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Chapter 260 Arrange the details of the wedding banquet and remind Silly Zhu that Xu Damao may cause trouble

 Over the years, if it weren’t for the deaf old lady and the uncle, He Yuzhu’s troubles would have made him in and out of the police station so many times, how could he still be the squad leader in the kitchen of the steel rolling mill today?
Although the deaf old lady said something serious, Silly Zhu knew in his heart that this was because the old lady really cared about him, otherwise who would be just plain angry because an outsider's marriage was not arranged well!

And it’s true that he didn’t handle this matter well, so he didn’t think of asking the deaf old lady or the old man. People hate iron for not becoming steel, no matter how stupid they are, He Yuzhu still understands this truth.

Silly Zhu stood up quickly, admitted his mistake honestly, and kept saying nice things to the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

It was almost time to take a look, and the aunt came out to smooth things over: "Old lady, Zhu Zhu knows that he was wrong. You see, he also admitted it for a long time.

After all, he is the one who marries his wife, so there is no reason why he should not care about her.

It's just that he just has a carefree temperament and doesn't think about this at all, nor is he sincere.

Besides, isn’t Hongxuan still there to make up for this? The wedding banquet hasn’t been held yet. You can teach Zhuzhu all you want later, but why don’t you get down to business first?”

Yi Zhonghai also tried to persuade the deaf old lady: "Old lady, this time I will write down the account for Zhuzi first, and then punish him later.

What’s more important is arranging the wedding banquet, what do you think?”

Although the deaf old lady was angry with Silly Zhu, she also wanted to make Silly Zhu's marriage a success. With the advice of Auntie and Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady just went down the slope.

Next, everyone began to discuss some details. When it came to the wedding team, Si Zhu was told by Duan Hongxuan. After thinking about it, he decided to go to the wedding with nine people and nine bicycles. He and Yi Zhonghai could find enough people in the factory.

Duan Hongxuan has nothing to say, so the matter is settled.

Just let Han Dazhuang in the front yard ride on a bicycle owned by Shazhu's family and lead the team.

He Yuyu alone is not included. She will also go with him when the time comes, but will stay for a while so that she can bring relatives of Yu Li's family to the wedding banquet.

Sha Zhu didn't have to cook that day, so he hired two people from the back kitchen of the steel rolling mill to help. Duan Hongxuan was the chef, and the others were helping.

Finally, when it came to who should be invited to Shazhu's side, everyone discussed it for a long time, and Yi Zhonghai asked Duan Hongxuan to give some suggestions.

Duan Hongxuan thought for a while and seriously suggested: "I will tell you my opinion, and everyone can refer to it."

Everyone nodded and looked at him.

"I don't know if I have a close relationship with Zhuzi's co-workers in the kitchen. If there are, I can invite them. If not, forget it.

But the director of the cafeteria has to be invited. When it comes to the position of squad leader, Brother Zhuzhu, if he doesn’t help with reporting, no matter how good your cooking skills are, Brother Zhuzhu, you won’t be able to take the position!"

Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu nodded at the same time.

"Brother Zhuzi will only be involved in kitchen logistics from now on. It is impossible to go to other departments. The kitchen is also under the management of logistics, so the chief and deputy section chiefs of logistics and the factory leaders in charge of logistics must also be hired.

Not only to flatter them that they want to be officials, but also so that Brother Zhuzhu can work peacefully in the kitchen in the future and not be picked on by others, wearing small shoes or something.

We don’t want to be an official, and if you have skills, you don’t care what others do to you, but it’s better to do less than to do more. We don’t cause trouble, and it is necessary to properly maintain the relationship, at least to live in peace!

The personnel environment at work has improved. Brother Zhuzhu, you can feel more comfortable working in the kitchen.

Although the leaders of your factory can't help but let you be a chef because of your cooking skills, you won't have a happy life if you are often troubled by others!"

The deaf old lady nodded: "That makes sense!

If we can work more comfortably, there is no need to make ourselves unhappy!

Besides, since the wedding banquet has been held, there will be no shortage of leaders to eat at once.

Zhonghai, what do you think?"

Yi Zhonghai also nodded in agreement: "Hongxuan is indeed right.

Zhu Zhu can't be a very big official. Once he reaches his peak, he will be the director of the cafeteria, and he may not be able to do it well.

But we don’t want to be an official. Even if we can raise the level of the chef in a few years and raise the salary by a few levels, it would be great!

Look at Hongxuan, he is now working part-time in the Second Hospital of the City, and his salary is higher than yours. You don’t mind being shabby, so you have to catch up quickly!

So the canteen director, logistics section chief, and factory leader in charge of logistics should really be hired!

Do you have any objections to Zhuzhu?"

How could Silly Zhu have any opinions? After listening for a long time, he knew that this was all for his own good, so he just nodded in agreement.

Thinking that Duan Hongxuan's salary was indeed higher than his own, Shazhu suddenly felt extremely depressed.

The deaf old lady knocked on the table: "Hongxuan, continue!"

"Okay!" Duan Hongxuan nodded, "Brother Zhuzi, you often entertain your factory leaders. I think your factory leaders should at least know your name even if they are not familiar with you!"

As soon as he mentioned this, Shazhu suddenly felt a little proud, "That's for sure.

Anyone in the factory who is eligible to use entertainment funds knows about me, He Yuzhu.

After eating the dishes I cook, there is no one who doesn’t like them!”

Duan Hongxuan ignored Sha Zhu's pride and nodded: "That's good!

In this case, first of all, your factory director cannot be left behind. It is best to ask him to be your witness. You can take care of other leaders yourself. According to my opinion, it is best to invite him.

Brother Zhuzhu, there is a saying you have to remember. Whichever leader you hire, the leader may not remember you in the future. But if you don’t hire any leader, the other leader will definitely remember you!"

The deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai and the aunt nodded thoughtfully after hearing Duan Hongxuan's words, but Silly Zhu didn't understand and asked Duan Hongxuan doubtfully: "Hongxuan, why did you make me a little confused?


Why would he still remember me if I didn't invite him?"

Duan Hongxuan rolled his eyes at Silly Zhu: "You, Chef He Yuzhu, are hosting a banquet for guests at your wedding. Other leaders have come to the banquet. There is a leader you didn't invite. Don't you think of him as a leader?

The leaders of the factory had a meeting. Before the meeting, everyone got together to chat and talked about how delicious the food at Chef He's wedding banquet was. However, the leader who was not invited had nothing to say at all. Where do you want this leader to put his face? What can he do?

Don’t remember you?

Don’t worry, people definitely don’t remember how delicious your food is, they just remember that you invited other leaders instead of him.”

Silly Zhu understood now and asked dissatisfiedly: "Can't the leaders in the factory be so narrow-minded?"

Duan Hongxuan was speechless: "Brother Zhuzi, let's talk about things in the courtyard.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, the third uncle finally made a generous gesture and announced that he would write couplets for all the families in the courtyard this year for free, and even the red paper used for the couplets was provided by him for free!"

"Impossible, the third uncle can't be so generous!" As soon as Silly Zhu interrupted, Yi Zhonghai scolded: "Zhuzi, shut up and listen to Hongxuan!"

Silly Zhu had no choice but to close his mouth unconvinced, and then heard Duan Hongxuan continue: "The third uncle has written all the couplets and sent them to every household, but the result is that they were not given to you, He Yuzhu.

So Brother Zhuzhu, tell me how you feel? Will you always remember this, and if there is a chance in the future, will you add some trouble to the third uncle?"

Silly Zhu opened his mouth and was speechless.

He finally understood now and nodded helplessly: "I understand.

If I invite these leaders, they may not be able to help me in times of need.

But if I don’t invite anyone, he will make trouble for me if I don’t keep it together in the future, is that what you mean?”

Duan Hongxuan praised: "That's what I mean, Brother Zhuzhu, you are quite smart!"

"Come on, don't try to flatter me!

Well, in that case, let’s invite all the factory leaders! But Hongxuan, I’m only a cook, can I have such a big reputation that all the factory leaders come to my wedding banquet?”

"Brother Zhuzi, it's your business whether you invite me or not. It represents your intention and respect for the leader. Whether you come or not is the leader's business. Even if you don't come, I won't remember your fault, right?


Silly Zhu looked depressed: "I don't need to ask anymore.

As long as you are here, why should I worry about this! I will just do whatever you say!"

Duan Hongxuan specifically warned: "Brother Zhuzi, you can hire the director of your cafeteria yourself. For other leaders, you'd better go with the first uncle!

First, let the first uncle represent your elders, and secondly, the first uncle is an eighth-level worker in your factory, which is naturally different in the eyes of your factory leaders, and it also represents the importance you attach to others!"

Silly Zhu was speechless again by Duan Hongxuan.

"Also! We said that we don't accept gifts at the wedding banquet, but this is for the people in the courtyard. To your factory, whether it is the canteen director or the factory leader, you must not mention whether we accept gifts or not.<


For these leaders, if you go out of your way to tell people that you don't accept gifts at the wedding banquet and ask them not to give gifts, just come and speak to them, it will offend people.

Who are you looking down on? No matter what, it’s not your turn as a cook to refuse to accept the gift from the leader. You clearly don’t regard the leader as a cadre!

If you give gifts to the leader, you are currying favor with the leader and begging him to do things.

When a leader gives you a gift, it means that the leader values ​​you and supports you to give you face. You have to be happy, happy and even flattered to accept it.

So, don’t mention the courtesy when you invite someone!

Whether leaders give gifts or not, whether they give more or less is their business!

You must remember this!"

Silly Zhu learned his lesson this time and stopped exploding his thorns. He just obeyed and did as he was told.

"If there is anything else, please talk about it together.

Whatever you say, I will do as you say!"

"Well! One last thing, I asked someone to help you get some cigarettes and wine.

The wine is just like the one on the table. I will give you two boxes of 24 bottles. I think it should be enough.

Cigarettes are at the front door. I’ll get you five first.

The cigarettes and alcohol are all in my room now. If you go and get them later, you will say that you did it by dragging the relationship.

After all, your daughter-in-law Yu Li has made the third uncle’s family feel unhappy. Let them know that you have the ability and connections to get this whole box of wine and cigarettes, not to mention the amount of money, just these wine tickets and cigarettes.

If you have the ability to get tickets, they have to weigh their ideas!

From now on, your wife’s life in the hospital will be easier!”

After Duan Hongxuan finished speaking, he saw everyone in the room looking at him in surprise. Silly Zhu opened his mouth wide and his face flushed with excitement.

After a long while, Yi Zhonghai finally spoke: "Hongxuan, regardless of your abilities and relationships, it's extraordinary that you worry about Zhuzi's wedding banquet!

As soon as the cigarettes and alcohol are brought out the day after tomorrow, Zhu Zhu will have all the dignity!

It’s not easy to buy so much tobacco and alcohol nowadays!”

The deaf old lady also wanted to praise Duan Hongxuan, but Duan Hongxuan quickly stopped: "Grandma, I know what you are going to say, but it is really unnecessary!

Finally, let me remind you one more thing.

Xu Damao is back.

From the look on his face, he clearly knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

He and Brother Zhuzi are sworn enemies, and now he can’t have children. Now that you are marrying a wife, can he feel balanced?

There is no guarantee that nothing will happen to Xu Damao on the day of the wedding banquet, but since the leader of your steel rolling mill is there that day, I guess he won’t dare to go too far. The most likely thing is to talk about Yu Li and the third uncle’s family and give you some eye drops.

I want you to lose your temper in front of your factory leaders on purpose, so that the leaders will leave a bad impression on you.

So no matter what, brother Zhuzi, you can’t lose your temper, you must smile and don’t let Xu Damao succeed!

The deaf old lady and the old man are there for everything, so I can help and give you some ideas accordingly.

Remember, the day after tomorrow is your big day. It’s not worth getting angry for a villain like Xu Damao. Not only will it affect your wedding, but it will also make your leaders have a bad opinion of you."

When Silly Zhu heard that Xu Damao was trying to trick him, he gritted his teeth and nodded to Duan Hongxuan: "Don't worry, Hongxuan, if Xu Damao really causes trouble, I will control my temper and let Xu Damao be proud first until the wedding banquet is over.

, I will find another opportunity to deal with him later."

"Brother Zhuzi, don't promise me. It's you and Sister Yu Li who are getting married. You should promise yourselves.

If I were Xu Damao, I would deliberately say something to make you angry in front of your leader, and deliberately let you hear it, so that you can't help but get angry in front of your leader.

At that time, he still pretended to be innocent and wronged, leaving a message to the leader. Xu Damao accidentally said the wrong thing, or drank too much and made a mistake. As a result, you, He Yuzhu, are petty, careless, and have no tolerance for others.

He is also a person with a bad temper. He can get angry at his co-workers at his wedding banquet, and even get physical. This is a brainless person who ignores the occasion and the overall situation. Who would dare to use this kind of person in the future!

Now I will tell you all the possibilities in advance so that you can be mentally prepared!

I have said everything that needs to be said, and the rest is all up to you!"

The deaf old lady tapped her cane: "Zhuzhu, Hongxuan has arranged everything for you. He has also prepared tobacco and alcohol for you. I have told you everything that needs to be reminded. If you still do something wrong, then you are

Complete mud can't hold up the wall, so don't blame me for settling old and new accounts with you when the time comes!"

This chapter has been completed!
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