter 236 Explain He Yuyu’s doubts

 The autumn in Beijing is a little cooler. As autumn enters, the days begin to get shorter and the sky gradually gets darker earlier and earlier.

It was already past eight o'clock and almost nine o'clock when Duan Hongxuan and He Yuyu came out of Lou's house. It was completely dark now, and they were riding home.

On the way, Duan Hongxuan saw that He Yuyu wanted to ask him something, but before He Yuyu could say anything, Duan Hongxuan stopped him and said, "Go home quickly. If anything happens, I'll ask you later when I get home."

The two returned to the small courtyard and as soon as they sat down, He Yuyu couldn't wait to ask Duan Hongxuan why he wanted to ask Lou Jingzhai for something, because in He Yuyu's opinion, it was really unnecessary.

On the contrary, asking for help because of this is not worth the gain.

"Rain, you can take the initiative to discover and then think about these problems. This is very good. It proves your observation skills and your ability to capture problems.

If something similar happens in the future, be sure to think more and ask more!"

Duan Hongxuan first expressed his affirmation of He Yuyu's question.

"Let's talk about why I asked Uncle Lou to help get some drinks in the name of your brother's marriage!

You must first know that most people in this world are in the stage of making money from face, that is, most ordinary people are like this.

For those who want to make money but are unwilling to give up their face, they are desperate for face and suffer hardship, which is the type of people who have high ambitions but low power.

But for a small number of people who have achieved something, such as Uncle Lou and the like, they are already very rich. At this time, face is what these people value more, and money has taken a secondary place.

Even among these so-called successful people, in addition to career, family, children, etc., the most important thing they compete with each other is face, and they are more willing to use money to buy face!

Let’s take what happened today as an example. Not to mention the wine I brought, you have also tasted it, not to mention its efficacy and value. The tea I took is also extremely precious. Whether it is wine or tea, drinking it for a long time will have a negative impact on people.

The health-preserving effect is excellent!

But this is not the point. The real point is that I gave Uncle Lou acupuncture and helped him regulate his body. Later, I gave him several jars of wine, and asked you to teach them Wu Qin Xi and give them some medicinal liquid.

Uncle Lou's health improved greatly, and that's when Aunt Tan became pregnant.

Then tell me, even without the wine and tea I brought today, how much debt does the Lou family owe me?

You don’t care how good my medical skills are and how smart and capable I am, but age is a flaw.

Think about it, after decades of hard work and hard work, Lou Bancheng, who has achieved great success in the Nuo family, owes him such a big favor for no reason, and he still has to ask for this favor, which makes him feel guilty psychologically.

He's just a head shorter than me, doesn't Lou Bancheng want to lose face?

But for his own health, Aunt Tan, or his uncle, Uncle Lou will have to continue to ask for my wine and tea in the future.

Although these things don't matter to me, I will continue to give him tea and wine in the future, and I will treat him as an elder and continue to respect him, but his heart will only become more and more awkward. How can he still have the face of an elder in front of me?

This can only lead to the relationship between Uncle Lou and me becoming more and more superficial and estranged, until one day, he is cruel and no longer needs my wine and tea, that is, we stop communicating with each other completely. time.

What's more, when Uncle Lou has greater wealth, status and power, he may even make some more excessive moves in order to completely monopolize my wine and tea formulas. This is not surprising at all!

At that time, we really turned against each other and wanted to start fighting to death.

And I brought wine and tea today, nominally for Sister Xiao'e, and then, taking advantage of your brother's wedding banquet, I asked Uncle Lou to help me get some drinks.

It seems that the wine I asked him to help me get is not worth much compared to my tea and wine, but I made it clear that all I have is my own medical skills, but what you, Lou Bancheng, have are the decades of accumulation after success. The connections and relationships that have come down.

It's just a small thing to you, but I have to ask you for it.

I regard you as an elder. You see, if there is any difficulty, I will immediately find your fault without being polite at all. This shows that I recognize your ability, Lou Bancheng, and give him enough face.

First of all, it seems that I don't regard you, Lou Bancheng, as an outsider. I am not polite when asking you to do things, and it seems that I am close to him.

Secondly, although I can provide you with the good wine and tea that you dream of, this is just a craft passed down by my master, and it is incomparable with your Lou Bancheng.

No, I have to ask you for help with every little thing!

You see, this way, Uncle Lou will no longer have the mentality of owing me anything or feeling inferior to me.

I will give you wine and tea again, which is a gift for the younger generation to visit the elders. Although it is expensive, I, the younger generation, may ask you to do more things in the future. When the request comes to you, just help me with your heart. I will accept the gift. From now on Just take more care of me, a junior.

Uncle Lou received this gift with peace of mind and gained face, and our relationship with him will become closer and closer, which is good for everyone!

Do you understand now?"

He Yuyu opened his mouth wide and was dumbfounded!

"Brother Hongxuan, did you bring the wine and tea on purpose today?"

Duan Hongxuan smiled and nodded: "Of course, how else can we get them to take the initiative to mention the return gift?

Only if they take the initiative to bring up the return gift can I find an excuse to tell them that this is for your daughter, not for you. I came here to ask you, Lou Bancheng, for help!"

He Yuyu thought for a long time before asking again: "Brother Hongxuan, do you think Uncle Lou understands all these schemes of yours?"

"Of course I understand. Even if he doesn't come back to it at the time, he can figure it out later, but it doesn't matter. It's better if he understands it.

It is precisely because he understands that he can associate with me more confidently, because he knows that I give him face. In other words, I am not a pampering person, and I will not let him know what is appropriate if he owes me a favor.

,Thus the man who opens his mouth like a lion!"

He Yuyu rubbed his head, with a bitter look on his face: "You people think and do things too complicated!"

"It doesn't matter. If you don't understand, think slowly. Don't rush. There will always be time to understand!

Okay, I’ve said everything that needs to be said, you just need to write it down, don’t think about it now, go practice, then wash up and go to bed, you have to get up early to go to school tomorrow!”

"Okay, but it's not that I don't understand everything, I just don't understand part of it.

For the time being, I can only listen to you. If I don’t understand, I’ll keep it in my mind and talk about it later!”

He Yuyu shook his head in distress.

The next day, Monday.

Duan Hongxuan was in class all day long, and it wasn't until the two classes in the afternoon were finished that he ran to find counselor Zhou Hanyang.

"Hey, isn't this Duan Hongxuan, the youngest but most handsome guy in our class! What, are you used to university life and study? If you have any difficulties, you must tell the teacher in time!"

In the office, Zhou Hanyang saw Duan Hongxuan who had been summoned and joked half-jokingly.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I can still get used to college life and study, everything is fine!" Duan Hongxuan politely answered the counselor's words.

"That's good for you!" Zhou Hanyang nodded with satisfaction, "What do you want from me?"

Duan Hongxuan hesitated for a moment, "Teacher Zhou, it's like this. I want to apply to the school to assess me!"

"Oh? Assessment?" Zhou Hanyang became interested as soon as he heard this, "What specific aspect is the assessment?"

"Teacher Zhou, to be honest, I have actually taught myself all the university courses in our major.

I personally feel that I already have the level of an undergraduate graduate, so I want to apply to the school for an assessment!"

"What?" Zhou Hanyang was shocked, "How is it possible? How long has it been since school started? How could you have completed all the four-year university courses in such a short time?"

"Teacher Zhou, I didn't say that I started studying college courses only after I went to college!

In fact, I have already completed the courses of our major before school started!"

After hearing Duan Hongxuan's explanation, Zhou Hanyang was a little dumbfounded. He looked at Duan Hongxuan for a long time and then asked tentatively: "Is there anyone in your family who is a professor in our major?"

Duan Hongxuan nodded: "My parents used to be experts in machinery. I have also been exposed to it since I was a child, and I am very interested in machinery.

Maybe I have some talent in this area, so I can learn and master mechanical knowledge very quickly!

After I entered high school, my high school studies did not put any pressure on me, so I began to study mechanical courses on my own.

Coupled with a summer vacation, I think that my current level has long surpassed that of a bachelor's degree graduate, and may be as good as a master's degree!

I think it is a waste of my time and energy to continue to let me sit in the classroom and study now.

I want to get in touch with actual practical work as soon as possible so that I can contribute to the country as soon as possible!"

"If I remember correctly, Duan Hongxuan, you are not yet seventeen years old, right?"

Looking at the counselor's surprised eyes, Duan Hongxuan replied honestly: "Yes, teacher, I won't celebrate my seventeenth birthday until next month!"

"You can be admitted to our school at such a young age, which shows that you are a little genius.

As for your statement that you have completed all professional courses at the university by yourself, I don’t know whether what you say is true or false, but I’m sure you wouldn’t joke about such a thing casually!

I can't reply to your request at the moment, because I've never heard of anyone applying for the graduation examination less than a month after entering university.

Presumably the assessment you mean means the graduation assessment, right?

I have to report this matter to the department and school, and the school and department will make the specific decision!

You go back and wait for notification!"

Duan Hongxuan didn't expect a counselor to make a decision on such a big matter, but he still added: "Teacher Zhou, when I apply for the assessment, I don't necessarily need to graduate immediately.

I just don’t want to waste time in the classroom and want to participate in specific practical work as soon as possible!”

Zhou Hanyang nodded after hearing this: "I understand! You can go back first. Don't worry, I will report to the department and school as soon as possible.

As soon as there are results, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

"Thank you, Teacher Zhou!" Duan Hongxuan politely saluted the counselor and then left.

This chapter has been completed!
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