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Chapter 344 Duan Hongxuan’s educational philosophy for children

 Duan Hongxuan played with Xiao Dang for a while, and when it was time to eat, the little girl actually wanted to ask Duan Hongxuan to eat with her, which made everyone fall in love with this little girl even more.

Seeing such a sensible Xiaodang, Qin Lan couldn't help but ask Qin Huairu how she raised such a sensible girl.

Qin Huairu, as a mother, is of course happy that her daughter is so sensible and can be loved by everyone, but to be honest, she really doesn't know how to educate her children. This is all due to Duan Hongxuan.

Duan Hongxuan often teases her daughter. During the play, he often guides Xiaodang. When Xiaodang does something right, Duan Hongxuan will praise her exaggeratedly and often reward her with snacks such as candies and fruits.<


But if Xiaodang did something wrong, Duan Hongxuan would point out what she did wrong and what she should do right. He would also tell her in an exaggerated and regretful tone that because she had done something wrong, the person who was going to give her candy would just

I can't give it anymore, so I can only give it to her if she does it right next time.

Slowly let the little girl know how to do something and when not to do something.

Not only does this happen to Xiaodang, Duan Hongxuan often goes to the backyard of the courtyard and guides the people he meets in the backyard like Xiaohuzi, Huahua, etc.

Under Duan Hongxuan's guidance, these three children became more and more sensible. Everyone who often chatted in the backyard also noticed it. Sometimes Duan Hongxuan would explain to adults how to guide the children, and everyone in the backyard slowly began to understand.

I studied with Duan Hongxuan, and everyone with children at home was very grateful to Duan Hongxuan.

Qin Huairu told Qin Lan that it was Duan Hongxuan's credit for Xiaodang to be so sensible. Qin Lan turned around and asked Duan Hongxuan curiously: "Hongxuan, what Qin Huairu said is true? How do you know how to educate children?"<


People in the room were also curious. Duan Hongxuan smiled and said: "Children don't know what is right or wrong at first, so adults need to tell them.

And you can't simply tell him what to do and what not to do like an adult. That won't be very effective. After all, he is a child!

Children need guidance and slow coaxing!

In fact, in a sense, children are a bit like small animals!

In circuses where animals are trained, if the animals do something wrong, the trainers will scold or even punish the animals.

But if the animal does something right, the trainer will reward it with the food it likes. Slowly and often, the animals will remember what slogan the trainer gave and what it should do without being punished.

Instead, you will be rewarded!

This is actually similar to teaching children. Not only Xiaodang, I often go to the backyard, Xiaohu, Xiaohu, and Huahua them. Every time they do well, I will praise them loudly and reward them with snacks such as candies. If they do something wrong, I will praise them loudly and reward them with snacks such as candies.

, I will not scold them for some small mistakes, I will only tell them that it is wrong to do so and what they should do, and then also tell them that because they made a mistake today, there will be no snacks.

For children, even if they only do a small thing right, praise them loudly and leave a deep impression.

But no matter how small a mistake he makes, you can't take it seriously. Point it out, but don't scold him. Tell him where he went wrong, what he should do correctly, and encourage him to do it right next time!

Children are very sensitive and have high self-esteem. Sometimes they are even more sensitive than adults.

Praising him loudly in public will make him feel very proud and happy. However, scolding or even scolding him in public will also hurt his sensitive mind.

To sum up, if you do something right, you must praise and reward loudly in time. If you do something wrong, you must point it out immediately and give a small punishment, but you must pay attention to the method!

If a child is exposed to a scolding environment for a long time, he will gradually become more and more sensitive. When he grows up, he may even become inferior, unsociable, withdrawn, etc., or even have a twisted mind.

This will not do him any good in the future.

Someone abroad has specifically studied adult criminals, and found that the vast majority of criminals who committed serious crimes had more or less problems with the environment in which they grew up in childhood!

Don't think it doesn't matter just because you are a child. There is a special subject abroad called child psychology, which is dedicated to the study of children. It studies how to educate and train children from an early age so that they can become talents when they grow up!

Childhood has a great impact on a person's life, and some effects will stay with him throughout his life and cannot be made up for or reversed in the future.

Some foreign experts have said that happy people use their childhood to heal their entire lives, while unfortunate people use their entire lives to heal their childhood!"

After Duan Hongxuan said these words, everyone was stunned. It was the first time that everyone heard that there was so much care in treating children, and they were full of praise for Duan Hongxuan's erudition.

Everyone thinks about what his childhood was like. Is his current personality really affected by his childhood?

While everyone was thinking, Qin Lan suddenly shouted exaggeratedly: "Hongxuan, you are treating children like small animals! The circus has come out, this is too exaggerated!"

Everyone thought it was funny when they thought about Qin Lan's bluster. Duan Hongxuan shook his head speechlessly: "Sister Qin Lan, I just used the analogy of domesticated animals in the circus!

People in circuses use whips to punish animals, but I didn't use whips to beat them!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone thought it was funny imagining Duan Hongxuan holding a whip in his hand and beating several children like tame animals.

Qin Lan smiled and said: "You have to dare too! The mother of my child is here, if you dare to take the kid for a try, it would be strange if Qin Huairu didn't fight for you!

Besides, Xiaodang is so well-behaved and cute, who could be cruel enough to think of whipping her with a whip? You can imagine it!"

Duan Hongxuan had a dark look on his face, "Sister Qin Lan, hurry up and eat your noodles. You are still laughing while eating the noodles, and you are not afraid of spitting out the noodles from your nostrils!"

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"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed even more when they heard Duan Hongxuan's words. Qin Huairu also continued Duan Hongxuan's words: "Qin Lan, come and show us how to spray noodles from your nostrils! I didn't expect you to have such skills!"

Qin Lan was also able to joke, and took a big mouthful of noodles. After swallowing it, she responded to Qin Huairu: "I don't know how to spray noodles into my nostrils. Besides, it would be a pity to spray such good noodles.

I know how to swallow noodles with my mouth, but it’s better to eat these fragrant noodles in my stomach!”

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the whole room was filled with laughter.

Yu Haitang couldn't stop laughing, and she liked this atmosphere very much. How could she be so relaxed and happy at home? This made her like Duan Hongxuan's environment even more, and she wished she could move here immediately.


Thinking that He Yuyu can live in such a cheerful and relaxed environment all day long, Yu Haitang is envious and a little jealous at the same time!

When Qin Lan and the others finished eating, Qin Lan quickly put away the dishes and chopsticks. Qin Huairu apologized to Qin Lan embarrassedly: "Qin Lan, please help us mother and daughter wash the dishes again!"

Qin Lan responded carelessly: "What's the point? It's just two bowls. I also want to wash my own bowl. It's just a matter of convenience!

Besides, you still have a big belly, which is inconvenient!

Okay, you study with Yu Yu, and Sister Feng and I are also going to study with Hongxuan in the kitchen. We each learn our own thing!

Today's cake is ready, I'll save some for this girl Xiaodang!"

Seeing Qin Lan so cheerful, Qin Huairu stopped being polite and said with a smile: "Then I'll wait to try your skills and see how much you have learned from Hongxuan!"

Qin Lan raised her neck proudly and said, "Just wait and see! I dare not say anything else, but I am really good at making cakes.

I just discovered now that I am really talented in making these pastries!

When I start my apprenticeship in the future, I will show you my talent in pastry making!

Please call me Master Qin from now on!"

Qin Huairu chuckled: "Okay, don't worry about it anymore, why don't I call you Master Qin from now on!

Master Qin, our children’s future cakes and snacks will all depend on you!"

Qin Lan shook her head: "Yeah! No problem, just for the sake of your name, Master Qin, I, Master Qin, will make all your pastries from now on!"

Sister Feng slapped Qin Lan angrily: "I haven't even learned the craft yet and I'm starting to get bad at it!

If you have to learn this successfully, you still have to go to heaven!

Stop dawdling, I don't know about Master Qin or Qin, hurry up and wash the dishes now!"

Qin Huairu was delighted: "Pfft! It turns out to be Master Qin, the dishwasher!"

Qin Lan was so angry that she glared at Qin Huairu. Before she could say anything, she was pulled out of the kitchen by Sister Feng. Behind her came the wanton laughter of Qin Huairu, He Yuyu and others!

He Yuyu ran into the bedroom with a smile and came out with a teddy bear that was slightly smaller than hers. Xiaodang saw it immediately and ran over happily cheering: "Aunt Yuyu, little bear!"

Start hugging.

Yu Haitang also saw it, with a flash of excitement and envy in her eyes. She also felt a little moved and wanted to hug this furry teddy bear.

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