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Chapter 390 Duan Hongxuan: Research in scientific research institutes is out of touch with the needs of factories and mining enterprises

 Duan Hongxuan suddenly said the idea of ​​"transforming science and technology into productivity", which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The people sitting here are considered to be small elites in this era. Both in terms of knowledge and thinking, they are better than ordinary people. After hearing a statement put forward by Duan Hongxuan, I suddenly felt refreshing!
Everyone thought carefully about the point of view put forward by Duan Hongxuan. The more they thought about it, the more it made sense and what it represented, the more things could be unearthed. Even Secretary Zhang and Director Zheng had a vague feeling that if Duan Hongxuan could be

If you thoroughly understand this point of view, you may be able to find a new path and a new direction for the school’s scientific research!

The two of them immediately became interested in this issue, and Secretary Zhang couldn't help but continue talking to Duan Hongxuan: "Classmate Duan Hongxuan, can you talk specifically about your problem of transforming science and technology into productivity?"

"Secretary Zhang, if we ask this question openly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain clearly in one or two sentences!

But I can give you a few general remarks first!"

"Oh? Then you can tell me a little bit about it first!"

"Our colleges and universities and scientific research institutes have concentrated most of the senior intellectuals and technical talents, especially colleges and universities!

But although many of our factories and mines also have some technical talents, compared with colleges and universities and scientific research institutes, there is still a big gap!

Let’s take the steel rolling mill as an example. Let’s not talk about the production of machine tools this time. Let’s talk about the problems they often encountered in the past. The machine tool is broken and we can only work dryly. Please tell grandpa and grandma and wait for the manufacturer to send maintenance personnel.

, because the steel rolling mill does not have the technical ability to repair machine tools!

This is a headache for the steel rolling mill, and it is also a practical problem that will be encountered all year round, and it will also affect the production of the steel rolling mill!

However, due to the insufficient level of technical personnel and technical reserves in the steel rolling mill, they were unable to solve this problem!

So to sum up, the steel rolling mill has actual demand for machine tool maintenance technology!

Besides, in our department, professors usually attend classes, guide students, and do projects!

Where do the project tasks come from? They are all assigned by superiors.

After the professors finish the topic, they hand it in and that's it. But what will happen after the topic is handed in? Whether it can be applied to actual production and produce actual benefits, the professors don't know and don't care!
For professors in the department, if they are asked to understand some of the machine tools often used in steel rolling mills, at least in terms of mastering professional skills, it will be easier for them than those in the technical department of steel rolling mills.

If you ask them to repair broken machine tools, it may be difficult, but if this is taken as a public relations issue, I believe that it should be possible to get it after spending a certain amount of time and energy!

To sum up, our Mechanical Department has the technical capabilities to solve the problems faced by the steel rolling mill!

But after so many years, the steel rolling mill has needs but lacks the ability, but they have never thought of asking our mechanical department for help!

Our Department of Mechanical Engineering has the ability, but there is no such demand. The professors only complete the tasks assigned by their superiors, and never think about solving specific technical problems for some factories and mining enterprises!

The steel rolling mill and our school are both in the same city. One is a production enterprise and the other is a technical research unit. The two are out of touch!

Enterprises have never thought of turning to scientific research institutions, and scientific research institutions have never considered helping enterprises solve specific technical problems, unless their superiors assign tasks!

But if the steel rolling mill can bring this problem to our department for help, allocate a certain amount of funds, and treat this problem as a topic to our department, and our department will allocate this topic, in the end it will be a win-win result.

The steel rolling mill has solved a long-standing problem that has troubled them for so many years, and in the process it has also trained its own technical staff.

And what about the professors in our department? They completed a project and received rewards, and the students they led also got exercise!

This is the benefit of combining technology with the actual needs of enterprises, and it is also the transformation of the science and technology mastered by our department into the productivity of steel rolling mills through a project!

But why doesn’t anyone do such a simple thing?"

Duan Hongxuan simply gave this example to illustrate, and did not dare to say anything else!

Speaking of this, Duan Hongxuan paused for a moment and saw that everyone was attentive and thinking seriously, and then asked Director Yang: "Uncle Yang, if your steel rolling mill pays us a sum of money, how can we

Our department has set up a project, assigned a professor, and several students to stay in your steel rolling mill. We will spend half a year to help the people in the technical department of your factory become thoroughly familiar with several commonly used machine tools, so that your technical department has its own capabilities.

You have the ability to repair these types of machine tools, but your factory needs to give you some appropriate rewards, will you do it?"

"Of course!" Director Yang's eyes shone now, "Not to mention spending some money to give some rewards, we also promise to entertain you with delicious food and drinks every day. This is a great deal for our factory.


The most important thing is that in the future we don’t have to wait and see people’s faces, and we don’t have to delay production. This is the most important thing!”

Other leaders of the steel rolling mill also nodded in agreement.

Duan Hongxuan asked Professor Ma again: "Professor Ma, if the department came up with a topic like the steel rolling mill and asked you to bring your students to the steel rolling mill to do this topic, would you be willing?"

Professor Ma smiled and said: "Of course I am willing. As long as it is a topic assigned by the department, it can be counted as my task. I will have delicious food and drink every day when I come to the steel rolling mill. Let alone me, I'm afraid our department

All the professors will rush to come!"

Duan Hongxuan spread his hands: "Secretary Zhang, Director Zheng, have you seen this? In fact, both parties have this need, but why is there a need but no one does it?"

Director Yang jumped in and said, "That's because we didn't think of it before. Now that you've reminded us, we can do it in the future!"

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Duan Hongxuan looked at the excited Director Yang and shook his head: "Uncle Yang, this is not only your problem, but also a problem for our department!

Professors in our department must have research tasks every year, and these topics are assigned by superiors!

But for your factory’s needs, even if you find our department, our department will not be able to treat your request as a serious topic and assign it for the time being!

Since it is not a formal project assignment, I am afraid that no professor is willing to take it on.

Because if I take over the matter of your factory, it will waste a lot of time of the professors, leaving them no time to complete the tasks assigned by their superiors, which will all count towards their year-end evaluation!

Since your steel rolling mill cannot become a formal topic, if any professor takes it, it will definitely affect their year-end evaluation. In this case, Professor Ma, Professor Wu, in this case, is there anyone in our department who is willing to take it?

Professor Wu and Professor Ma looked at each other, then shook their heads regretfully!

Factory Director Yang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Secretary Zhang and Director Zheng, and saw that these two people were also frowning and silent!

When Director Yang saw this situation, he understood a little bit, and his heart suddenly became cold!

Director Lei said in surprise: "The matter raised by classmate Duan Hongxuan is indeed a difficult problem!

If the problem of the project is not solved, even if the factory needs it, no one will dare to take this job privately!"

Speaking of this, Director Lei frowned and thought about it for a moment, and then regretfully said to Director Yang: "Director Yang, it seems that to solve this problem, you have to ask your steel rolling mill to apply to the ministry yourself and apply for it.

Just make it a topic and assign it to our department!"

Secretary Zhang interjected at this time: "The question raised by Duan Hongxuan is indeed a practical issue. There is a disconnect between the actual needs of scientific research institutions and factories and mines. We will consider and study this issue when we go back!

Classmate Duan Hongxuan, it seems that you are not only good at technology, but also very active in thinking. You can see the disadvantages of some problems, which is not easy!

Find a time later, and let’s talk in depth about the issue you raised about transforming science and technology into productivity!

We won’t continue the discussion here today!”

Then, Secretary Zhang turned to Director Zheng and Director Lei and said: "Director Zheng, Director Lei, do you have time tomorrow? If you have time, let's go back tomorrow afternoon to see with our own eyes whether the solar cooker of classmate Duan Hongxuan can really be used.

Can solar energy boil a pot of water?"

The two directors nodded at the same time, and Director Lei responded with a smile: "Secretary Zhang, if you don't tell me, I want to come and see it myself tomorrow!

Firstly, let’s take a look at the real effect of Duan Hongxuan’s solar cooker. Secondly, Director Yang just said that this solar cooker will be handed over to the thermos bottle factory. I also want to meet Director Yao and have a chat with him!

In any case, this solar cooker was also invented by students in our department! What do you think, Secretary Zhang!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at Director Lei with a different look!

The office director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is amazing! He made it clear in just a few words where the solar cooker belongs, and he immediately took the initiative.

It seems that Director Yao of the Thermos Bottle Factory wants to take away this solar cooker for free. It’s a little bit impossible, but he can get some blood!

Factory Director Yang was also a little embarrassed. He arranged this as a favor and wanted to use it as a bargaining chip in exchange for the ministry's permission to produce machine tools in the steel rolling mill.

Now he has to have a good talk with the leaders of the Mechanical Department again. He really doesn’t dare to offend these people in the Mechanical Department now. Later, their factory’s machine tool production will all rely on Duan Hongxuan, hoping that the Mechanical Department can provide technical support.


Alas! There are talented people in the mechanical department!

Thinking of this, Director Yang couldn't help but look at Director Lei, and then at his office director, Director Lin, who looked confused and confused!

This chapter has been completed!
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