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Chapter 400 Duan Hongxuan made his official appearance in front of ministry leaders and experts

 At the gate of the steel rolling mill, Director Yang was introducing each other to everyone, but he didn’t expect that the two experts from the department actually knew Director Zheng and Professor Wu from the Department of Mechanical Engineering!

Director Zheng greeted the two experts happily: "Lao Liu, Lao Qi, it turns out it's you!

We haven’t seen each other for a long time! Today, you two will inspect the machine tool. I, Lao Zheng, can finally feel relieved!"

Professor Wu also greeted enthusiastically: "Lao Liu, Lao Qi, hahaha, it turns out it's you!"

Liu Gong asked Professor Wu suspiciously: "Old Wu, why are you here? Could it be that the machine tool to be inspected today was built by your Shuimu University Mechanical Department with the help of the steel rolling mill?"

Professor Wu laughed proudly and said: "Hahahaha! I didn't expect it!"

"Is it really you?" Liu Gong turned to look at Qi Gong beside him, and then asked suspiciously: "Old Wu, are you of this level?

It’s not that I underestimate your Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shuimu University. In terms of the level of your department in the entire mechanical field, it’s hard to say that Lao Qi and I are willing to be inferior!

But when it comes to the field of machine tools alone, it’s not that I underestimate you, I really don’t believe you are at this level!”

Liu Gong's words immediately made the faces of Vice President Gao, Director Bai and others next to him suddenly become a bit ugly. Professor Wu saw the faces of the leaders of the same school next to him and was so angry that he blew his beard and glared: "You Liu Bangchui

, I asked you to come here today to accept the new machine tool!

Whether our department has the ability to develop new machine tools or not, we’ll tell you later after seeing the real thing. Don’t be shocked!

You, Liu Bangchui, are highly skilled in the field of machine tools, but I haven’t seen you develop a new machine tool in so many years. You still have the nerve to look down on us here! Humph!

At your level, I don't even bother to compare with you, even my students are much better than you!"

When Qi Gong saw that the two people were at odds, he quickly came out to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, Lao Liu, Lao Wu, please stop saying a few words!

But Lao Wu, Lao Liu doesn’t believe you, or I don’t believe it, can your Shuimu University Mechanical Department achieve this level?

Among all the institutions of higher learning across the country, the scientific research level of your Shuimu University Department of Mechanical Engineering is indeed at the forefront!

But when it comes to the research and development of machine tools, no university in the country can be ranked high. In this regard, our Mechanical Research Institute is truly powerful!

I am telling the truth, and I have no intention of looking down on your school or department. You, Lao Wu, should know this well!

Tell me, did your department hire any foreign aid?"

Qi Gong's words made Professor Wu look embarrassed. He looked back at Secretary Zhang and Director Zheng, and then at Duan Hongxuan who was standing on the edge of the crowd. He hesitated twice and was too embarrassed to speak.

When Liu Gong saw that he had been caught, he immediately said proudly: "Let me tell you, looking at the country, our Mechanical Research Institute is top-notch in the field of machine tools. Even our institute cannot develop new machine tools."

, let alone your Shuimu University Mechanical Department!

If you ask for foreign aid, just ask for foreign aid. What’s wrong with that!”

As soon as Liu Gong finished speaking, Secretary Zhang said, "Is this Liu Gong? I've been here for a long time and heard you bragging about how great your Mechanical Research Institute is in the field of machine tools, but I really haven't heard of it.

What research results has your Mechanical Research Institute produced in the field of machine tools? Is it because I, the secretary of the Mechanical Department, am ignorant?

Lao Zheng, have you heard of it?"

Director Zheng shook his head cooperatively: "No, I have never heard of it!

I have always heard others boast about how powerful the Mechanical Research Institute is, especially in the field of machine tools, but if you want to ask what research results they have, I have never heard of it!"

Secretary Zhang then nodded as if he had a sudden realization: "Oh! So it turns out that this powerful thing comes from your mouth!

Have we hired foreign aid for the new machine tools developed by the steel rolling mill?"

Director Zheng shook his head: "No, Secretary Zhang!

This machine tool was developed by Duan Hongxuan from the beginning to the end, but his household registration file and personnel relations are all in our Mechanical Department. He is a serious person in our Mechanical Department!"

Secretary Zhang continued to ask: "So, we didn't ask for foreign aid? Doesn't that mean that our department's scientific research level in the field of machine tools has surpassed their Mechanical Research Institute?"

Director Zheng deliberately looked uncertain and said: "Duan Hongxuan is from our mechanical department, how can he be regarded as a foreign aid!

To say that the scientific research level of our department in the field of machine tools exceeds that of the Mechanical Research Institute, I think this should be considered!

They haven't come up with a new machine tool for so many years, but Duan Hongxuan from our department has now developed a new machine tool. This should be considered to be beyond the level of their mechanical research institute, right?"

Secretary Zhang and Director Zheng sang in harmony, as if they were having a cross talk. Several leaders from the ministries and commissions nearby listened and watched the show quietly, and no one stepped forward to interrupt.

But when Liu Gong and Qi Gong heard the conversation between these two people, although their expressions were ugly, they immediately became concerned when they heard the name Duan Hongxuan mentioned.

The two of them thought about it for a long time but couldn't remember who Duan Hongxuan was, so Qi Gong couldn't help but ask Professor Wu: "Old Wu, who is Duan Hongxuan? Why do I have no impression of this person at all?"

"Hey!" Professor Wu was excited now, "Old Qi, Duan Hongxuan is a genius in our mechanical department. The two products to be inspected today were all made by him!"

"Oh?" When Qi Gong heard this, he quickly asked Professor Wu: "Old Wu, who is this Duan Hongxuan? Please introduce him to me!"

As he spoke, Qi Gong kept scanning the crowd behind him, trying to find Duan Hongxuan!

Professor Wu said meaningfully: "I partially agree with what Lao Liu said just now!

I admit that our department was really not very good in the field of machine tools before. It cannot compare with your Mechanical Research Institute, and neither can I, Old Wu! qqxsnew

But just because I can’t do it doesn’t mean that our department can’t find capable people! Why should we, Old Wu, be lucky? I’m not a good teacher, but I’m lucky to have received a talented student who can do it!

I am the only student who can compare you all!

Hongxuan, come and introduce to you our country’s experts in the field of machine tools!”

Professor Wu's words immediately caused the two ministry leaders and two experts, as well as the staff who came with the ministry leaders, to look up at the crowd behind them.

Duan Hongxuan couldn't hide behind anymore at this time, so he had no choice but to walk forward openly!

When Duan Hongxuan came out, he immediately shocked the group of people who came from the ministries and commissions. This young man is so handsome!

Before everyone had finished being surprised, Professor Wu happily introduced to everyone: "This is the little genius of our Department of Mechanical Engineering, the graduate student I just accepted this year, and the only developer of today's National Day gift product, classmate Duan Hongxuan!"
As soon as Professor Wu finished speaking, Duan Hongxuan quickly greeted everyone politely: "Minister Lu, Vice Minister Xie, Liu Gong, Qi Gong, hello!

I am Duan Hongxuan, a first-year graduate student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Shuimu University, and my supervisor is Professor Wu!"

Everyone from the ministry looked at Duan Hongxuan with their mouths wide open in surprise, and Liu Gong was even more suspicious: "Old Wu, are you kidding me?

How old is he? Are you a graduate student? Can he develop new machine tools? How high-level students can you bring out based on your skills?"

Although everyone knows that it is impossible for the Steel Rolling Plant and the Mechanical Department of Shuimu University to have such a big battle today, the handsome and immature young man in front of them is really unconvincing. It is reasonable to say that he is a high school student!

When Professor Wu heard Liu Gong's doubts, he decided not to do it anymore, "I said Liu Bangchui, so you have lived so long in vain and only have the reputation of being a machine tool expert. I haven't seen you achieve anything famous in all these years."


I will open your eyes today and give you a long experience!

To tell you the truth, my student Duan Hongxuan, who will only turn 18 next month, was admitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shuimu University this year. After just one week of classes, he applied to the department for a final assessment!

After careful investigation and research in our department and school, under the joint supervision of the school's Academic Affairs Office and our department's Academic Affairs Office, experts and professors from various disciplines were selected to conduct a four-and-a-half-day rigorous assessment. Duan Hongxuan achieved excellent results in each discipline.

Excellent results!

Later, after careful research and certification by the school, he was specially approved to graduate as an undergraduate this year and then continue his graduate studies!

It was when I took him to the steel rolling mill for research work that he repaired a malfunctioning domestic machine tool in the steel rolling mill. Finally, with the strong approval of Director Yang, he agreed to allow my students to conduct research on this machine tool.


Then, I, a talented student, not only successfully disassembled and assembled this machine tool, but also made improvements and upgrades based on this machine tool. This is how you come to inspect and certify today!

How's it going? Is this an eye-opener? Compared with a student like me, have you lived your life in vain at your age?

Don't be too surprised yet. When you see this product of my student later, you must wear your glasses securely. I'm afraid your eyeballs will fall out and your glasses will fall to the ground and break.


This chapter has been completed!
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